Alien God System

Chapter 1263: Stable triangle relationship

The situation suddenly became more subtle, and the three parties stared at each other, frowning tightly.

After a while, Lin Fei took the lead and solemnly said: "Palace Master Yang, for the sake of such a long time of friendship, I hope you will stop intervening in this matter."

"Come on, since you ruthlessly abandoned me, we have no friendship at all, huh!"

A rough breath came out of his nostrils. Yang Feng clung to Yan Yurou’s jade hand with a sharp expression, and said solemnly: “As long as I am here today, you don’t want to touch Miss Yan with a hair.

Life and death. "


The brows trembled slightly, and Lin Fei hesitated.

Yan Yurou shook her arms in resentment, broke free from Yang Feng's restraint, and cursed: "Who wants to live and die with you? You liar, deliberately led me here, and I will never again.

I don't want to see you anymore, hum! "

With that said, Yan Yurou turned around and left in strides.

Yang Feng shrugged indifferently, not caring.

Lin Fei and the others were overjoyed, and they chased forward one after another, preparing to wait for this young lady to get away from Yang Feng, and then capture them instantly.

After taking two steps, Yan Yurou found Lin Fei and the others' intentions. After turning her eyes, her face sank and she obediently returned to Yang Feng.

This can't help but make Lin Fei and the others extremely disappointed.

Damn, the lady is in the safe zone again, damn!

"Why are you back again?"

Yang Feng asked with a wicked smile.

Yan Yurou gave him a fierce look, turned her head away, and ignored him!

Yang Feng looked up to the sky and smiled dumbly, his heart trembling.

That's right. In the end, don't everyone have to follow his leadership and move on? Yan Yurou must seek his asylum if she does not want to be caught.

If Lin Fei and the others wanted to catch Yan Yurou, they had to keep up with him.

In short, the three parties have now become a very stable triangular relationship, and it is Yang Feng who decides the direction of this triangular relationship.

Lin Fei, you group of turtle grandchildren, think you can run away after unlocking the seal of Lan. In the end, didn't he come back to Lao Tzu obediently and wait for dispatch? Jie Jie Jie...

After Yang Feng gave a wicked laugh, he coughed dryly, "Well... the enemy should be settled and not be settled. Everyone is acquaintance. Why should it be difficult to spread the relationship?

stiff? Well, today I’m going to be the host, please have a meal, everyone should give me face and let go of personal grievances. Lin Fei, go, book a restaurant! "

"Huh? I'm going?"

"It's not you, should I go?" Yang Feng raised his brows and squinted at him.

Lin Fei helplessly said with a laugh: "Palace Master Yang, we just said that we have left the Yang family, why are you still..."

"What's wrong with me? Can't the command move you?"

Before he could finish his words, Yang Feng already roared directly: "If you don't want to listen to my orders and don't regard yourself as Yang's family, then you can stay away from me and don't keep getting in front of me.

But don't blame Lao Tzu for being rude! "


Lin Fei stagnated and was startled by Yang Feng's sudden anger. After taking a deep look at Yan Yurou, Cancan finally nodded and murmured: "Okay, I'll go. Palace Master Yang, you

wait a sec! "

As soon as the words fell, Lin Fei had once again acted as an errand runner and had booked a tavern.

Yang Feng rolled his eyes and sneered inwardly.

Damn, you won't be obedient if you fly solo? Want to be beautiful!

Yan Yurou looked at Yang Feng in surprise, unbelievable.

Lin Fei and these people grew up in their Yan family, they have always only obeyed the command of the patriarch, but now they are actually being commanded by this kid to run around. So obedient, how did they do it?

Yan Yurou's head is full of confusion, but how does she know that Yang Feng's heart attack is so powerful?

No matter what, the man in front of her is also the leader of the Nine Nations in the lower realm, the leader of the Holy Fire Church, and the world's largest divine stick. The entire lower realm was so fascinated by him that he

When a saint worships.

There are a few errands, how can you not be subdued by him?

As early as the first time I saw these people, Yang Feng saw through Yan Yurou that their weakness was Yan Yurou, so whether before or now, Yang Feng used Yan Yurou to make a fuss.

Lin Fei and the others are not afraid of death, and they are very responsible. They will chase where Yan Yurou goes.

So Yang Feng kept Yan Yurou hanging from them and flying kites.

It's a pity that Yan Yurou herself didn't realize this. As long as she left Yang Feng, Lin Fei and others would naturally follow her, but it was a pity that she couldn't leave.

Yang Feng is tantamount to restraining both of them, staying by his side, and doing it for him.

"Palace Master Yang, it's set, the three-story private room of the Fortune Building!"

A quarter of an hour later, Lin Fei came back from running errands, Yang Feng nodded in satisfaction, and walked towards there swayingly. Yan Yu and Lin Fei followed along.

When they were there, everyone was sitting around a table reluctantly, Yang Feng started brainwashing mode again, pouring chicken soup: "As the saying goes, there is a chance to meet thousands of miles. In this vast crowd

In the middle, everyone can know each other, that is fate. Miss Yan doesn't look like that kind of unreasonable Miss Diaoman, there must be a reason why she ran away from home. Probably long

The generation gap between generations and young people, if I have the opportunity, I will personally come to mediate the conflicts between them, Lin Fei, you should not be too persistent..."

You mediate? It's strange that our Patriarch will listen to you!

Rolling his eyes, Lin Fei and others were noncommittal, and Yan Yurou also curled his lips indifferently.

Suddenly, an extremely arrogant shout came.

"Who, dare to occupy this private room of Lao Tzu? Don't you know this is exclusively for this son?"


With a loud noise, the door was kicked open, and a handsome man in white walked in, followed by a dozen generals guarding him.


However, as soon as he stood still with one foot, he hadn't said anything yet, Yang Feng shouted, and the cold light in Lin Fei's hand flew out suddenly.

With a quick whistle, he cut the person in half directly.

With blood dripping and splashing three feet, the man fell into a pool of blood, staring wide-eyed, and staring at him. He estimated that 10,000 grass mud horses were running wildly.

Damn, you don't talk about routines!

Even if Lao Tzu is a dude, but you didn't do anything, you just started it? Give me no chance to beg for mercy? At least you ask me to do something irritating, and then

It's not too late to be a hero.

Did you kill someone as soon as they met? Grandma, a bear!


The people in the restaurant were also taken aback, screaming and messed up.

Yan Yurou looked at Yang Feng inexplicably: "You are crazy, why kill him?"

"Anyway, kill early and kill late, so it's better to be more direct and get rid of him as soon as possible. Do you still listen to his nonsense before you do it?"

With a grin, Yang Feng said earnestly: "Miss Yan, your experience in the arena is too shallow. Like this kind of routine of the second generation ancestor, basically it is first to show off and then boast.

The family, in the end, took the humiliation and slapped her face. We skipped him the first two steps and slapped him in the face directly. It's not wrong, hehehe. "

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