Alien God System

Chapter 1139: Go to war

Sima Changfeng stared at him closely, pondered a little, and said every word: You who are soaked in darkness will eventually be melted by light! "

Light? What do you mean, those guys outside? "

With a smile, Wu Fatian slowly stood up and walked out: Then I will let you see how I pinched the light, hum. "

There was determination in Wu Fatian's eyes, the red air current lingering in his hand, but before he stepped out of the threshold, Sima Changfeng said again: You should feel it, this hurdle is difficult to step through. "


Wu Fatian's body stopped moving, and his face was indifferent.

Otherwise, how could you be so abnormal today and take off all the disguise from you. "

Then, Sima Changfeng said leisurely: The eyes of Jinling Mansion, the betrayal of all soldiers and horses, and the undercurrents of the Blue and White Society have made you unable to control the situation in the fort. So as soon as the Blue and White Club took action, you killed Commander Wu Jianxiong, venting the anger you had suppressed for so many years. Normally you would never do this. You still have to maintain your relationship with your clan. But now, since the can is broken, it shows that the front is a dead end, and you are doing the final struggle. "

Silent, Wu Fatian did not speak.

After a while, he couldn't help but laughed and said: Sure enough, Chang Feng knew me best in the end. Even if I win Chen Jialuo, I will definitely be exposed to Jinling Mansion tonight. Jinling Mansion will not let me go, Chen Jialuo is just a bait to lure me out. But if I don't make a move, Wu Jiabao still can't keep it. In short, there is a dead end ahead, and what I can do is to die with everyone. If this Wujiapu is not mine, why do I want it? "

Step on...

When the voice fell, Wu Fatian left in strides, his eyes full of murderous, as if he wanted to wipe out everything in front of him.

Sima Changfeng didn't look at him, but closed his eyes reluctantly, and muttered: Yang Feng, if you are really light, just dispel the darkness. Otherwise, the whole Wujiapu people will be buried with him, alas. "

Kill, overthrow Wu Fatian's tyranny! "

Wu Fatian went against it, and the world is not allowed! "

Defeat Wu Fatian and build a new home!


Outside the main gate of the castle, Bing Ma Si's rebel army had already slammed forward, shouting and roaring, unstoppable.

Zhan Pengfei took the guards of the castle mansion to resist desperately, but it was very difficult. They want to seek help from other places, such as whether the clans and nobles can send homes to support them.

But now the whole city is uprising, and those nobles and clans who defend Wu Fatian are also blocked by the Blue and White Society, and are stubbornly resisting.

The mud bodhisattva crosses the river and cannot protect himself. How can there be time to support this castle mansion?

They were also anxious that the main mansion of the fort would send someone to help them calm the chaos.

In short, the whole Wujiabao bloomed on all sides that night, and the troops at all levels were not enough, especially after the Bing Ma Si rebellion.

Zhan Pengfei, as the commander, is powerful, and has already reached the level of martial arts cultivation. In the entire soldier and horse division, he has beaten ten.

But now, surrounding him are more than 20 strongest leaders, taking turns in battle, blossoming in all directions.

Zhan Pengfei was too busy to deal with it, and was unable to fight back. Finally, when he heard a loud noise, he was kicked in the chest and immediately flew out, unable to stop spitting out a mouthful of red blood.

After falling to the ground, he immediately yelled at the sky: Grandma is a bear, and reinforcements, why haven't they come? Can't stand it anymore, there are too many people on the other side! "


As soon as the voice fell, it seemed that he had heard his cry for help, and a group of black shadows flew over his head like a wasp, blinking hundreds of people and horses. The terrifying momentum just struck, and the soldiers and horses commanded them to their hearts. The big hack, back again and again: No, it's Wu Fatian's bodyguards. "

The guards of the Fort Lord are all martial arts masters, and it is not a problem to fight dozens of commanders. It is not comparable to the warrior cultivation base of the soldier Masi. Now you are dead, hahaha! "

Seeing this, Zhan Pengfei couldn't help but brighten up, but before he was happy for a moment, another shout followed.

Blue and white bloom, justice is now. See you in the sky, the hero is coming. The Jagged Youth League of the Blue and White Club welcomes Mr. Chen to arrive. "

Brush it!

Also like a wasp, two neatly lined lines flew here with a white figure dressed in white clothes, bowed, and instantly turned into two air stone bridges.

Yang Feng stepped on their backs, as if a horse stepped on a flying swallow, and appeared handsome. With a swing of the long sword in his hand, the surge of sword energy instantly cut off the heads of a dozen people in black.


Zhan Pengfei was silly with a twitch of face.

Those leaders of the uprising were overjoyed, cheering and dancing: Zhan Pengfei, do you think you alone have the backing? Our reinforcements are also here. Our Blue and White Club Iron-Blooded Youth Group, all of us are martial arts masters, especially Master Chen. It is no problem to beat you 100 times, hahaha! "

The skin twitched slightly, Zhan Pengfei's mouth was bitter, and he looked around.

Hey, why hasn't the castle master arrived yet? The opposing generals are here, and if the main castle doesn't make a move, none of us can stop Chen Jialuo.

This is very morale hurt!

That's right, this uprising war is not alone. The overall morale of both sides is very important.

If the opponent's morale is high and one's morale is low, even with the same cultivation base and the same strength, one's combat strength will be more than 30% lower than the opponent's.

Moreover, this is only the beginning.

As time goes by, the enemy's morale keeps rising sharply, and if one's morale keeps falling sharply, this weakening of combat power may drop by more than half.

It is directly equivalent to more than doubling the opponent's strength.

This is not alarmist, after all, anyone who does not have the confidence to win in his heart will find it difficult to exert his strength. The lower the mood, the lower the strength of the display. What can usually play 90%, now can only play 50%.

The facts are also true. Since Chen Jialuo's appearance, the morale of the rebel army has been boosted immediately, and it has become more brave like a chicken.

On the other hand, in Wujiapu, Chen Jialuo abolished a dozen of their martial arts as soon as they appeared, and immediately made them arrogant. After the war started, even if Chen Jialuo did not participate, those martial arts powerhouses who claimed to fight dozens of leaders would have dealt with at most ten. What's more, how could Chen Jialuo not make a move.

In this way, the victorious balance leaned towards the Qinghuahui very unkindly, without giving Wu Jiabao a chance.

Jin Daoling and his Yunkong Eight Generals stood on the nine heavens, looking at all of this in the distance, the corners of their mouths couldn't help but curl up with a strange arc: If there is no accident, this Wu Jiabao should change his surname. In terms of overall strength, the Blue and White Club has an absolute advantage. In terms of personal strength, Yang Feng is also above the well-known Wu Fatian. Of course, the premise is that Wu Fa is really innocent as we know him. Otherwise, it means that Yang Feng's words are true, and our trip did not come in vain, ha ha ha. "

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