Alien God System

Chapter 1241: Prison Overlord

Palace Lord, Yang Feng has been imprisoned now, but Yang Jiabao still has many of his cronies, which is a complete hidden danger and must be rooted out. "

On the other hand, seeing this foolish Palace Master actually fascinated his mind and wanted to keep Yang Feng’s disaster to attract the beauty, Wu Yong had no choice but to retreat and turn his revenge to the current Yang Feng’s lair, the Yang family. On the fort.

The Seventh Young Master ignored him, just holding two beauties with one hand on one side and two mouthfuls of incense from time to time. He smiled and said: What's the matter, a territories of a third-rate family, can it turn the sky? Don't worry about it, hahaha! "

Palace Lord, this..."

Wu Yong slapped his mouth twice, with a begging expression on his face: This Yangjiapu was originally the boundary of my Wu family, and it was Yang Feng who used conspiracy and tricks to deceive the palace lord of the upper world. Now that Yang Feng has been detained, Yang Jiabao’s group of dragons has no leader... shouldn’t it...

Knowing what he meant, the seventh son couldn't help but smile: Do you want to retake Wu Jiabao? "

Palace Lord Mingjian, as a child of the Wu family, how can he let his ancestor's inheritance fall into the hands of outsiders? Please make it happen! "

With a plop, Wu knelt down on his knees and immediately knocked the second generation ancestor three times.

The seventh son waved his hand indifferently and said: "Okay, it's OK, Wu Jiabao will give it back to you, go back and take it." "

Thank you Palace Lord, just..."

Busy to worship, Wu Yong was overjoyed, but soon he hesitated: Yang Feng has been operating in Yangjiapu for many years, and his subordinates will go back to take over. I am afraid the people below will not accept it! "

The lord of the palace, Jinkou Yuyan, dare to refuse to accept them? "

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case! "

Frowning his brows tightly, Wu Yong murmured: Palace Lord has been sitting in Jinling Mansion, maybe he doesn't know. Now those people below who are bewitched by Yang Feng, only know that he is Lord Yang Feng and Yang Bao, and I no longer know that there is a Golden Palace Lord in Jinling Mansion. "


His eyes widened, and Qi Gongzi's face instantly became gloomy: It's totally unreasonable. Now you take a group of one hundred thousand mighty troops back. I see if he recognizes me Jinling Mansion. Those who dare to refuse to accept it will directly kill Yangjiapu without any mercy. "

Yes, Palace Lord! "

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Wu Yong immediately bowed and bowed, his eyes filled with excitement.

Sima Changfeng, Ge Hong, and the nobles of the soldiers and horses, you traitors who betrayed my Wu family clan, the old man will definitely make you look good after he returns.

With a wicked smile in his heart, Wu Yong retreated with endless hatred.

A quarter of an hour later, Wu used it to go to the cell where a group of third-rate family members were held, but only to see that Yang Feng did not know what sorcery was used, and in just half a day, he trained these family leaders to follow suit. The dog is the same.

A group of patriarchs who are arrogant outside, at this moment, like children studying in a private school, lined up in a row, reading something in front of Yang Feng.

Yang Feng was squinting at them, listening quietly, nodding slightly and frowning from time to time, looking like an old gentleman.

Road to Road, very Avenue. Named, very famous..."

Very good, this moral scripture is well memorized, and it is a chicken leg! "

The great man is for the country and the people. The chivalrous person has public morality; the righteous person has private morality..."

Very good, this chivalrous theory is a good word, award root chicken legs, next! "

That...the way of chivalry is also not selfish desire, not...non...non..."

Feifeifei, your brain flies away? I couldn't memorize a chivalrous political theory of less than a thousand words. I went back and couldn't memorize it. I have no food tonight. "

Oh oh oh oh! "

Yang Feng is like a Chinese teacher who checks and recites texts, checking the homework of these family heads.

Those who pass will have the gluttonous feast brought by Yang Feng; those who fail will continue to rebuild.

A group of high-ranking officials were noble, and at this moment, for a few chicken legs, under Yang Feng's severe reprimand, they began an ideological transformation.

Wu Yong looked dumbfounded at all this.

Other family patriarchs came in to torture and suffer crimes. Why is this kid special, not only does nothing happen when he comes to the cell, he also becomes the head of the cell?

It's unreasonable!

Come here, what's the matter? Where did he get the chicken legs? Did you take advantage of him and bring him in secretly? "

Wu Yong was furious and scolded: Where is the cell boss? Get out of here. That's how you look after the prisoner? Pull this kid out for me, and start talking with fifty whips. "

Mr. Wu, we have already smoked! "

However, as soon as he had finished speaking, his nose and face were swollen, and a big face and a dish of unrecognizable face appeared in front of him, bitterly.

Wu Yong was taken aback and took a step back, thinking he had encountered a bear: You...what are you? "

Enlighten Mr. Wu, I am the head of the prison here. "

How did you change this virtue? "

Hey, don't mention it, we really can't afford to provoke him, woo woo woo! "

As soon as the matter was mentioned, the prisoner was full of grievances and said: When you put him in, did you really seal him off? "

What do you mean by this? "

This means that when we saw this grandfather a bit arrogant, he was actually sending out flyers in the jail, so we wanted to teach a lesson. As a result...look at our current face, oooooooo! "

While crying, the prisoner called the rest of the jailers with swollen nose and swollen nose, and wailed: If he hadn't been willing to go to jail and didn't want to leave, we really couldn't stop him, alas. "


Wu Yong was shocked when his body shook.

He never expected that after Yang Feng was sealed, he would still have the ability to beat the cell boss into such a miserable situation. Could it be that his cultivation was not sealed at all?

Thinking about this, Wu Yong immediately called a strong spiritualist to check the seal.

After the two opened Yang Feng's prison door and checked Yang Feng, the great spiritual master said with certainty: There is nothing wrong with the seal on his dantian, and it is absolutely impossible to release any immortal power. "

This is impossible, his cultivation base is sealed, can he still beat the cell boss like that? "Wu Yong was puzzled, and pointed to the cell boss.

The great spiritual master shook his head indifferently, and said firmly: Impossible, now he definitely can't exert any strength. If you don't believe me, let him give me a punch? "

it is good! "


As soon as the voice fell, Yang Feng fixed his head nod, and hit the bridge of the nose of the great spiritual master with a punch.

In an instant, the great spiritual master crashed back dozens of cells, buried in the rubble, and passed out.

Everyone at the scene couldn't help being dumbfounded, especially Wu Yong, who wanted to scold his mother.

Damn, this is called a seal without any problems?

His strength seems to be much higher than his own cultivation base!

But how did they know that the physical strength of Yang Feng Warrior Trumpet had reached the strength of King Wu. Even if the immortal power is not used, the big fist of the casserole is not something ordinary people can carry, let alone the crispy mage like the great spiritual master...

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