Alien God System

Chapter 1235: Turn face


Yang Feng glanced at him suspiciously and nodded clearly when he saw his stubborn expression: I see, right? Come, tell the room below to prepare a sack of tomatoes, cucumbers, and potatoes for the envoy to take away before leaving! "


With a sullen face, Special Envoy Li waved his hand hurriedly, not crying or laughing: Wait, Lord Yang Bao, you are misunderstood, Lord Palace Lord does not want this special product. "

Not which specialty is this specialty? We only have this specialty here. Let me tell you, the cucumbers, tomatoes and potatoes we grow in Yangjiabao are real organic matter, which is completely different from other places. Take it back and let the Lord Palace Master taste it, and promise that you want to eat it next time, and I will prepare it for him..."

Whoops, is your lord lacking these rotten cucumbers? Lord Yang Bao, you really don't understand, or deliberately pretend to be confused! "

The special envoy Li jumped in anxiously, and simply said straightforwardly: The main thing in our mansion is spirit stones, rare spirit soldiers, and women, beautiful women. "

what? Does he want this? "

Yes, these things have been delivered to Jinling Mansion from other places in the past six months. Only you, Yangjiabao, have not been dedicated. The Lord Palace Master is very upset. "

Given an expression that you should understand, the special envoy Li said earnestly: This is to be the master of Yang Bao, and the master thinks of your past merits and does not care about it. If it were someone else, they would have dared to miss the time of offering, they would have been ransacked and annihilated. There are many such families in the prison of that mansion now. "


Posing his lips indifferently, Yang Feng turned his head noncommittal, nonchalantly.

The special envoy Li saw that he was silent, thinking that he was tight on hand and could not get any decent treasure, and immediately smiled wickedly: Lord Yang Bao, if you can't get so many spirit stones or decent treasure soldiers for a while It doesn't matter, because of the friendship between you and the lord, the lord doesn’t care about it. The key is the beauty, you quickly select a batch in the fort and send it over. "

beauty? "

Raising his brows, Yang Feng sneered and said: Didn’t all the beauties from all the realms of the whole mansion have been sent in batches? The Lord Palace Master still feels that it is not enough. Can he support it? "

Just leave it alone, just send it. In the eyes of the lord of the palace, the beauties of these places are local specialties, and they have their own customs. You can not send others, but this must be sent, you know? "

Special Envoy Li looked at him solemnly, Yang Feng glanced at him lightly and smiled: OK, I'll send it! "

now it's right……"

I'll give your grandma a leg! "


However, Special Envoy Li's evil smile just started, but when he heard a crisp sound, Yang Feng had already rounded his slap and slapped him firmly with a big mouth.

He directly fanned the special envoy Li around, completely stunned, looked at Yang Feng's awkward eyes in disbelief, and cursed: You... how dare you defy the palace lord's will? Don't you want to live anymore? "

Go back and tell the palace lord that Lao Tzu is the lord of Yangjiapu, and everyone in Yangjiapu is Lao Tzu's people. Lao Tzu would never give anyone in the fort pleasure to the people above, so let him die. If you want to kill or cut, come to Lao Tzu. I frowned, he was not the one standing peeing, hum! "

Yang Feng patted his chest fiercely, righteously speaking.

Then Special Envoy Li looked at Yang Feng's rebellious look, almost stunned.

Who would have thought that the head of a small third-rate family would dare to resist the orders of the second-rate family? are crazy, don't regret it! "

Man, big man, dare to be daring, and regret that my last name is not Yang, huh! "

Well, you wait, you are dead, you Yangjiapu are dead, wait for the extinction. "

The special envoy Li scolded with a grim look, and then stared under Yang Feng's eyes and ran out staggered in fright, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Seeing his timid and fearful, throwing away his helmet and armor, Yang Feng couldn't help but grinned, and looked at Sima Changfeng to the side: Brother Sima, is this heroic image of me just now handsome? "

Handsome! "

Has it been photographed? "

They were all photographed with record crystals. "

With a slight smile, Sima Changfeng model took out the record crystal road from the cuff.

Yang Feng nodded happily: Brother Sima is really considerate, then hand over this video to the propaganda department, let them spread it across the boundaries of Jinling Mansion, and promote my heroic deeds. The image of a glorious and great man who did not bow to the tyrant's evil forces for the sake of the people was born, hahaha. "

Yes, Fort Lord! "

With a grin, Sima Changfeng bowed and nodded with a chuckle.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Feng spoke out of righteousness, and the great deeds of bravely defending the fort spread throughout Yangjiabao, and soon spread to other territories of Jinling Mansion.

Everyone deeply admires Yang Feng's ability to disregard the ego and stand up against the above will for the well-being of the residents in the fort.

Especially those people outside Yangjiapu, who have just come into contact with Yang Feng's chivalrous way, they still don't know what to do.

This time, Yang Feng used his actual actions to show them what is chivalry and what is righteousness, so that everyone has a deep understanding.

More people worship Yang Feng as their idol in life.

And when Yang Feng was gradually enshrining the gods among the people of Jinling Mansion, his move also immediately drew dissatisfaction from the Jinling Mansion's senior officials.


In the hall of Jinling Mansion, Yinggeyan dances, beautiful women like clouds, a porcelain cup slammed on the ground, and the dancing singers shivered with fright. They immediately dissipated and retreated.

The whole hall suddenly fell into a dead silence.

The Seventh Young Master had a gloomy face, and his eyes exuded an icy light, murmured: What did you say? Yang Feng is unwilling to present the beauties? "

Yes, Palace Lord! "

Nodding hurriedly, the special envoy Li below said in a grievance: Yang Feng was pampered and proud, and didn't look at the little one at all. That's all, he doesn't even care about you, Palace Master. What else? He is the only reason why you are today. Without him, there would be no you today. Want to be beautiful with him? You don't have the qualifications, Yang Jiapu's beauties belong to him. "

enough! "


With a roar, the seventh son kicked the table in front of him and roared: Yang Feng, he dared to speak such wild words and rebelliousness, so he should be punished. Come, send troops to this palace owner immediately, smash Yangjiapu, and smash that Yang Feng into ten thousand pieces. "

Yes, Palace Lord! "

Wait a minute! "

Hearing what he said, someone immediately took the order, but before he had time to leave, an old man hurriedly dissuaded him: Palace Lord calmed down his anger. This Yang Jiabao has the strongest force among all third-rate families. The last time the Demon Cloud Cave fought, it was obvious. This surnamed Yang dared to speak such wild words, not without confidence. If we send troops without authorization, even if we win, I am afraid that we will suffer heavy losses and shake the foundation of my Jinling Mansion. Please think twice. "

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