Alien God System

Chapter 1185: New Deal reform

The next day, at noon, everyone gathered in the most central square of Yangjiapu, bustling with hustle and bustle.

There, a high platform was built, and Yang Feng and his new leadership team sat side by side, whispering about things from time to time.

Wu Fatian was escorted by the guards and stood under the stage, staring indifferently at the usurpers above, his face still awkward.

Yang Feng glanced at him obliquely, and then looked at the crowd below. He cleared his throat immediately, stood up, and shouted: Everyone is quiet, and the first Yangjiapu government work conference has begun. "


Suddenly, all the people below stopped Xishui, very much to save face.

After the unity and heroic sacrifice of all the people of our Yangjiabao, we finally overthrew the decadent Wu family dynasty and won today's great victory. It was hard-won. Today’s Yangjiabao, although there is a yang character, is the result of our whole fort struggle and belongs to the people of the whole fort. "

Yang Feng waved his hand, and he looked like a leader, impassioned.

The people below listened and applauded excitedly, with a look of enthusiasm. After all, in the entire spiritual realm, no matter which realm, it belongs to the local clan family, and has nothing to do with other people.

However, Yang Feng, the owner of the new castle, solemnly announced that this Yangjiabao belongs to everyone, and immediately made everyone present feel a strong sense of belonging.

Only that Wu Fatian curled his lips in disdain, slandering.

This group of idiots, he just talked so casually, fooling you to be obedient, after which clan aristocrat came to power, he could really hand over the country that he had so hard to beat to you untouchables.

Lao Tzu promises that it won't be long before you will live back to the days of Wujiapu.

Pigs are pigs after all, slaves will always be slaves, want to be human? Dream it!

Lao Tzu lost to Yang Feng this time. His skills are not as good as people. Once the emperor and the courtier, change the dynasty. Is it true that he has half a dime relationship with you?

Are you guys having fun with him? Jie Jie Jie.

As if he could see the thoughts in his heart, Yang Feng ignored him, just continued to look at the people below, and solemnly said: Maybe some people think that after Yang Feng became the fort lord here, I was just another Wu Fatian, still so domineering, Human lives are like weeds. The victory that everyone fought so hard was just a return to the old life before, without any change. But rest assured, this kind of thing will never happen, because..."


As he said, Yang Feng waved his hand gently, but seeing two rays of light flashing across, there was a [] sound in front of everyone, one left and one right, two pieces taller than one person stood upright. Stele.

Two characters are engraved on the top layer.

Chivalrous? "

Yes, this is a monument of chivalry! "

Nodding his head, Yang Feng pointed to the two stone tablets and said: I have said before that this world needs a rule to maintain order, which is chivalry. Chivalry is public virtue, righteousness is private virtue. As long as all people do these two words, this world will become an ideal country without war and suffering. So over the past three days, after discussing with representatives of all walks of life, I decided on the 20 terms of this chivalrous monument. "

The ten chivalrous steles and ten righteous steles are the code of conduct for all of us in Yangjiapu. Including me, it cannot be violated. The rules are greater than the sky, even if I am the castle owner, I can't break the rules. If there is a violation, everyone will be punishable. If I violate it, heaven and earth will not tolerate it. Anyone has the right to kill me in a chivalrous manner. "


As soon as the voice fell, everyone below immediately burst into applause.

Saint Ancestor chuckled in Yang Feng's body: You have promulgated a constitution in the spirit world! "

That's right, Shang Yang reformed, and Lixin. If you want others to believe you, you must first set an example to win others' trust. You can’t follow the rules yourself, how do you let others follow? Therefore, it is necessary to make a constitution to put Confucianism on top of the head, just like Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty put Confucianism on top of his head, it seems that there are restrictions on his own imperial power, but in fact it is more conducive to his own authority. Because after Confucianism became popular, the emperor had an orthodox name, and it was difficult for the people to rebel. "

Yang Feng grinned, his eyes gleaming: Unrestricted power is the most dangerous knife to himself, and it is difficult for others to return to himself. "

Well-informed, Yang Feng, who has seen five thousand years of change of government and opposition, and the evolution of the times, naturally knows what benefits him the most, and he also knows how to spread his tradition as soon as possible.

But Wu Fatian looked at Yang Feng's operation, but he was puzzled.

Having always lived under the power slave system of the spirit world, Wu Fatian, who has never seen the monarchy and Confucianism in the lower realm, has never seen Wu Fatian, but he can't figure out why there is a superior person who would take the initiative to set himself up.

But you don't know, this is not a shackle, but a weapon.

As long as Yang Feng doesn't mess around, or as long as he doesn't know how to mess around, no one can shake his position. This is orthodox.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Feng waited for the enthusiastic applause from below to stop, and then said again: Also, the first article of our Xiazi monument is that we are born equal and free and should not be oppressed in any form. Therefore, starting today, within Yangjiapu, the fourth-class class system will be abolished. Abolish the status of clan relatives and untouchables, and everyone who starts from the common people and makes contributions to the people of the whole castle can be promoted to nobles. And nobles no longer have any privileges to infringe upon others, and if there is any violation, they will not be forgiven! "


As soon as the voice fell, the civilians and untouchables cheered, and finally no longer need to look at the noble face.

But those nobles are at a loss: if we don't have any privileges, what use is there to want this noble status? "

The reason why the nobles are expensive is that they are the spiritual example of the whole fort and learn from the role models, rather than arrogant and domineering. That is a nouveau riche, not a nobleman. "

With a solemn expression, Yang Feng solemnly said: As for privileges, there are naturally. First of all, spiritually, the nobility represents you for making outstanding contributions to the people of this place. It is an honor that can be respected by others. In addition, materially, we will introduce a credit scoring system. The scores of nobles are higher than ordinary civilians. Some important projects, such as building roads and bridges, mining and smelting, and manufacturing elixirs, will be opened to the nobles first. "

What, mining and weapon smelting? Isn't that the privilege of the clan family? "

From now on, there will be no clans. These commercial projects will give benefits to the general public. In particular, there are many major projects that only the nobles can undertake. From now on, Ben Fort will only supervise and not compete with the people. Except for taxes used to maintain the daily expenses of civil servants in this castle, all the benefits will be given to you. "

Yang Feng smiled and said.

Those nobles were overjoyed on their faces, and they were all overjoyed.

The reform of Yang Feng's new regime immediately won the hearts of everyone. Only the original Wu family clan was depressed.

After all, the manufacturing industries such as ore, medicine pills, and spirit soldiers, but their economic pillars, are now all divided among others...

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