Alien God System

Chapter 1195: coma

how is this possible?

The head of the person was shocked and dumbfounded.

Maybe others don't know what they are wearing, but they themselves know quite well that these are all Ninth-Rank Spirit Soldiers.

In the entire spirit world, it can be regarded as sophisticated offensive and defensive equipment.

Even if they encounter a strong person with the same cultivation level, they can easily win with their own high-level techniques and equipment far surpassing ordinary cultivation.

But today, he was unloaded by this kid casually.

This kid...what is sacred?

How could it appear on the site of a second-rate family where birds do not shit?


Swallowing hard, the forehead is already exuding fine cold sweat. The other naked men whose turtle shells were easily peeled off by Yang Feng also quickly understood the gap between the two sides. They were busy covering their important parts with their hands, trembling, and backing back again and again.

Yang Feng glanced at them coldly and yelled: Hearing the tone of your words just now, it seems that they are under my old husband. Lao Tzu warns you, just because of the face of my old man, Lao Tzu shows mercy to your men. If you dare to be rude to my wife, hum! "


Yang Feng raised his hand and pointed towards Jiutian, a red haze blasted straight into the sky, exploded, and instantly opened a white void in the sky.

There was nothing inside, and even the spatial channels disappeared.

The pupils couldn't stop shrinking fiercely, and those people were stunned, almost not scared to pee.

Such terrifying strength, even if placed in the hands of the masters of the super first-class family, is rare. Who is this mysterious man who emerged from nowhere?

Everyone's expressions were very ugly, and the look in Yang Feng's eyes was full of deep fear.

However, they were ordered to find the young lady, but the young lady fell into the hands of such an unidentified man. They would definitely not be able to explain it when they returned.

So the man in the head hesitated for a long time, then he bit his head and hugged his fists and said: This son, you must be a distinguished family from a super-class family. That is our lady, please return it to us, nine..."

She is still my wife, so why should I return it to you? "

However, before the man had finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yang Feng.

Upon hearing this, the man drooped his face and almost cried.

Damn, dare to feel that this kid is a hooligan, just grab their young lady and recognize his wife. The point is, this rogue is too strong, they can't beat it.

After taking a long breath, the man solemnly said again: This prince must not make a joke. My lady hasn't come out of the cabinet, how can she become your wife? I hope the son said carefully! "

I'm careful to say a fart! "

He almost didn't spit on his face, Yang Feng righteously said: My wife and I got married early when we were in the lower realm. Even if my husband was not present at the time, we couldn't deny the established marriage relationship between us. Lao Tzu was married by a Ming match. "

what? Get married in the Nether? No... listen to me..."

You don't need to say anything, I know it! "

The man thought for a while, and felt strange. As soon as he was about to explain, Yang Feng waved his hand and stopped again: My old husband didn’t like me, not because he was beaten by me after drinking when he went to find me. Pause? What does that matter? If he is upset, he can be beaten back, I promise not to fight back. From the perspective of my wife, can I still care about that old man? But the old guy was so unreliable that he abducted my wife. Now that my wife is back, how can I let her be taken back to her natal home by you? "


The mind was stagnant, and everyone looked at each other, inexplicably.

The leader of the general was even more dumbfounded: Son, I think you must have misunderstood, my lady grew up in the spirit world and has never left the palace..."

Pull it down, she has never been out of the mansion, I can meet her here, you can't even make up nonsense. "

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng immediately asked: Besides, let me ask you, why does your lady run? "

This one……

After hesitating a little, the man said sternly: I am sorry that this is a housework in my house, and it is inconvenient to tell. "

If you are inconvenient to tell, I will tell you! "

Glancing at them, Yang Feng sternly shouted: That's because my wife missed me as a husband, so she ran out of the house to see me, but my husband had to stop him and beat the mandarin ducks, so he sent you dogs to catch my wife and go back. ,right? "

Son, I think you think too much. "

Is it because I think too much? Just ask my wife. "

With a sneer, Yang Feng looked back at the woman and said: Hey, ma'am, if your husband was right, tell them. Don't worry, now you are coming to the spiritual world for your husband, and if you have a husband to support you, you don't have to be afraid of anything. Your father is in front of his husband, he is a younger brother, hum. "

Without speaking, the woman was already awake.

Yang Feng was taken aback, and then called out: Madam, what's the matter with you, wake up? Are you too tired? Or were you hurt by them? "

That...Miss, she was entangled in the mist, fell into a coma, and couldn't wake up. "The leader took a look and said.

Yang Feng frowned: Entangled by the fog? What do you mean? "

In the soul-absorbing orb that was used just now, there was fog energy, one of the heavenly seven spirit elements. Once hit, the primordial spirit will gradually fall into the mist, and will not wake up anyway. Only by dispelling the mist in her soul can it be done! "

Then you are driving! "

We... can't drive it. "

Smiling brilliantly, the general said: We are afraid that the young lady will resist too fiercely and hurt her, so we use this thing to faint her and take it back. But the power of this Heavenly Seven Spirit Element can only be dispelled by the power of the same level, we don't have this ability. Only to bring her back to the mansion, the Patriarch took action. "

You are lying to me to give her to you, no way! "

A rough breath came out of his nostrils, and Yang Feng hugged the woman's body tighter and said: Can it be eliminated with a high-level spiritual technique? "

No way! "

Then I won't give her to you, I will go back and save her by myself, hum! "

Raising his head arrogantly, Yang Feng hugged the woman and walked back, while muttering in his heart: Brother, my mist can remove this mist. "

Better not! "

why? "

Lan is born of fire and fog is born of water, and it has a restraint relationship. Besides, the mist still surrounds her soul. If your Lan Qi is not careful, you may destroy her soul. Of course, if you control the air well, you can also try. But this is like doing brain surgery, you must be careful and careful, fine and fine. One carelessness, the patient is either a vegetative or a brain dead, hehehe. "

I go, then I still don't take the risk, this is my wife. "

Yang Feng rolled his eyes and asked: Is there any other way? "

Yes, ask that Qin Shanhai help. There is a sky-level fog in his bloodline, which is similar to the energy of this fog, allowing him to draw out his energy, and it is also good for him. "

Yeah, it seems I was right to keep this kid by my side, and now it finally comes in handy. "Yang Feng was overjoyed and accelerated a little bit.

Only the guards who came to chase were left behind, not knowing where to go.

If you want to stop, you can't beat it; if you leave, you can't explain to the owner.

Alas, under the dilemma, they are sad to death...

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