Alien God System

Chapter 1191: waste

Palace Lord Jin is here?

Master Jiang Gu was slightly stunned, and looked out of the door, but he was in the moment of distraction, and there was a muffled sound. Yang Feng was already stunned and quickly approached.

With one kick, the world collapsed, and it didn't use any big martial arts, just a light stroke under the old guy. The old man shivered, his whole body convulsed in pain, and he crawled down.

She covered her important parts with her hands, and convulsed so much that tears were about to come out.


They all gasped, and everyone around saw this, their legs tightened slightly, as if they felt the same, and regretted the old man.

As a man, such a fatal injury is more painful than Ling Chi.

Unbearable, Jie Jie Jie! "

Yang Feng sneered contemptuously when he got cheap and sold well.

The master Jiang Gu was so painful that he was bent into a prawn, and he was laughed at by the kid in front of him. His face turned green with anger, but because of the pain, he could only gritted his teeth in resentment, but couldn't say a word.

The people around also looked sideways, staring at Yang Feng fiercely, cursing inwardly.

Taking advantage of the danger, but also sneak attack the lower body, despicable.

However, Yang Feng didn't care about it, only when everyone's contemptuous eyes were approving, instead he raised his head proudly, looking like a shameless and shameless villain.

At this time, Jin Wudi took his family and walked in majesticly outside the door. When everyone saw, they could no longer take care of the Lord Jiang on the ground, and they all bowed down.

Jin Wudi nodded to everyone, but suddenly saw a white-haired familiar figure on the ground, bowed into a shrimp, and couldn't help wondering: Who? What are you doing lying on the ground? "

Palace Lord Jin, aging Jiang Yuheng, see Lord Jin! "The old man almost squeezed his throat, and said hoarsely, his voice was much thinner.

Yang Feng lowered his head and smiled, he wouldn't be able to kick him into a yin and yang person with this kick, ha ha.

Jin Wudi frowned slightly: Jiang Yuheng? What are you doing on the ground? "

Palace Master Qi, it was the Yang who injured the old man..."

Jiang Yuheng raised his finger to Yang Feng with difficulty, Jin Wudi turned his head and took a deep look at Yang Feng: You beat him like this? "

Palace Master Qi told him that he just accidentally touched him, it should not be heavy. He has been lying here all the time, refusing to get up, obviously wanting to touch the porcelain, and ask the palace lord to learn from it. "


His body trembled, when Yang Feng said so, Jiang Yuheng almost vomited blood.

The rest of the people also kept rolling their eyes.

Yes, you touched him, but you have to see where you touch him. Can that place be touched casually? For men, a touch there is a serious injury, alas.

Later, the more than one hundred wives and concubines in Jiang Guzhu’s house suffered a lot.

Jin Wudi didn't want to deal with their small disputes, just looked at Yang Feng calmly and said: Yang Feng, what is your current cultivation level? "

Trust Palace Lord Hongfu, he is already the second-order peak martial spirit. "

What trust me, didn’t you just use the second-order peak martial arts a year ago? Dare to love this year, you haven't made any progress! "Giving him a stern look, Jin Wudi looked at Jiang Yuheng on the ground again and said: Jiang Yuheng, what is your cultivation?"

Gu Master, the third-order peak martial spirit of the old man, is about to break through the generals. "

waste! "

With a loud shout, Jin Wudi immediately yelled at him: You are a Tier 3 peak martial spirit, but you can't beat a Tier 2 peak martial spirit. There is a big difference between you. Are you a waste? "

No, Palace Lord, it was his nasty brat who sneaked on while he was old and unprepared..."

waste! "

With another loud shout, Jin Wudi cursed again: You, a third-order peak martial arts practitioner, can be attacked by a second-order peak martial arts practitioner. Do you think you are a waste? "


The body stagnated, then Jiang Yuheng was speechless.

Jin Wudi no longer glanced at them, a rough breath came out of his nostrils, and he strode out of here, walking and teaching: The old man called you today, not to see you messing around here, huh! "

Quiet, deadly quiet, everyone around was trembling and silent.

Only Yang Feng came to Jiang Yuheng with a smile on his face, and said leisurely: Trash, you say you are such a waste of an old thing, what qualifications do you have to ask me for someone? I am afraid that you don’t even have the qualifications to manage Guiyun Valley. . Or... leave your site to me, hahaha! "

Yang Feng teased, and left triumphantly, leaving only Jiang Yuheng's aggrieved expression.

Yang Feng, you little bastard, deceive people too much.

Click it!

With a clenched fist, the hard ground of Longgang Rock, where even the third-tier early masters of Wuling might not be able to leave a trace of scars, was grabbed by Jiang Yuheng forcibly.

At this point, Yang Feng's hatred with this old thing was completely settled...

A quarter of an hour later, the backyard of the Jin Mansion was full of tables and chairs, and Jin Wudi Dama Jindao sat on the main seat, and the heads of the 138 third-rate families under their jurisdiction sat on the seats below.

With the support of several old friends, Jiang Yuheng sat on a chair very reluctantly, but his **** was exposed, hissing and cold.

The people around couldn't help laughing and covering their mouths.

Jin Wudi glanced at everyone, and solemnly said: Everyone should know that a year ago, Moyun Cave, an evil demon outsider, attacked my Jinling Mansion Wujiapu, right? "

Back then, Jinling Mansion and Demon Cloud Cave went to grab the Lan Beast, but the Lan Beast was taken into the bag by Yang Feng, and the Demon Cloud Cave suffered a dumb loss and carried the scapegoat.

Jin Wudi didn't know it at all. He thought that Moyun Cave had obtained the treasure of Lan Beast, but he did not disclose it. It only said that the Moyun Cave attacked Wujiapu and caused the death of Wu Fatian and his eldest son. The reason is not mentioned.

The third-rate families present only knew a general idea.

What Jin Wudi said, what did they believe. As for the reason why Moyun Cave raided Wujiapu, I didn't go into details.

After a year of investigation, the old man finally determined the specific location of the Demon Cloud Cave. "

Then, Jin Wudi said again: Now, the old man has locked it. Calling you all over this time is for you to assemble your troops separately. One month later, with all the strength of my Jinling Mansion, I will fight the Demon Cloud Cave. I vowed to seek justice for the sacrificed Lord Wu Bao and my son. "

Uh this...

As soon as the voice fell, everyone present hesitated, looking at each other, a little embarrassed.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Yuheng immediately said brightly: Um...Palace Master, it's too hasty to consolidate the army this month. Besides, Demon Cloud Cave is a second-rate and top demon power. We don’t have much preparation, so we will directly conquer it. I’m afraid..."


However, before he finished speaking, Yang Feng jumped out from nowhere, a big ear scrape, and his wrinkled old face was drawn severely, and the old man was immediately stunned.

When the old man came back to his senses and saw the figure in front of him clearly, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched, gritted his teeth with hatred.

why is it you again? "

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