Alien God System

Chapter 1127: transaction

Yang Feng heard what he said, and thought for a while: This Jinling Mansion Grand Prince suddenly came to visit Wujiapu. Could it be that he made a special trip to help Wu Fatian? "

Of course it's impossible. How could the second-rate family make such a big fuss for the third-rate family under their jurisdiction, and even send out heirs? I guess they came for the death of the ethereal crane, and even more for exploring the secrets of Wu Jiabao. This should be what Wu Fatian is most worried about right now, and its crisis level even exceeds your Qinghuahui. But even so, if Qinghua would riot at this time, then the eldest son might intervene and things would be difficult to handle. "

Qin Shanhai analyzed it carefully.

Yang Feng thought about it a little, and then said: What kind of person is this big young man? Isn't he a arrogant second-generation ancestor who eats, drinks and has fun? "

Of course it is impossible. As the future heir of Jinling Mansion, he is by no means a mediocre. Rumor has it that this elder son is meticulous and smart, and is highly regarded by the elders of the family. "

This is easy! "

What do you mean? "

Qin Shanhai was puzzled, and Yang Feng grinned and said: Human civilization has developed for such a long time, and its goal is to use the smallest price in exchange for the greatest benefit. Therefore, the smarter the person, the more he hates fighting, and the more inclined to negotiate to solve problems. So if this big young man is a wise man, we can talk to him. Otherwise, if he is an overbearing second generation ancestor, there is no way to talk nonsense with him, because there is no common language. Smart people and fools can't talk together. "

Do you want to negotiate with him? "

Yes, cooperate with him! "

Are you crazy? In what capacity do you want to talk about cooperation with the heir of a second-rate family? It's not bad if people don't take you down on the spot. "

Qin Shanhai looked at him dumbfounded, it was hard to believe his thoughts.

Brother, you are now engaged in a revolution, and you are trying to subvert a subordinate organization. As the boss of the head office, it would be nice not to maimed you, and still cooperate? Dreaming!

Yang Feng smiled disapprovingly, his eyes full of confidence: Brother Qin, you don't understand the characteristics of our revolutionaries. Our greatest advantage is to make friends and not picky eaters, regardless of his background, as long as there is value in use, we can fool him to our side, drain his effective value, hehehe. "

Huh, huh? "

Qin Shanhai nodded first, but quickly reacted.

Hearing what he meant, was he also the one who was fooled in and squeezed dry?

Looking at Qin Shanhai's suspicious face, Yang Feng patted his shoulder lightly, and slapped him up to the sky haha: Don't think too much, I didn't use your meaning, we are partners, true partners. "

Guess I will believe you bullshit? "

Rolling his eyes, Qin Shanhai squinted at him.

Yang Feng smiled noncommitantly: In short, with my three-inch tongue, I can definitely fool him to abandon Wu Fatian, a declining boy, and join the torrent of our revolutionary tide, hahaha. "

Hmm... You are really an individual when you move the second-rate family and follow you against the third-rate family. Although this sounds a bit outrageous, why do I still have a little hope? Your broken mouth is definitely much more reliable than your character! "

Qin Shanhai slapped his lips twice, and as a victim of the MLM leader Yang Feng, he had to sigh.

This big fool is going to harm other people again. Then go to the scourge as much as you want. Anyway, I can't be the only one injured, isn't it? Humph!

Hey, why did I start a revolution with him in a good way? Didn’t you say you don’t want revolution?

Qin Shanhai scratched his head, instantly lost in confusion.

In the middle of the night, the breeze hits, the moon is bright and the stars are thin.

The eldest son Jin Daoling was leaning against the golden soft bed holding a book and reading. He is a good school to study hard, and he is a scholarly and literate person.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed behind him and praised: People say that the Grand Prince of Jinling Mansion is both civil and martial arts, and he is only eight fights. He will be the most promising person in charge of the Jin family for tens of thousands of years. I saw it today. Well-deserved reputation, admire and admire! "

who? "

The body shook, and the eight generals of Yunkong all stepped forward, surrounded by Jin Daoling, heartbroken.

With their eight masters guarding here, this person can still sneak in unconsciously. It's incredible. What is sacred?

The faces of the eight people were very solemn, because they knew that if this person were an assassin, their master would have fallen to the ground.

All back down! "

With a wave of his hand, compared to the tension of the eight people, Jin Daoling looked relaxed and at ease: he would flatter himself, he was definitely not an assassin. And if he did the assassination, he had already started it, would it be your turn to discover it? "


The heart was slightly stagnant, and the bodies of the eight people stayed in place, no longer moving forward.


He patted his hands lightly, and Yang Feng smiled and said: As expected, the eldest son is surrounded by dragons and phoenixes. No wonder you can become the future heir of Jinling Mansion. With a leader like the Grand Prince, you are full of hope for the future of Jinling Mansion in the next moment, hahaha! "

Your Excellency came late at night, maybe it was just to say a few words of flattery. "

Putting down the page in his hand, Jin Daoling raised his eyes to look at the shadow: Who are you, and why are you here late at night? "

Ta Ta Ta!

Following a gentle step, the section in the shadow walked out of a long shadow in a blue shirt, with a strange mask on his head.

When everyone saw it, they all exclaimed: Qinghuahui, Chen Jialuo? "

At this moment, the name and appearance of Chen Jialuo of the Blue and White Club have long been known to everyone in Wujiapu. Jin Daoling and the others had heard of it even though they had just arrived.

At this moment, I was stunned when I saw it.

They really couldn't figure out why, in the middle of the night, Chen Jialuo, who made the whole Wujiabao turbulent, suddenly ran in front of them?

They should have no intersection with this Chen Jialuo, right?

Staring at Yang Feng tightly, Jin Daoling thought for a while and said: What is your purpose? "

The eldest son is really quick to talk, if so, he is straightforward. "

With a big laugh, Yang Feng nodded slightly and said: Soon there will be a decisive battle with Wu Jiabao, I hope Jinling Mansion can stand by by then. "

You let us watch the fire from the other side and not participate in this matter? This is a bit...hehehe! "

He smiled and shook his head, Jin Daoling muttered: After all, Wu Jiabao is also my Jinling Mansion..."

and also! "

However, before he finished speaking, Yang Feng said again: I hope that Jinling Mansion will be able to admit that he is the orthodox master of Wujiapu. "

Yang Feng knew that Wujiabao was under the jurisdiction of Jinling Mansion. Only when Jinling Mansion recognized his official identity, could Wujiabao truly change its flag.

Jin Daoling's brows jumped and he took a deep look at him: Why? "

As long as I know what you are here for, and I can help you achieve your goals, this little Wu Jiabao should be our trading terms. "

Yang Feng smiled evilly.

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