Alien God System

Chapter 1132: Everything is under control

What are you talking about, Qinghua will rebel? When? "

Inside the castle's main mansion, Wu Fatian's eyes trembled, his face gloomy as charcoal. A man in black kneeled in front of him respectfully and reported the information he had just received.

Then Chen Jialuo was very careful, there was no time or place, just randomly launched within this month. As for the target to be attacked, several copies were disassembled and distributed to different people, each with its own division of labor, which was very confidential. "

Understood, this man surnamed Chen is very careful, hum. "

With a cold smile, Wu Fatian murmured: But that's okay, they can jump out early, and we can also catch them all without having to be disturbed by their quarrels all day long. It's just that the Grand Prince of Jinling Mansion has been staying in the fort, which is always a hidden danger. How about taking advantage of their riots this time, among the chaotic army, give these people... "

Wu Fatian's eyes were full of killing intent.


Suddenly, there was a loud shout, and a guard hurriedly ran over: Ask the fort lord, the soldier and horse chief, and Zhan Pengfei beg to see you. "

What did he come to do in the middle of the night? "

Wu Fatian was puzzled, and waved his hand to make the man in black retreat, and then said: Call the kid over. "

Yes, Fort Lord. "

The guard responded and went down.

In a short while, Zhan Pengfei ran over and hurriedly said: Fort Lord, his subordinates went deep into the tiger's den tonight, mixed into a branch of the Blue and White Club, and found important information. "

What information? "

It is the leader of Wan Zining of the Soldiers and Horses Division and a member of the Blue and White Club. "

Oh, I see. "

Wu Fatian seemed indifferent to this information: Are there any more? "

Uh, that... because everyone in the Blue and White Club wears masks and is very cautious with each other, so the others are gone. "

After doing it for a long time, you can find someone? What's the use? By the way, since they all wear masks, how do you recognize her? "

I know her voice, and I can guarantee that it is her! Zhan Pengfei said with a treacherous smile, very sure.

Wu Fatian squinted his eyes and thought for a while, and said leisurely: The Lord of the Fort entrusted you with a task to secretly investigate the soldiers in Ma Sizhong, who has betrayed Wu Jiabao, closely monitor, but don't startle the snake. When they acted, they won in one fell swoop. "

Yes, Fort Lord! "

With a smile on his face, Zhan Pengfei was happily like a pug, but soon he said bitterly: That... fortress master, now the power of the soldiers and horses has been in Yang Feng's hands, and there is no one in my hands to move them. ,This……"

Hmph, you can actually be suppressed to this point by a newcomer who has just arrived in the military and martial arts, but March, you are really a waste.

Wu Fatian curled his lips in disdain, but still said: Don't worry, I will hand over my first secret guard to you and will not let you do this alone. "

Your first secret guard? "

As soon as the eyes lighted, Zhan Pengfei immediately thanked him for his gratitude: Thank you for your appreciation, the subordinates will live up to the expectations of the castle. "

Don't thank me, thank yourself. Do you know why the Lord of Benbau wants to reuse you? "

This...because the subordinate is a great leader for decades, do you trust my ability, Castle Lord? "

No, it's because of your opponent. "

He smiled and shook his head. Wu Fatian said coldly: Yang Feng is glib and looks like a foolish man, but in such a short time, being able to climb to his current position can still convince the entire soldier from top to bottom. Means are impossible. To be honest, I admire people like Yang Feng, who are exquisite and well-rounded. But in the same way, I don't believe in people like him. They are different and too dangerous. "

You are different. Although you are stupid, you can report all your beloved women for fame and fortune, and even this woman just gave up her life to save you. Your shameless enthusiasm makes this castle master very pleased. "


Unexpectedly, Zhan Pengfei was stunned: Fort Lord, you, you..."

Don't be surprised, Qinghua will be such a large-scale resistance organization, this castle mainly does not have a few spies to make eyeliners in it, and this fort owner should not be it, ha ha ha. "

With a sneer, Wu Fatian continued: In fact, this little girl Wan Zining was in the Blue and White Club, and it didn't explain much. After all, Yang Feng said that he sent several leaders to the Blue and White Club as an undercover agent. Therefore, Wan Zining can be a member of the Blue and White Club or an undercover agent. You just heard her voice and asked for credit. Are you stupid? People can refute you for 10,000 reasons. "


After slapped his lips, Zhan Pengfei smiled brightly: The castle owner is wise, and his subordinates are ashamed. "

It's not that I'm wise, it's because you are too stupid. But because of your stupidity, the lord of this castle is more willing to believe in your loyalty, unlike Yang Feng, who is very oily. "

A sharp light flashed in his eyes, and Wu Fatian murmured: He is a real thief. In front of the host of this castle, he said that sending spies into the Blue and White Club was to serve the host of the castle. But once the Blue and White Club is successful, he can immediately make the fakes come true and become a hero of the Blue and White Club. Stepping on two boats, you can't tell whether he is here. I don't like such cleverness. In comparison, your stupidity is more lovely. The Lord of this castle can't wait for the entire Wujiabao people to be as stupid as you, so that the world is peaceful, hahaha. "

The Lord Xie praised, the subordinates must live up to the expectations of the Lord, all the way to the end, hehehe. "

Zhan Pengfei nodded humbly, looking like a slave.

Wu Fatian smiled and waved his hands: When doing things, it is better to be smart, the key is to use stupidity and cleverness in the right place. Don't be stupid when you should be smart, and be smart again when you should be stupid. "

Yes, yes, my subordinates follow the instructions of the castle master. "

Zhan Pengfei nodded fixedly, listening carefully.

But what they never expected was that at this moment, Yang Feng was in his room, eating a big watermelon, while using a thousand-mile insight technique to investigate their every move, seeing everything in their eyes and knowing everything.

I said that the news of the uprising would reach Wu Fatian's ears soon, but it was so fast, it seemed that there were a lot of rapes in the Blue and White Club. "

Yang Feng slapped his mouth twice, ate the watermelon seeds, and murmured: But if the uprising goes too smoothly, how can ordinary people understand the meaning of the uprising? "


Suddenly, a soft drink sounded: Players, please be aware that the mana is not enough, and the continuous play of Thousand Miles Insight will soon disappear. "

Damn, this mana was used up so quickly. Let me just say, the speed of gathering the power of faith shows that there are still too few people who have awakened, a group of things without faith, damn! "

Yang Feng understands in his heart that although there are many people joining the Blue and White Club, most of them are just looking for a way out for their own interests, and some are even speculative, wanting to be the emperor and the courtier, waiting for the Blue and White Club to rebel and win and become Future nobility and clan.

This is not faith at all, and they even have no firm belief, and they are far behind those Confucian scholars and righteous knights in the lower realms.

In the lower realms, even some farmers know the righteousness of loyalty and filial piety, so Yang Feng can gather the power of faith as long as he does things that conform to their hearts.

Because at that time, Yang Feng's image was equal to overlap with their beliefs, and they had power.

But here, a group of people who don't believe in, do you have a fart?

Yang Feng rolled his eyes, his expression gradually indifferent.

For the power of my faith, I must give you some disasters to enlighten you. But I am not harming you, but helping you. This is God’s revelation. Your sins are too heavy, I have to clean them up for you, Jie Jie Jie!

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