Alien God System

Chapter 1214: Abandoned child

After another seven days, the expedition fleet of Jinling Mansion finally came to the place of Mingwu Valley like the information provided by the dark shadow.

But the people in Jinling Mansion didn't come here on their own initiative, but in these seven days, countless Mo Dao Xiaos from the Demon Cloud Cave came out to stop them, fought and retreated, and they chased here.

On the surface, they have been victorious during this period of time, without any disadvantage. Those demons were simply vulnerable.

But Jin Wudi, who had already understood everything, understood that this was the other party's trick to lure the enemy, and after all, he would fight the Netherwu Valley.

If they continue to pursue the victory as before, they will fall into the trap of the opponent, and there will be no place to die.

I have to sigh that this person who designed this plan is really unpredictable and patient and calm. It actually took seven days to lose thousands of troops to make bait and lure the enemy into the urn.

If it hadn't known the key in advance, Jin Wudi might have gotten in without hesitation this time.

Good risk, good risk!

Jin Wudi groaned in his heart, a spy hurried in, and bowed and said: Master Qi, the defeated Demon Dao thieves have escaped into the valley of the mist three miles ahead, do you want to pursue them? "

Call Lord Yang Bao! "

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Jin Wudi showed an evil smile, and the time had finally come to kill with a knife.

In a short while, Yang Feng walked in, knowing his heart, and solemnly clasped his fist to Jin Wudi: Lord Palace, what is your order? "

Yang Feng, there is a good thing, give you a chance to do meritorious service. "

Yang Tian laughed, Jin Wudi patted Yang Feng's shoulder very enthusiastically and said: Now the group of Mo Dao Xiao Xiao who lost his helmet and armor, has already collapsed and fled into the valley of the mist ahead. You take people to wipe them out, I remember you a great achievement. This is a pie in the sky. Think about it, now they have no combat power. If you go, it is like picking up a dead mouse. I only leave it to the person I trust the most. Others want to pick up the bargain. I won't let him do it, do you understand? "

Oh, Palace Master is taking care of me, thank you Palace Master for his kindness, hehehe. "

Now that you understand, let's go! "

I dont go! "


From the beginning to the end, Yang Feng looked ecstatic and made contributions, but in the end he refused decisively. Jin Wudi was taken aback, and he didn't know why.

This is a good thing. I don't want to give it to others, you know? "

know! "

Know why you don't go? A fuss for nothing! "

Alas, my lord, just because I know, I can’t go! "

Yang Feng let out a long sigh, and said sincerely: Whenever he thinks of the Palace Master’s kindness to Yang’s cultivation, Yang Feng is grateful and does not know how to return it. Especially this time, the palace lord actually gave me this good deed of picking up the bargain, but the erlangs who did not give it to you, Yang Feng is really ashamed. "

Since the first and third sons died for no reason, the few sons have thought about accumulating more political capital every day in order to inherit the rule of the palace. Several ladies also often talk to me, asking me to help some of the sons to make more practical merits, so that they will be able to inherit the position of the Jin family in the future. Now, with such a good military exploit and political capital in front of me, how can I go to do it alone? I should let a few princes go and take the exploits! "


Yang Feng said that he was sincere, and looked like a loyal minister and good general, but Jin Wudi heard it, but his entire old face sank.

Oh, ah, Yang Feng, you bastard, this is to push the old man's son into the fire pit to die!

So what? You want me to go to the pit, but you are not allowed to kick your sons down?

As if hearing Jin Wudi's heartfelt voice, Yang Feng smiled coldly and murmured under his heart.

Taking a deep breath, Jin Wudi stared at him tightly and kept silent. After a few moments, he nodded and said with a touch of emotion: Yang Feng, you are really interested. I never thought you were so loyal to our Jin family. dedicated. Well, I will let Lao Qi go with you, and you will get half the credit for this! "

Seventh son? "

Yes, the boss and the third are dead, and the seventh I covet high hopes, hoping that he can take charge of the Jinfu Great Seal in the future. It would be great for him to gain some military exploits and accumulate high-level capital this time, otherwise he would have no achievements and it would be difficult to convince the crowd! "

Jin Wudi took a long sigh and shouted loudly: Come here, call Seventh Master! "

Yes, Palace Lord! "

The subordinate bowed and bowed, and immediately took the order. After a while, a fat man with a fat brain and a greasy mouth, as fat as a pig, came over, eating chicken legs and smiling stupidly: Dad, you Are you looking for me? "

This is the seventh son? "

With a twitching face, Yang Feng couldn't help gritting his teeth.

Damn, don't tell me you really intend to pass on your family business to this guy. He is not as good as the third child. I guess he can't even do a good job as a villain. He is obviously a waste of eating and drinking!

You are an abandoned son, you want him to die with me.

Tsk tsk, in order to make me jump into the pit, you have worked hard.

Yang Feng sighed, but Jin Wudi nodded with a smile on his face: Yes, this is my seventh son, how about? "

Seventh Young Master is indeed a talented person, among the dragons and phoenixes, there is the style of the father. I believe that in the future, if you take charge of Jinling Mansion, you will definitely be better than blue. The Lord Palace Master has really good vision. Give the future of Jinling Mansion to the Seventh Young Master, that's right! "

Yang Feng's heart was trembling, and he almost didn't pop out of his throat.

For so many years, he said so many things against his heart, but Yang Feng has never violated his heart like today, and his conscience is about to explode.

Jin Wudi couldn't help twitching his face as he listened to his flattery, feeling speechless.

For so many years, after listening to so many flattering bullshit, it is the most fake today. Especially when Yang Feng said that it was quite a father-in-law, Jin Wudi couldn't wait to go up and beat him up, and beat him to death.

What is this fool like me? Why is it quite like a father? You are purely humiliating me!

I don't know if this **** was born with his mother, or if his mother committed adultery with someone else. Anyway, there is no trace of Laozi, fuck!

Yang Feng and Jin Wudi were just so vain and polite, but they both knew it was a fake, but the Seventh Master took it seriously.

As soon as he heard that his father was going to pass the position of the palace lord of Jinling Mansion to him, he was so happy that he jumped three feet high: That’s great, I’m the next palace lord, my dad passed the seat. Give it to me, I will have countless chicken drumsticks and women in the future, hahaha! "

Wow, the more I look, the more I look like a fool. Lao Jin, why bother, in order to make me jump into the pit, tell such lies, you think I will believe it? Which pig head's brain is so funny that he would choose such a product from a group of sons to be the heir?

Whether you believe it or not, you have to believe it. Let this kid go with you, I'm upset!

Yang Feng and Jin Wudi looked at each other, both silently and tacitly...

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