Alien God System

Chapter 1223: Big cleaning

Three months later, the expeditionary army from Jinling Mansion returned home.

Originally, the whole mansion happily greeted them and celebrated the triumphant return of the Lord Palace Lord, but never expected that what was waiting was the news of Jin Wudi's defeat.

Of course, this is not the most shocking news. What is even more unacceptable is that Jin Wudi actually passed the position of the palace lord to the old seven idiot before he died.

This can't help making a group of brothers and sisters of the Jin family who are both civil and military, dissatisfied. During the great funeral of Jin Wudi, they started to make trouble and wanted to oust the old Qi.

It’s a pity that, under Yang Feng’s planning, Lao Qi had already acted first, using the remaining forces of the Expeditionary Army to control the entire Jinling Mansion, and all opposition forces in one fell swoop.

Department put out.

And now he is no longer the silly little boy who only knows that he eats chicken legs and sleeps women, and he is the seventh son who is greedy for pleasure.

Under Yang Feng's guidance, he has become a tyrant with evil spirits in the silly Liba Hao, ruthless to the extreme.

In the great cleansing of the family, he was merciless and did not talk about blood relationship at all. All those who threatened him were all eliminated, brothers and sisters, uncles and elders, and all

Don't let it go.

The male kills without mercy, and the female ugly monsters also kill without mercy, and some of them are imprisoned for fun. Even the women in his father's backyard are all inherited by him now


As he said at the beginning, after he became the palace lord, all the chicken legs and women belonged to him.

But in just one month, Jinling Mansion was full of rumors, the vegetation was all soldiers, and everyone was living in deep fear. The entire power system of the Jin family was

He killed more than 90% in a series of killings, without the use of outsiders.

Yang Feng looked very pleased, but Jin Wudi, who was under Jiuquan, didn't know how he felt now.

Old Qi, you can be bad, you can be evil, but you can't be mindless.

Kill your own family, who will protect the Jinling Mansion for you, you are breaking the foundation of the Jin Family.

Jin Wudi is crying in the toilet in the underworld, but the seventh son doesn’t care so much. As long as Yang Feng is by his side, it’s enough. He trusts Yang Feng the most now, just like Qin Ershixin.

Ren Zhaogao is the same.

It is a pity that both Zhao Gao and Yang Feng wanted to borrow the hands of these two stunners to defeat themselves.

"Master Yang Bao, now in the entire Jinling Mansion, no one dares to oppose me, right?"

In the magnificent hall of the Jin family, the seventh son was surrounded by four or five young and beautiful girls. The table was full of delicious food and enjoyed the blessing of the people.

Yang Feng sat in the lower head position and smiled slightly: "The mansion is indeed peaceful now. No one dares to have the slightest heart towards the palace owner, but the other places where the emperor is high on the mountain...


"Why, other places? Where?"

His eyes sank, Qi Gongzi shouted.

Yang Feng grinned: "The patriarchs of the third-rate families are all earth emperors in their respective territories. They are very arrogant. I am afraid they may not be convinced by your new palace master. And they are treating you privately.

, Is also quite a criticism. "

"Dare they say bad things about me behind your back? What are they talking about?"

"They said that you are frantic and have no power at all to be the palace lord, but you want to be a palace lord. You are overpowered. Sooner or later, you will be dumped by the NPC and thrown into the stinking ditch.


He knocked on the table fiercely, and the seventh son was furious: "Do they dare to say that? It's totally unreasonable! Lord Yang Bao, who said these things, you tell this mansion that I will kill him.

You can't! "

"It doesn't matter who said it, the point is that they really think so."

With a long sigh of foul breath, Yang Feng sighed: "They are all overlords of one party, if one day they suddenly unite and turn around..."

Yang Feng didn't go on, but looked at Qi Gongzi's face.

Seventh Young Master's face was like black charcoal, his fists clenched tightly, and gritted his teeth: "Master Yang Bao, what do you think this mansion should do?"

"Recruit all third-rate clan family members into Jinling Mansion and monitor it on the spot. They left their lair, even if they want to turn the sky over, they don't have that ability."

"Call them all to settle in Jinling Mansion?"

The seventh son rolled his eyes: "Then who controls their land?"

"If the lord of the palace rests assured, I would like to send someone to the territories for a while."


His brows furrowed deeply, and the seventh son hesitated again.

Give all third-rate kinsmen the possessions to one person? Is this appropriate?

Although Seventh Young Master was stupid, he also heard the problem in this plan. Even if he believed in Yang Feng, he couldn't let him command more than one hundred families in the whole government.

But soon, Yang Feng's next sentence dispelled this fool's worries, or that the fool had completely forgotten the political layout of Jinling Mansion.

"Palace Master, there are a lot of beautiful women in each clan family. If all of them are invited to Jinling Mansion, you will surely be able to feast your eyes on the Lord Mansion. You can read the best quality in the whole house without leaving home.

Beauty. "


"Of course, think about it. In the boundaries of more than one hundred third-rate families, who is the first to get the most beautiful beauties? Isn't it the clan aristocrats? They married beautiful women and gave birth to them.

His daughter must also be a beautiful fairy, which is determined by heredity. "

A wicked smile crossed the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng raised his hand and scanned the beauties behind the Seventh Young Master, bewitching: "Palace Lord, compared to that forest, you are just a pool of weeds.

Already. Isn’t it enough for you to guard this pool of weeds all your life, don’t you go to see the dense forest? After all, this entire forest belongs to your old man, the lord.

It would be a shame to meet in person. "

The pupils flicked, the seventh son's eyes were filled with fiery sex, and finally he nodded his head and laughed and said, "Okay, just as Lord Yang Bao said, call all the clan families in the whole house.

, All settle in my house. Those territories are temporarily taken over by Master Yang Bao, hahaha! "

"Yes, Lord Palace!"

With a slight nod, Yang Feng got up to leave: "Then I will pass the order for you now."

"Well, also, take these back and enjoy it slowly, this is for you!"

Xin smiled and nodded. The seventh son violently waved his hand, and the beautiful women behind him came to Yang Feng, stroking his chest and back, and seduce him.


Yang Feng was taken aback: "Palace Lord, this is..."

"gave it to you!"

"How embarrassing is this, isn't this the palace lord's woman?"

"What's the matter? I will have a forest soon. What do I need these weeds to do? I'll give it to you!" The seventh son waved his hand readily.

Yang Feng scratched his head embarrassedly: "Thank you Palace Master for your kindness, but..."

"Don't refuse. If you refuse, you just look down on me. I told you a long time ago that when I become the lord of the palace, we will eat with chicken legs and we will sleep with women. Now I have slept.

,It's your turn. "

Seventh Young Master's eyes were firm, even a bit domineering.

Yang Feng smiled and shook his head, thinking that if he didn't do what he meant, he might be unhappy.

If a tyrant is unhappy, what can't he do?

Although I am not afraid of him, there is no need to have more branches.

So he hugged his fist to the seventh son, and readily accepted.

It's just that he had just walked out of the palace lord's mansion with a few beauties in his arms, and he hadn't gotten in his car at this moment, second only to the palace lord's car in the entire Jinling Mansion.


Suddenly, a green wind blew across, and the beauties all stagnated and fell to the ground very painfully, their whole body turned black, and they turned into pus without a moment's notice.

There is no burial place...

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