Alien God System

Chapter 1200: Purple Emperor Order

A Xing's return caused a lot of talk in the car, and the roller coaster gradually disappeared into the distant clouds.

Half a month later, in front of the gate of Yang Jiabao, a slender figure came over. It was not someone else, it was Yan Yurou no doubt.

Looking at this arched gate imitating the ancient Roman style, Yan Yurou couldn't help being surprised: "Hey, although it is only a small town of a third-rate family, the shape of this gate is quite unique.

, Completely different from other places. "

"Girl, what can I do for you?"

At this time, the guard at the gate of the city stepped forward and saluted her respectfully.

Yan Yurou was taken aback for a moment, and then curled her lips with contempt.

It is estimated that this guard was so diligent when he saw his silk and satin and guessed that he was a nobleman. I’ve run so many places in the spiritual world, like this flattering person, she sees

too much.

With a sneer in his heart, Yan Yurou said lightly: "I want to enter the city."

"Oh, please show your ID badge."

"Okay, here!"

Yan Yurou raised her hand and touched her storage ring, but after a little hesitation, she took out the identity card and handed it over.

The guard took it, and was stunned: "Civilian?"

Look, the dog looked at the lowly human things, and when he saw the civilian identity card, his attitude immediately changed.

Yan Yurou shook her head contemptuously.

In fact, there are many different identity cards in her ring, common people, nobles, and even clan family members, first-rate, second-rate, third-rate, whichever she wants to use.

Just seeing how attentive the guard was, she wanted to tease the other person to see what virtue he was after seeing his civilian identity card.

If he dared to be rude to himself, then he would take out the identity card of that first-rate clan family again, scare him to death, hum.

Yan Yurou was cold on the outside, but she was a little mischievous in her heart.

However, what she never expected was that the guard was only slightly delayed, and she seemed a little surprised that the daughter of the civilian family was able to dress so gorgeous, and then recovered.

After paying a respectful smile, he returned the identity card back.

"Girl, please come in, welcome to our Yangjiapu."


At this moment, Yan Yurou was stunned.

In her impression, aren't these dog-legs who watch the gates of the city all flattering and bullying? When is it so easy to talk?

"Hey, I'm a civilian!"

"I know, I have seen your ID card, please come in!" The guard bowed slightly and smiled.

Yan Yurou scratched her head suspiciously, and walked forward, but when she passed in front of him, she suddenly smiled, raised her hand and threw a piece of spirit stone and said: "You are not bad, you are rewarded.

! "

"Girl, please take it back."

However, before she had time to take her legs and leave, the guard solemnly returned the spirit stone back and reprimanded: "You are insulting my dignity, please.

Don't do this anymore. "

"Hey, you are stupid, this girl rewarded you, don't you take it?"

"Our castle owner has rules. Public servants cannot take other people's things casually. This is bribery and must be severely punished. If the girl thinks my service attitude is OK, just come here.

Just give me a five-star praise. "

With that said, the guard brought Yan Yurou to the scoring Lingjing in front of the city gate and pressed his handprint.

The guard glanced at her gratefully, then saluted her again.

Yan Yurou was dumbfounded, what is this operation?

Why is the guard here different from the guards in other places?

Scratching her head, Yan Yurou walked in with a dazed expression, but she suddenly shook her body and was completely stunned by the sight in front of her.

There are tall buildings everywhere, Qionglou Yuyu, and the streets are in order. In the middle is a Array Spirit Crystal with red, yellow and green colors constantly changing on it, and the surrounding frame

Pass with pedestrians in an orderly manner, without any clutter.

And the people here seem to be very amiable, dressed in brocade clothes, and at first glance a crowd of nobles. Walking on the street, they will take the initiative to greet the commoners who do coolies.

And those civilians didn't bow to their knees just because the other party was a nobleman. Instead, they nodded as if they were equal.

This is totally different from the environment of the entire spiritual world.

Yan Yurou couldn't help being stunned looking at all this.

Is this a paradise?

"Girl, you're from a foreign city, do you need any help?" At this moment, a 60-70-year-old woman came over and watched that she had been stunned and couldn't help but care.

Yan Yurou was speechless, just pointing at all this.

The old woman understood when she saw it, and smiled: "It’s all thanks to our wise master Yang Bao, who abolished the fourth-class class system and advocated equality for all. He also set up a chivalrous monument as a whole

People's code of conduct. And this norm is for everyone, even himself. Because of this, it makes people convinced that it is different from the outside world

A place like heaven. "

"Chivalrous monument?"

"Yes, right there!"

With that, the old woman pointed to the center of the city. There, a huge sculpture of a hundred meters high stood with a sword, towering into the clouds, like a mighty warrior.

At his feet, one to the left and one to the right, the two chivalrous monuments exude a dazzling light.

Yan Yurou stepped forward, took a look at the entries on the two tablets, and then looked at the unseen sculpture and said, "Is this just..."

"Yes, this is Lord Yangbao, the creator of Yangjiabao. Without him, there would be no current Yangjiabao. All the people in the fort admire his old man very much, so he built this statue for him.

The idol will always remember his instruction. Chivalry is public virtue, righteousness is private virtue. Only with chivalry in mind can this world become a paradise for all of us. "

The old woman said excitedly, with a little light in her eyes, that is the power of faith.

Yan Yurou took a deep look at her. She had never seen anyone in the spirit world have such a dazzling light in their eyes. Then she looked at this stalwart image and suddenly couldn't help sighing: "I didn't think about it.

In this muddy world, there can still be such a heroic figure. I really want to see it, although only a third-rate Patriarch. "


Suddenly, there was a loud noise and a thunderstorm burst, and the upper body of the huge sculpture was instantly split into pieces and fell down.

Yan Yurou was startled, and immediately ran away with the old woman.

But just as he stabilized his figure, he saw familiar figures from above the nine heavens falling down, and it was the guards in the house who had caught up again.

The person at the head was the little white-faced brother: "Miss, I finally found you again, come back with us."


Yan Yurou's complexion tightened, and just about to scold him, the commander of a group of soldiers and horses had already heard the movement, and they gathered around and shouted: "Who dares to make trouble in our Yangjiapu?


"Go away, it has nothing to do with you!"

With a cold shout, the person in charge took out a purple jade token.

As soon as Zhou Afu, who had brought people, saw him, his eyes almost didn't stand out: "Purple Emperor, super first-class family?"

What, a super family?

Hearing his horror, everyone around was also shocked, showing horror...

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