Alien God System

Chapter 1193: Cicada?

After coming out of Jin Wudi's study, Yang Feng immediately moved to the various wing rooms of the Jin family's backyard to take care of the ladies and ladies in the inner courtyard. After all, it is Jin Wudi's pillow wind, this money cannot be saved.

When everything was done, after Yang Feng walked out of the gate of the Golden Mansion, Sima Changfeng and other attendants had been waiting for a long time.

Brother Sima, how about the management of the nobles in Jinling Mansion? "

Don't worry, all aristocrats who have a little weight have sent heavy gifts. "

well! "

Nodding slightly, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of Yang Feng's mouth.

In fact, since he became the master of the Yang family castle, Sima Changfeng has begun to pay tribute to the major giants in Jinling Mansion.

After all, he had just taken the position and was too far away from Jinling Mansion. At this time, if someone in the mansion spoiled him, maybe it would make his Yangjiapu development plan come in resistance.

Now, he has arranged the Jinling Mansion from top to bottom. Even if he dug the corners of the other third-rate families and caused them to have a cerebral hemorrhage, they still can't help him.

It's because the upper echelons of the mansion, including the Jin family, took advantage of him, and everyone spoke for him, and it was useless for those third-rate Patriarchs to argue no matter how fiercely they were.

As for those third-rate families, are there any benefits to the upswing?

Haha, it must be stuffed, but Yang Feng is definitely not too stuffed.

After all, the population of Yangjiapu, which Yang Feng is in charge of, has exploded. The economy has taken off naturally, and population is wealth.

Therefore, the benefits that Yang Feng can use for management are by no means comparable to other families.

But even so, after a brief economic take-off, Yang Feng's development model that was incompatible with the spiritual world was noticed by Jin Wudi.

Jin Wudi's beating against him just now was pressure from the world's top leaders.

The so-called Tao is different, do not seek each other.

Even if Yang Feng temporarily used the benefits to plug their mouths, the conflict between the two roads will eventually be resolved by force.

Taking a steady step, walking on the bustling and noisy streets of Jinling Mansion, Yang Feng's eyes were full of murderous intent, which could not help flashing.

Qin Shanhai glanced at him and said: Today Jin Wudi summoned all the third-rate family heads together, so why? "

Attacking you Moyun Cave is said to avenge Jin Daoling and Wu Fatian, but in fact, it is to **** the Lan Beast. "

I knew it was okay for Jin Wudi to die a son, but he certainly didn't give up on Lan Beast. It's all to blame for you, let us take the blame back then. "

Rolling his eyes, Qin Shanhai looked at Yang Feng and said: What are you going to do? "

Summon soldiers and horses and go out with him! "

Are you really going to hit our Demon Cloud Cave? "Qin Shanhai couldn't stop his heart when he heard these words.

To tell the truth, Yang Feng's own strength is already unfathomable. For the past year, Qin Shanhai has not seen his bottom line. Moreover, even if he doesn't make a move, if the Lan beast he refines is released, who can be the enemy except for the master of the super first-class family?

Their Demon Cloud Cave is no more than a second-rate Demon Dao sect. When they encounter this abnormality, the whole army will not be wiped out.

Clenched his fists nervously, Qin Shanhai was really afraid that Yang Feng would come to the Demon Cloud Cave with them this time.

Yang Feng didn't say a word, then glanced at him diagonally, and sneered: Don't be nervous, I, Yang, has always been the first word. Our two have cooperated before, and I won't do anything to allies. If you want to move, move the Jin family! "

Is it possible that you want to take this opportunity..."

Correct! "

Without any concealment, Yang Feng nodded with certainty: Now our Yangjiabao has developed to a certain scale, and the chivalrous culture in the fort is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It's time to expand this belief to the surroundings. And the biggest resistance is nothing more than the second-rate family of the Jin family. If in this battle, the Jin family perishes from this world, who will belong to the remaining territory? I'm good on top, hahaha! "


Yang Feng looked up to the sky and laughed, and everyone around him laughed out loud.

Their journey, after a year, is finally going to take another step forward, replacing the dominant position of the second-rate family, and spreading the power of faith to a wider area.

At this time, a delicate fragrance drifted by Yang Feng's side, a slender girl with a hat covering her face, and disappeared from her side in a flash.

The breeze blew his face, lifting a corner of the veil.

Yang Feng, who was laughing loudly, suddenly stagnated, stopped, his complexion changed drastically, and he was extremely surprised.

What's wrong, why stop? "

Qin Shanhai asked, puzzled.

Turning around abruptly, Yang Feng looked behind him anxiously, and saw that the woman in the white skirt had disappeared. Only the bustling traffic was constantly flowing, making it extremely noisy.

That woman, the woman who walked by me... where is it? "

woman? "

When he raised his brow, Qin Shanhai thought for a while, and then sneered: Brother Yang, although you are not a fan of youth, you can't just meet one. Regardless of the romantic debts you have in the brothel, the two at home alone, but there has been no result yet. "

Yes! "

Hearing what he said, the magic top rolled his eyes helplessly: Big brother, sister Linglong, needless to say, every day you look at your eyes and you know what's going on. I cook delicious delicacies for you every day. Is that for nothing? There is also the commander of Zi Ning. Don't look at her being fierce every day, but we all know that she is thin-skinned, and we just wait for you to take the initiative. I didn't take the two ready-made at home, you want to do it again when you see one on the street,'s not ridiculous, brother, it's too emotional. "

Without listening to their nonsense, Yang Feng just frowned tightly and muttered: The person just now... seems to be Yu Chan. "

Yu Chan? Who is that? "

Everyone was puzzled, and Ari on the side spoke lightly: It's the wife, the first wife of the leader in the lower realm. "

what? Dasao?

Everyone was shocked, and they all looked over, but the crowd was crowded. Where can I tell who is who?

Hello, Brother Yang, are you dazzled? Is that really your wife? Is it such a coincidence? Ran into it casually on the street? So fate? "

Qin Shanhai said while searching.

Yang Feng didn't speak, he just condensed his eyes and thought for a while: I don't know, just a glimpse from the corner of his eye, it was fleeting, maybe it was an illusion, but..."

You go back first, I will look for it, what if it is? "

Having said that, Yang Feng had already left, everyone looked at each other, nodded slightly, and then returned to their place of residence first.

Although Qin Shanhai is a hostage, he is now very free in Yangjiapu, and Yang Feng did not pay much attention to him. Several times Black Ying persuaded him to escape back to the Demon Cloud Cave, but he did not go back either.

After getting along for so long, he felt quite comfortable in Yangjiapu.

As for Ari, as Yang Feng's bodyguard, he couldn't stay away from Yang Feng for half a step. But now when he thinks of his own scum strength, Ari is full of inferiority.

Although he has been practicing desperately this year, he has only reached the level of a third-order late warrior.

Even for the average person, this is already a natural talent, and it is rare to make so much progress in a year.

But Ari felt that it was not enough. He was not qualified to be with the leader and continue to be his guard. This is the biggest distress in Ari's heart now...

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