Alien God System

Chapter 1172: Refining

What does he want to do? Did he want to commit suicide, why did he crash into it? "

He's crazy? "

It seems that he has nowhere to escape and is going to find his own way. Facing Lan Beast's all-out Lan Li shock wave, he will definitely be wiped out in an instant, alas. "


Seeing Yang Feng's weird operation that did not follow common sense, the masters of the second-rate families were surprised at first, but they soon understood that he had completely given up the treatment.

Rather than being driven to death by the monster, it is better to go to death vigorously and be a hero. There is no way to escape anyway.

Yang Feng! "

Q! "

Master rudder! "

Everyone in Wujiapu screamed together, tears in their eyes, and a heart was mentioned in the throat.


Finally, Yang Feng slammed into the invincible shock wave, causing a deafening explosion, but there was no scene where Yang Feng died instantly, but... the infinite beam of light stopped directly in front of Yang Feng. The figure was actually blocked.

how is this possible?

Can't help but shrink their pupils together, all the experts in the spiritual world present were dumbfounded, watching this incredible scene in disbelief.

He... actually blocked the Lan Beast, one of the most powerful in the spirit world, with a full blow?

Suddenly, the noisy battlefield fell silent for an instant, and everyone opened their mouths, dumbfounded. Jin Daoling is like this, Qin Shanhai is like this, even more so for Wu Fatian, who was already seriously injured and unable to move.

Even if he breaks his brain, he really can't figure out why Yang Feng, a pariah who has risen from the lower realm, has such strength and the strength to fight monsters like Lan Beast?

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!

Wu Fatian was screaming in his heart, wanting to deny all of this, but the cruelty of reality did not allow him to deceive himself.

how come……

The Lan Beast, who was doing his best, also widened his pupils in horror, and 10,000 grass mud horses were running wild in his heart.

why? The deity has broken the seal, and its strength has increased a hundred times, or can it not help this kid with a hair? This kid...what is sacred?

Didn't I say that I am a god! "

As if hearing the suspicion in its heart, Yang Feng blocked the red light beam with both hands, as steady as Mount Tai, grinned at the corner of his mouth, and shook the tiger's body suddenly, pushing the red light back against the wind.

Seeing this scene, everyone here was dumbfounded again.

This kid not only blocked the full blow of Lan Beast, but also pushed this trick back? So powerful, what kind of cultivation level has he achieved?

Is it possible that he is a peerless powerhouse in which super-class family?

Who is he... on earth?

Lan Beast's huge eyes shrank fiercely. At this moment, he was also shocked, with real fear in his eyes, roaring in his heart.

But before it recovered, Yang Feng had already pushed the red light back into its mouth, but after hearing a loud explosion that shook the world, the big mouth of the Lan Beast almost didn't explode into four parts. Child.

Lan Beast was turned white by the violent explosion, and almost immediately fainted. When it recovered, Yang Feng had disappeared. It just felt a sudden pain in its abdomen, and immediately couldn't help it. Crouching convulsively, he roared: You...Did you drill into my stomach? come out faster! "

Dead beast, what did Lao Tzu tell you below? Either you take the initiative to be refined by me, or I force you to refine. Since you're toasting and not eating fine wine, don't blame Lao Tzu for being polite, Jie Jie Jie. "

In the body of Lan Beast, looking around, they are all the internal organs of this beast, Yang Feng grinned, licked his lips, and immediately bit on it.

I eat your heart, I eat your lungs, I eat your pancreas and your liver! "


With a cry to the sky, the Lan Beast, who was still majestic before, was immediately convulsed in pain, lying on the ground and couldn't help rolling, crying: No, don't bite me, come out quickly, I give up, please. "

Without paying attention to its pleading, Yang Feng seemed to be a foodie, cultivating in the belly of Lan Beast.

You know, the entire body of this Lan Beast is transformed by Lan energy. When most people enter its body, it is directly decomposed into fly ash.

But for Yang Feng, this is all a tonic.

As Yang Feng continued to swallow, his body refining skills continued to operate, and his physical body was also rapidly strengthening, and his cultivation level continued to improve.

However, in a short time, he has already reached the peak of the second-order martial arts.

The poor Lan Beast, as the strongest combat power in the spirit world, used to be able to eat people. This time it became a human eating it. It immediately churned with pain, screamed sorrow, and tears were about to come out.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding people eating melons couldn't help being stunned.

Wow, such a cruel monster can be transformed into this virtue by Brother Feng, Brother Feng is really awesome!


At this time, Lan Beast screamed to the sky and wailed: I can't stand it, I surrender, I succumbed, I am willing to be refined by you! "


As he said, Lan Beast gradually emitted red steam, flew into the air, and disappeared. Its entire body was also slowly shrinking and wilting, and finally shrunk to the size of a piece of clothing, turning into a piece of veil. Wrapped in the figure in the center.


Suddenly, a scorching air current filled the surroundings, and Yang Feng, dressed in an illusory haze coat, stood up leisurely like a king.

The crimson light in the depths of the eyes flashed, an extremely terrifying aura, rushing straight into the sky, and the sky above his head was instantly transformed into a big hole by his aura.

He actually...hiss!

The body couldn't help but shook together twice, and the expressions of all the masters of the two major forces present changed drastically.

Refined, he refined the Lan Beast! "

Elder Yuan grumbled, swallowed and his expression instantly became serious.

After Qin Shanhai listened, he looked at the evil smile raised at the corner of Yang Feng's mouth in the distance, his heart sank and he sighed.

I made him a wedding dress again. Why did he take away the Lan Beast in the end, and I didn't get anything? Isn't he just revolution?

Oh, it's nothing! When does the benefit belong to him, I can only contribute?

Qin Shanhai was selling criticism in his heart, but Wu Fatian's pupils were abrupt, his face was full of envy, jealousy, and even more unwilling.

This Lan Beast belongs to our Wu family, you will return it to me, return it.

Wu Fatian shouted from the bottom of his heart, but to no avail.

Sweeping a glance at the moments of solemn faces of the two surrounding forces, Yang Feng smiled and ignored it, but slowly raised a fist and shouted: Brothers, we have won! "


As soon as the voice fell, everyone in the entire Wujiabao boiled, and the excitement of the rest of their lives made everyone shed tears of joy.

At the same time, after being refined by Yang Feng, Lan Beast entered his consciousness space, but just stepped into it, he met more than 30 big men and stared at it maliciously.

Yo, here comes a little mink, life won't be too boring now, there are pets to play with, Jie Jie Jie. "

You you you... who are you? What do you want? "

Feeling the evil and enchanting eyes of these sturdy big men, Lan Beast suddenly felt like he had entered the underworld, and his body shrank in fright and trembled.

Damn, there are people living in this kid's body for a long time, and living so much, it seems that they are not good.

Lanmon's body trembled slightly, and he swallowed hard...

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