Alien God System

Chapter 1260: VIP?

Zi Zi Zi... Zi Huang Ling?

Yunshan's eyes were round and sharp, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

In this world, only the super-first-class family can produce tokens, unexpectedly will appear in front of him in this situation, and it is still taken out by the head of a third-rate family.

But how is this possible? Based on the humble status of this kid, how could it be related to the super-class family?

Yunshan was confused, but soon thought of something.

Lan Beast, mysterious man, and Jinling Mansion?

The story Yang Feng told him earlier, he thought at first that Yang Feng was playing with him, but if the story is true, then everything will be explained.

That was the Lan Beast indeed appeared in Jinling Mansion, and those mysterious people must have come to subdue Lan Beast's super-class family power. During the period, this kid did somehow, with that super

The first-class family has a certain relationship, which makes that super-class family become his patron.

Therefore, he overthrew the power of the Jin Family of Jinling Mansion by taking advantage of the power of the super first-class family, and became the new governor of the Jinling Mansion.

Otherwise, if he is a third-rate clan, how can he have the courage or strength to defeat the second-rate family above his head? It is even more impossible to run to Yuncheng so arrogantly,

Want to rule Jinling Mansion with your own teeth and claws.

All of it is because he has a super-class family behind him, and this huge backer supports him!


Thinking of this, Yunshan was already in a cold sweat. After twitching twice, he tremblingly retracted his palm, his attitude turned 180 degrees in an instant, and he became much more kind.


"That... Lord Yangbao..."

"What? What do you call me?" Yang Feng asked with a frown.

Yunshan hurriedly waved his hand and said with a smiling face: "No, I mean...Palace Master Yang, don't worry, Jinling Mansion will be your place in the future. The old man will immediately take care of it.

The news of the admiral informed the entire Yunzhou. Don't call Jinling Mansion anymore, it's called...Yang Family Mansion! "

"Yang Family Mansion... this name is a bit common."

Yang Feng listened to what he said, and then he thought about it carefully and said: "It's okay to call the No.1 Xiongfeng Mansion, and say without humility, my Xiongfeng is the best in the world, what do you think? Hahaha!


Uh... What a shameless name.

Yunshan was speechless as soon as his face twitched, but he was still shy and couldn't help but praise: "Good name, Palace Lord Yang is the most powerful in the world. It really deserves it. Just the old man took the liberty to ask Ha

,this is……"

Yun Shan pointed to the purple token in Yang Feng's hand, his face was full of questions.


Yang Feng grinned, and arrogantly said: "It was given by a friend and said that even if Patriarch Yun hates me again and wants to kill me again, he will give me three points when he sees this, right?"


Yunshan hesitated for a moment and smiled bitterly.

Damn, as expected, behind this kid is a super-class family. Grandma is a bear, it's not easy to start!

Seeing his helpless look, Yang Feng couldn't help but look up to the sky and laugh!

This Purple Emperor's order was borrowed from Lin Fei, and now it works well.

At the same time, on the other hand, Yunying woke up from the secluded and remote river bank, staggering towards the house with a face full of pain, 10,000 heads of grass and mud horses in her heart.


How could he have imagined that in Yuncheng, his own territory, someone would dare to beat him, and even stole his storage ring, it was daring.

Hey, you wait for me, don't let me catch it, otherwise this son must want you to look good, damn!

Yunying was cursing in her heart, and finally returned to Yun Mansion, but before entering the door, she was stopped by the two watchdogs raising their hands together.

"Bold and ugly, dare to trespass into Yun Mansion without permission and don't want to live?"


"You two dogs, who are you ugly?"

Without saying a word, Yunying slapped the two directly and said angrily.

The two of them were startled, they heard Yunying's voice, and they were immediately stunned: " are the eldest son? What happened to this? How did your face look like this? Who beat us?

I almost don't know each other! "


With an angry shout, Yunying cursed heartbreakingly: "Hurry up and call me, search the whole city, and beat the thief who dared to beat my son like this and snatched my son's storage ring.

, Dig three feet to pull out! "


They shook their bodies, and the two said in shock: "You said that the person who beat you took your storage ring? Isn't the boy who held your storage ring as a token of your acquaintance just now?


"When will I give my storage ring as a token...wait!"

Yunying yelled, but suddenly realized something, and hurriedly said: "What did you just say? Someone came to our house with my son's ring?"


The two guards nodded in embarrassment and pointed their fingers inside. Yunying clenched his fists with anger, and shouted: "Idiot, that is the culprit who dared to attack and rob my son.

Then put him in? What use do I want you two watchdogs to do? moron! "


Two more crisp noises made their cheeks swell much higher.

But they could only endure, bowing their heads aggrievedly, not daring to speak out.

"What are you doing stupidly? Hurry up and take someone with my son to take down the liar!"

Then Yunying shouted again and walked in angrily.

The two watchdogs also burst into anger, and after spitting angrily, they greeted the generals of the whole house, and went to Yang Feng to settle the accounts fiercely.

Your mother, dare to fool us?

Stinky boy, you are dead this time, I have to cut you off, huh!

However, after they rushed into the Yun family hall mightily, they saw Yang Feng, the biggest liar ever since, sitting leisurely in the guest seat and drinking tea.

On the main seat, Yunshan smiled and chatted with Yang Feng happily, treating him with courtesy of the above guests.

Yunying was furious, and roared: "Asshole thing, you are so kind. You beat Lao Tzu, grabbed Lao Tzu's ring, and dared to show up at Lao Tzu's house, looking for death! Come on, give me this

The brat win! "


As soon as the voice fell, the guards who had already been gearing up outside the door rushed in and rushed to Yang Feng terribly, but before they could do anything, Yunshan on the main seat had twin pupils.

He glared, slammed the teacup on the table, and said angrily: "Presumptuous, who made you rude to the old man's distinguished guests? Do you want to rebel?"


The body stagnated, everyone present was dumbfounded, and looked at Yunying aside inexplicably.

That... Is this person a distinguished guest or a thief, should we take him?

Can you two discuss it first, unify your opinions, and then give orders? Otherwise, we don't know who to listen to.

Yunying thought his father was bewitched by Yang Feng because of his ring, and hurriedly shouted, "Father, you have been cheated. This **** previously robbed the child's storage ring.

, You swindled and deceived our house, you must..."

"Shut up!"


However, before he finished speaking, Yunshan slapped his face directly, interrupting him...

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