Alien God System

Chapter 1204: Reluctant

Taking a deep breath, the jellyfish Yin Ji's chest rose and fell slightly, and finally, under this pressure, she said leisurely: "The saint of Flame Palace, what do you want to say?"

"It's nothing, we just heard some wind, so let's verify it."

A strange glow flashed in her eyes, and the Chiyan Demon Fairy shouted: "A year ago, Moyun Cave sent a large number of masters to raid a third-rate family under the Jinling Mansion, Wu Jiabao.

The castle lord was killed, and the grandmaster of Jinling Mansion who was going to inspect, Jin Daoling was buried there forever, causing a sensation in the entire Demon Dao Sect. Everyone said that this is the complete peace of Moyun Cave

Jinling Mansion has started a war, but why do you want to vent your anger with that border area? Could it be that it was discovered that Jin Daoling was going to go there, and it was impossible to ambush it? "

Without speaking, the jellyfish Yin Ji was silent.

Demon Chi Yan stared at her tightly, and said with a treacherous smile: "Dangtang Demon Cloud Cave, shouldn't you be so excited to kill the other's heir, right? You don't have so much hatred with him.

, There is only one reason. It's not a vendetta, but for profit, do I need to continue talking? "

"The rest of you, all go out!"

At this time, the jellyfish Yin Ji finally spoke.

When everyone heard it, they were taken aback for a moment, then bowed and bowed, and retreated very obediently.

After only the Red Flame Demon Fairy and Demon Cloud Cave's own people were left here, the jellyfish Yin Ji coldly said, "What are you trying to say?"

"If you don't talk secretly in front of the Mingren, is the Lan Beast, one of the Heavenly Seven Spirit Elements, here with you?" Chi Yan Demon Fairy said straightforwardly.

The jellyfish Yin Ji did not speak, and after thinking it over for a long time, she muttered: "What if you are? What if you are not?"

"If you are here, our palace lord has a proposal to share this Lan Beast, and we work together to fight against Jinling Mansion!"

"Huh, idiotic dreams!"

With a cold smile, the jellyfish Yin Ji is noncommittal.

Demon Chi Yan stared at her tightly, and soon grinned and said, "If Palace Master Qin doesn’t agree, then I’m sorry, your Demon Cloud Cave is not just one enemy, but two

. As for who will belong to the Lan Beast in the end, it's up to everyone's fate. "

"Dare you threaten me?"

"It's not a threat, it's the situation!"

With evil spirits in her eyes, the Red Flame Demon Ji pressed forward step by step: "We must cooperate, become an ally, and fight against the enemy. Or become the enemy, beset on all sides, choose your own choice, hum."

The fist couldn't stop tightening, the jellyfish Yin Ji lowered her head and thought, after a while, she nodded slightly and said: "Okay, just as your palace owner said, work together and share the benefits."

"A person who knows the current affairs is a great master, Palace Master Qin, I believe we will cooperate happily, goodbye, hahaha!"

Respectfully clasped his fists, the Red Flame Demon Fairy turned and flew out with a series of silver bell-like smiles.

After she flew away, the maid beside Yin Ji, the jellyfish, said with a solemn expression: "Palace Master, Lan Beast is not with us at all. Why do we cooperate with them in Flame Palace?"

"I said not, do you think they will believe it?"

Long sighed and shook her head, the jellyfish Yin Ji murmured: "Now a big battle is coming. It is better to have one more friend than one more enemy. When we finish dealing with Jinling Mansion, let's talk to that again.

Yanhuo Palace negotiate. Anyway, I want my mother to die, and I want a beast? Let them find that Yangjiapu by themselves. "


Her mind was stagnant, and the maid stopped talking, but when she thought of Qin Shanhai, who is still trapped in Yangjiapu, she immediately said with a worried expression: "I don’t know if the son is now a hostage in Yangjiapu.

How, did Sister Heiying take good care of the son? Is that sinister Yang Feng criticizing him? Oh, it's really worrying. "

"Isn't it? My mother is worried, let alone being taken hostage. Shanhai, you have suffered there!"

The jellyfish Yin Ji's body trembled slightly, she raised her hand into the veil and wiped it twice, as if she was wiping tears.

The maid on the side met and hurriedly comforted.

However, what they would never expect is...

"Friends walk together for life, those days no longer have..."

In the main mansion of Yangjiabao Fort, before Qin Shanhai left, Yang Feng specially organized a farewell party for him. A group of good buddies unscrupulously hooked their shoulders in the hall, singing songs, don’t mention it.

How lively.

Qin Shanhai and Yang Feng toasted and drank, laughing and laughing, while Black Oriole was speechless while watching.

Son, you are addicted to being a hostage in this Yangjiapu, and you won't return home if you let you go home. The Lord of the Palace is still waiting for you anxiously.

Alas, I'm so happy!

Linglong and Wan Zining kept carrying the steaming dishes and large jars of fine wine to this place, and they quickly merged into the laughter.

It's just that their daughter's house is always difficult to drink with the big men, so she took the black warbler and started drinking together.

"I don't drink, I don't drink, I'll have to hurry up in a while. Really, don't drink... gurgle!"

Black Oriole refused at first, but soon, this female assassin who always had a cold face and black face on weekdays quickly became drunk and mad.

"Ten altars again, I want to hit ten, do it, hahaha..."

The air was filled with joy and excitement, and a group of young men and women wielded the beauty of youth wantonly.

In the drunkenness, Yang Feng seemed to see the familiar face again, and he was close in front of him, and he couldn't help but raised his hand and stroked it: "Yu Chan, are you back?"

At the same time, Yan Yurou heard that there was a place called a library. She was curious and came to see her, but she was directly blocked by the door.

If you are not a member of this castle, you are not allowed to enter.

There is no way, Yan Yurou also knows that Yang Jiabao's rules are strict, and even the owner of the castle sets an example and must not violate them. The people below naturally fulfill their duties.

And this is where Yan Yurou admires Yang Jiapu the most.

Therefore, she adopted a roundabout policy and took out a large amount of spiritual stones to invest in Yangjiapu’s shops, and solved the employment problem of more than 100 people.

Some civilian identity cards are gone.

For this brand, although it was only for civilians, in her heart, it was much more valuable than the Purple Emperor's Order of the super-class family.

After all, even the Purple Emperor's order, in her capacity, can do it in one sentence, whoever wants to do it, and whoever does it do it.

But this Yang Jiabao's identity card must be obtained according to the rules, and the rank and power of the spirit world is not easy to use at all.

Rules are above everything!

This also makes the gold content of Yangjiabao's identity card extremely precious, and not everyone can get it.

With this brand-new brand, Yan Yurou smoothly entered the library, but the jade slips were not rare, but focused on Yang Feng's autographs.

"Yangjiapu Code of Conduct", "On the Self-cultivation of a Citizen", "Whose Hands Are the World in", "Yang Feng Quotations", etc...

Yan Yurou stared intently, the more she looked at her, the more she was amazed. In her opinion, many of Yang Feng's theories of governance have opened the door to a new world that she has never heard of before.


This can't help making her heart throb with excitement.

I didn't see it, this Lord Yang Bao is really a talent...

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