Alien God System

Chapter 1134: Big cleaning

All of the hundreds of commanders of the Soldiers and Horses Division actually rebelled. Is this information true? "

It's true, it's absolutely impossible to go wrong with a small head guarantee. "

Zhan Pengfei was earnest and eager to do his work, and hurriedly said: "For the boss, look at the membership time on this roster, it is definitely not a recent event, indicating that the leaders of the soldiers and horses have already had a leg with the Blue and White Club. Commander Wu Jianxiong, as the person in charge of the soldiers and horses, is absolutely inevitable. I said that when Chen Jialuo showed up, the soldiers and horses investigated from house to house, but they couldn't find any clues. It turned out that they had been stunned. "

Zhan Pengfei was in the fire, and even the old boss was installed inside.

Wu Fatian didn't speak, but he kept a gloomy face and thought carefully. After a while, he said: Zhan Pengfei listened to the order, and immediately took the commander of the soldier Ma Si, the close guard of the lord of the castle, to take it down, and all his family members were checked! "

Yes, the subordinates obey! "

With a happy expression, Zhan Pengfei turned around and left in strides.

At this time, he felt that his chest was much taller, and it was time to avenge private revenge, so that those who dared to betray Lao Tzu looked down on me again, Jie Jie Jie.


Suddenly, clusters of black shadows shuttled over the entire Wujiabao, with a bitter murderous aura spreading to every corner.

Xiaocui, don't worry, I will pick you up within seven days. "

In Baihua Pavilion, a high-end entertainment club in Wujiapu, Zhou Afu and other leaders left drunkly, but before leaving, this sentimental leader still reluctantly gave up on a girl inside.

The girl sighed and said helplessly: Commander Zhou, stop talking nonsense, Xiaocui is no more than a fourth-class untouchable. How can he be worthy of commanding you last week when he is engaged in this sordid business? Even if you don't dislike it, what aristocratic family in this world can accommodate fourth-class untouchables? "

Oh, what you said is wrong. "

After a drunk hiccup, Zhou Afu was drunk and said: That's all in the past. Since the blue and white will appear, the status of civilians and untouchables is rising. Now, who dares to look down on civilians and untouchables? As the Blue and White Club advertised, everyone is working people. Don't worry, I will redeem you, hahaha! "

What a working people, what a faithful believer of the Blue and White Club, hum. "

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a sneer suddenly sounded.

Zhou Afu and the others looked drunkly and dimly, only to see that the person was not someone else, it was the commander Zhan Pengfei, undoubtedly, and suddenly smiled: Oh, isn't this the commander of Zhan, why are you so good now? Why did you suddenly appear here, is there any good? You are depraved, hahaha! "

If this were before, Zhou Afu and the others would never dare to speak to Zhan Pengfei like this.

But now, soldiers and horses belong to Yang Feng's world, and Zhan Pengfei is a marginalized person, so people naturally no longer fear him.

The face twitched slightly, Zhan Pengfei couldn't help but laughed out: Lao Tzu is not as sordid as you, and will only spin around among the ladies. Come here, take away all the traitors from the Blue and White Club. "

Yes! "

As soon as the voice fell, a group of black-clad guards strode towards the crowd and grabbed their shoulders.

What are you doing? Do you know who Lao Tzu is? "

Zhou Afu and the others were not convinced. They shook their bodies and had to move their hands, but before they had time to shake a finger, they heard the muffled noises one after another. The people in black just punched them in their stomachs They vomited blood and lost energy in an instant.

This... these are..."

Zhou Afu and the others couldn't believe the strength of these people. Zhan Pengfei grinned and said proudly: These are the personal secret guards of Lord Wu Bao, all of them are martial arts strength, and now they are under my command. You insurgents want to escape from them, it's just a dream. "

Zhan Pengfei, who do you say are the rebels? You blame us..."

Whether I have falsely accused you, you know in your heart. But the key is that you dared to betray me and follow Yang Feng to do the right thing with me. Now this is your fate, Jie Jie Jie! "

With a treacherous smile, Zhan Pengfei waved his hand triumphantly: Take them away, and go to their house and check them all! "


With a loud shout, a group of people walked towards the family led by all soldiers and horses, and the flames burst into the sky, and piercing screams filled the night sky.

This night, the comfortable aristocratic circle on weekdays ushered in Wu Fatian's brutal and inhuman tyranny. Homes are broken and people are everywhere, crying and crying.

Even the Wan Family that had severed ties with Wan Zi Ning was destroyed by the whole family and was taken into prison one by one.

In Sima Mansion, facing Wu Fatian's guard, Wan Zining's fists couldn't stop tightening.

Zhan Pengfei looked at her intently and muttered: Zi Ning, just grab it with your hands. "

Zhan Pengfei! "

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Wan Zining's eyes burst into flames: If I knew today, I shouldn't have saved you that day. "

With a grin of his mouth, Zhan Pengfei shook his head disapprovingly: Zi Ning, don't be afraid, as long as you come forward to prove that Yang Feng and those who are in charge of the Blue and White Club are all members of the Blue and White Club, I can guarantee your safety and let you become a soldier. The spies of the Blue and White Club. Although during this time, you, like them, ignored me. But I am a very big person, and I can still forgive you and make you my wife. "

mean! "

Gritting his teeth tightly, Wan Zining's eyes were stubborn.

Zhan Pengfei smiled disapprovingly: I can give you time to think about it, but not too long. It's not that I can't wait, but the castle owner can't wait. Come, take away. "

Yes! "

Determined to nod, the people in black all stepped forward, and immediately buckled Wan Zining. Wan Zining didn't even have a chance to react, and he couldn't help feeling horrified.

The strength of these people is absolutely extraordinary.

At this time, Hongmei walked out with a cold face: Yo, Zhan Da commander, so grand, dare to come to our Sima Mansion to arrest people, didn't you take our Lord Sima in his eyes? "

How dare it, but I have been ordered by the castle master, do you want to stop it? "


Her mind was stagnant, and Hongmei stopped talking.

Zhan Pengfei smiled evilly: By the way, where is Yang Feng? As the deputy commander of the Bing Ma Si, so many leaders in the Bing Ma Si colluded with Qinghua, and he could not escape the blame. I want to take him back for interrogation. "

He did not come back. "

With a cold face, Hongmei said indifferently: Maybe you can meet him on the street in the brothel. This kid doesn't go home for three days. When he gets home, he brings a bunch of white bars from the brothel, as if there is his house. same. "

His eyes squinted slightly, Zhan Pengfei stared at her closely, as if he didn't believe it, until the people who searched came back and shook his head, he nodded slightly and led the people away.

But what no one has noticed is that at this moment, everything in their place is being monitored by Yang Feng with the Thousand Miles Insight Technique.

The moon was dazzling, Yang Feng sat on the high beams, waved his hand leisurely, removed the spells, glanced diagonally downwards, and saw that the captured commanders were being **** and lined up in a row. The man in black was escorted to the prison of the main castle...

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