Alien God System

Chapter 1170: The hero returns

Son, go! "

Under the interweaving of screams, crying, and howlings, Elder Yuan pulled Qin Shanhai's sleeves and was about to take him away.

Qin Shanhai ran out for two steps, but got stuck again. He turned to look at those Wu Jiabao's weak fortmen, and sighed: Before, everyone was still comrade-in-arms working together, but now I can only watch them. Being slaughtered, nothing can be done. "

Son! "

Anxiously jumping, then Elder Yuan hurriedly said: It's not that we don't help, but that we can't do anything. The Lan Beast has been completely released, unless the master of the super-class family comes to suppress it, who can stop the entire spirit world? As the most powerful force in the entire spiritual world, the heavenly seven spirit elements can destroy the sky and the earth, but we can't suppress it by quantity. At this time, we can't do anything other than escape. "


While talking, but seeing a red glow across the sky, hundreds of masters in Jinling Mansion in the distance immediately turned into fly ash at the same time as a ten thousand-foot mountain.

The swift storm raged around, hurting people's cheeks and making their legs weak.

Then Elder Yuan shivered even more, and he felt like he was crumbling.

Even if he is a powerful general, he still looks like a mouse and a cat in the face of the power of the Lan Beast, and he can't even have the courage to resist.


Lying on the ground, Wu Fatian, who was blown away by the previous hurricane, smashed his head and laughed again and again: Die, go to death. What I Wu Fatian can't get, none of you can think of getting it. Let this Lan beast send you to **** together! "

Wow wow...

The child's cry was particularly loud in this environment filled with fear. Intertwined with Wu Fatian's laughter, it highlights the panic and madness.

A group of people who flee for their lives heard and quickly covered the child's mouth so as not to attract the monster's attention.

Unfortunately, it has already noticed.

The huge eye pupils glanced at the helpless untouchables, immediately revealing a hideous smile, the corners of the mouth were slightly open, and a hot red glow was brewing rapidly in the mouth.

Suffered, that Lan Beast will destroy all those people! "Qin Shanhai was startled and exclaimed.

The corners of Elder Yuan's mouth twitched slightly, and he almost cried: Son, the direction in which they are escaping seems to be in line with us. The light of Lan Beast spit out, we will also be wiped out. "


It's a pity that Elder Yuan said it too late, Lan Beast was already ready, and the red light with the breath of death was about to blurt out.

Everyone on this line opened their eyes wide, looking at all of this with fear in their eyes, their faces were already gray, ready to bid farewell to this world.

Although not reconciled, what can we do?


Suddenly, there was a loud noise. Just as the red light was about to blurt out, a black shadow suddenly flashed on its chin, and then the Lan beast suddenly lifted its head, and the red beam of light went straight into the sky, exploding the entire nine days. A large hole with a diameter of thousands of miles came, and the world could not help shaking.

All the people around were shrunk by the terrifying power and closed their eyes. When everything subsided, after people opened their eyes, they saw that they and others were not dead, and a familiar figure stood before them.

he is……

Are you all right? "

Yang Feng was wearing a red cloak behind him, with a red S printed on his chest, standing majestic in front of those people, with an evil smile on his mouth.

People's eyes shrank slightly, and they couldn't believe their eyes. After waiting for a long time, they couldn't help screaming: Master Rudder, you are back! "

What, master rudder?

Hearing the shout, everyone cast their gazes there.

Wan Zining opened his eyes abruptly, with surprise and joy in his eyes; Sima Changfeng suddenly raised his head, and light appeared in his eyes again; God and Linglong, who were fleeing around, stopped their bodies and directed them in disbelief. This kind of figure.

At this moment, the whole Wu Jiabao seemed to be still because of the appearance of this person.

Even the Jin Daoling was completely stunned at this moment.

how is this possible? "

Is he still alive? Qin Shanhai grinned and couldn't help laughing excitedly.

Wu Fatian's pupils suddenly burst, hissing his lungs and roared: Impossible, how could it be possible to come out alive after being locked up with Lan Beast for more than ten days? Yang Feng! "

Q! "

Wu Fatian was roaring, and the rest of the people, especially the brothers of Soldier Ma Si, were overjoyed, crying with excitement and tears.

Yang Feng grinned and waved to the enthusiastic people around him, and smiled: Thank you, thanks to your concerted efforts to break the barrier, I can escape. Now leave it to me here, rest assured, nothing will happen. "

Thanks to us?

Everyone was stunned, but they soon understood.

It turned out that Brother Feng was sealed in the barrier, and he could only come out after the barrier was breached.

Of course, this is not the case. With Yang Feng's strength, do they need to be rescued? Yang Feng said this because he wanted to strengthen their belief that unity is strength.

Otherwise, after they unite, nothing has been achieved. Isn't that discouraged?

This is like educating children. Only by encouraging education can children develop in the direction they wish.

And Yang Feng's words immediately made everyone feel that his efforts just now were not in vain, and he was very relieved. But when I saw that behemoth, I couldn't stop my heart sinking, and roared: Brother Feng, run fast, that monster is too bad for the sky, and it can blow people out with just one breath. "

It doesn't matter, I am used to staying below for ten days. Don't worry, I will deal with it! "

The light in his eyes was certain, Yang Feng strode towards Lan Beast in the eyes of everyone's concern.

Lan Beast glanced down with his eyes, and a cold killing intent flashed deep in his eyes: You just kicked the deity's chin, it's so kind, kid. I warned you a long time ago, if you dare to come up, I will eat you! "

Want to kill me, you don't have the ability yet, I'm here to conquer you. "

Click it!

With a clenched fist, Yang Feng smiled and said: I have already persuaded me in the following, since you are toasting and not eating fine wine, then you can take it. "

what did you say? "


The huge pupils suddenly glared, and the aura of Lan Beast's whole body skyrocketed, and the killing intent was overwhelming.

Yang Feng smiled at the corner of his mouth, calmly, unmoving like a mountain, without fear.

Seeing this scene, everyone around was stunned.

What does he want to do? Does he want to challenge Lan Beast? I don't know how to live or die!

It's okay for the Lan Beast to be said in the enchantment seal, but once the monster gets out of its cage, there are probably not ten strong humans in the spirit world that can suppress it. This stinky brat, who dared to yell in front of Lan Beast, was impatient!

The masters of Moyun Cave and Jinling Mansion all sneered and ridiculed Yang Feng's overpowering.

Only Qin Shanhai's eyes flashed scorchingly, looking at Yang Feng's confident smile, he suddenly felt a strange feeling. Maybe now is the time for this kid to show his true strength...

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