Alien God System

Chapter 1216: Meet


Qin Shanhai was taken aback for a moment, and said with suspicion: You mean...this information was revealed by Yanhuo Palace? "

Nonsense, I have seen with my own eyes, the people in Yanhuo Palace told Jin Wudi the information 1510, for fear that he would not understand, damn! "

A rough breath came out of Yang Feng's nostrils, and Qin Shanhai's expression instantly became gloomy: Yanhuo Palace, as expected, is not worthy of trust. "

Why, do you still have a cooperative relationship with Yanhuo Palace? "

This is not for us to cooperate, but for it to find the door on its own. "

After a long sigh, Qin Shanhai solemnly said: I don't know where they heard that the Lan Beast is with us, so when we are about to go to war, they come to the sky to ask for prices, to cooperate with us to fight the enemy, and to divide the Lan Beast equally afterwards. After all, Yanhuo Palace is a second-rate demon sect with the same strength as ours. At this point of view, we did not want to suffer from the enemy, so we agreed. But I never expected that they would actually give us this hand, double-handedly! "

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng understood, and his face quickly became gloomy: The good ambush plan was defeated by them, and they must not be treated in vain. Who is their leader, take me to find them afterwards! "

The palace lord of their Yanhuo Palace didn't come this time, it was their new saint who came to take the lead, named Chi Yan Yao Ji! This woman is naturally charming and charming, and her heart is like a poisonous scorpion. In just half a year, she was already a well-known female devil in the magic way. Even my mother, the Lord of the Demon Cloud Cave, dare not look down upon her! "

His complexion became solemn, and Qin Shanhai murmured: This woman's wrist is very clever, and she dug a lot of the feet of the second-rate magic door, which more than doubled the territory of Yanhuo Palace in a short time. It looks like..."

Having said that, Qin Shanhai glanced at Yang Feng and stopped talking.

Yang Feng was surprised and asked: What is it like? "

Just like the female version of you, I have never suffered a shot! "

Ok? like me? "

With a raised eyebrow, Yang Feng immediately smiled: This is a good daring, if you meet your opponent, you will meet Liangcai. I will meet her to see what she has, hum. "

Brother Yang, you have to be careful. Maybe this Red Flame Demon Fairy is not very strong, but the day she was born with Mei Bone, the man was really sad to pass in front of her, especially you..."

What's wrong with me? Am i pretty? "

Glancing at him obliquely, Yang Feng said with a stern look: It's not that I want to pass through the tens of thousands of flowers, but the butterfly is flying at me. Could it be that my title of female assassin is an understatement? I'm going to see, what is born with melancholy, is I bowed to her pomegranate skirt, or she surrendered to my Hong Kong feet, hum. "


Qin Shanhai and the others shook their heads and laughed.

Then after thinking for a while, he took him to the secret transmission channel and returned directly to the headquarters of the Demon Cloud Cave.

After all, Yanhuo Palace actually betrayed the alliance agreement. This matter is extraordinary and must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise the trouble will be even greater.

Let Yang Feng directly confront the Chi Yan Demon Fairy and distinguish between right and wrong. They must not let these spies run wild again.

As for Yang Jiabao's flying spirit weapon, it still stayed in the sky of the valley of the mist.

The seventh son shrank into a ball inside, shaking with fright, thinking he was still fighting outside.

An hour later, Qin Shanhai took Yang Feng to the headquarters of the Demon Cloud Grotto, and walked along the dark and narrow passage to the top, which was a conference room full of controversy.

Jellyfish Yin Ji, now everyone is in an alliance relationship, you should also let us see Lan Beast, right? "

Lan beasts are fierce, inconvenient to watch! "

This is why you are unethical. We have already worked hard, but you don't even show us the shadow of Lan Beast. Is this your attitude towards allied comrades? "


Inside, the Chiyan Demon Fairy was chattering tightly.

Outside the door, Qin Shanhai got angry and pushed the door immediately, cursing: Chiyan Demon Girl, you have revealed our magic cloud cave's strategic plan to Jin Wudi, and you have to join hands with him to deal with our magic cloud cave and expand the territory. , Is it the attitude toward the alliance and comrades? "

what? Seriously? "

She shook her body, when the jellyfish Yin Ji heard this, she also glared at Demon Chi Yan: Chi Yan, what my son just said, is it true? "

Her eyes narrowed slightly, Chi Yan Demon Fairy sneered, and said with disdain: nonsense, is there evidence? "

My friend saw it with his own eyes and heard it with his own ears. You sent someone to inform Jin Wudi. "

Who is your friend? Is it credible? Let him stand up and confront him. Otherwise, you are slandering, our Yanhuo Palace will not let go, hum! "

A sharp light flashed in her eyes, and the Chi Yan Demon Fairy smiled coldly, very strong.

The jellyfish Yin Ji frowned slightly, her heart tightened unconsciously, and she turned her head to look at Qin Shanhai with some anxiety.

If this matter is misunderstood, it is not worth the gain to have a fight with Yanhuo Palace for this!

What a bluff, do you think you can turn black and white with intimidation? "

Suddenly, a contemptuous sneer suddenly sounded.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and Qi Qi looked in the direction of the voice, especially the Red Flame Demon Fairy, and shouted: Who dare to be so presumptuous? "

I, that friend of Brother Shanhai, is also a witness of your betrayal of the covenant. Don't you want to confront me? I'm coming! "

Shaking the folding fan lightly, Yang Feng stepped in eight steps and walked in proudly.

With his nostrils facing the sky, I look like the best in the world.

When everyone saw this, they were stunned. Who is this master, so fucking? It's just like the dude of the Jin family who is arrogant in Jinling Mansion.

Only the Scarlet Flame Demon Fairy looked at this familiar figure, suddenly stagnating, and tears burst into her eyes.

Master, I finally found you!

It's just me now, can you still recognize me?

Thump thump...

The heart of Demon Chi Yan was pounding like a deer. She was always pretentious, but she blushed suddenly only when she saw Yang Feng.

Fortunately, she wore a red veil all over her body and was wearing a red scarf. People did not notice.

Otherwise, you have to drop your eyes!

Once upon a time, this lofty saint could see a stinky man in his eyes?

Yang Feng swaggered in, originally to spot the traitors in the alliance, but when he saw this slender figure, slender legs, and a pair of smart eyes, even if the opponent was covered with a veil, he still couldn't tell. Vulgar appearance.

With a groan, Yang Feng swallowed and couldn't help being stunned.

However, after hesitating for a while, Yang Feng turned his head and stopped seeing her, just slandering from the bottom of his heart.

Shanhai is right, this is really a natural fascination, if it hadn't been for Lao Tzu who had already gone through a lot of battles, this one might have fallen.


But his cramped moment was just caught by the Red Flame Demon Fairy.

A look of abuse flashed in her eyes, and the Chi Yan Demon Fairy smiled sweetly.

Master, you finally see me in your eyes, ha ha ha...

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