Alien God System

Chapter 1121: Grand Prince of Jinling Mansion

Unity is strength, unity is strength..."

On the streets of Wujiapu, rows of masked figures walked through the crowd grandily, singing revolutionary songs, majestic and majestic.

In the Bing Ma Si conference room, a group of surviving leaders sat around a table, listening to the majestic and energetic singing outside, and couldn't help but sigh.

The sky has changed! "

Isn't it? I blatantly conspired, and even sang to the door of our soldier Ma Si, obviously just didn't put us in the eyes. "

That is, you want to rebel, even if you are secretly colluding, let's turn one eye and close the other to finish the matter, you are too shameless to show your power under our noses, alas. "

After a long sigh, Shi Fenqiang looked at Yang Feng and said: Brother Feng, can you bear this? "

What's intolerable? Lao Tzu's movement, Lao Tzu hopes that it will become more and more fierce and become a whole fort movement.

Yang Feng muttered in his stomach, did not speak, just lifted the tea bowl, took a sip of the fragrant tea, and sighed: What if I can't bear it? Who of you goes out, captures the group of chaos and criminals on the street, and rectifies the Fa on the spot? "


The body stagnated, and everyone stopped talking.

Or is it true that people who know the current affairs are brilliant, and we can't even provoke Gejiazhai, so how can we provoke the Blue and White Club that drove Gejiazhai away? "

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng said leisurely: I want to say, this time we should thank the Blue and White Club. Without them, how could we get through the difficulties so easily and achieve a 100% survival rate? Therefore, it is rare for us to survive, and we must cherish our lives, and don't take care of things we shouldn't. "

Brother Feng, is this nosy? They are obviously going to shake the sky! "

What's the big deal? It’s not yours this day. What is your last name? "

Glancing at the second stunned son, Yang Feng solemnly said: We are just aristocrats. To put it bluntly, we work for the Wu family. Whether it is the Wu family or the Chen family, it has nothing to do with us. It’s best for our soldiers and horses to remain neutral now, to see them fighting to the death and to death, and to see who has the best chance of winning, we will stand on which side to ensure our best interests in the future. Until then, it is better not to offend both parties. "


Nodding busy, everyone agrees.

Yang Feng's way of being in the world can be called an old fritters, and he has won the trust of the vast majority.

At this time, someone was embarrassed and said: But just now there was a message from Wu Jiazong, let us take care of the outlaws..."

They have their own guards at home, and they don't care about it. Let us take care of it. It is clear that we will offend the Blue and White Club and the whole family will die. Do these old **** think about us as idiots? Can we participate in this kind of obvious death? "

Can't! "

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation and cursed: This group of Wu family clan members rushed to them when they were good, and pushed us when they were in danger. If you want me to say, this day might as well have changed. Let Chen Jialuo go, much better than their Wu Jia. At least Chen Jialuo stepped forward when he was in danger in Wujiapu. The killing was also justified and persuasive. He never killed innocent people indiscriminately. Unlike his Wu family...fuck! "



Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they nodded tacitly.

After a while, someone said: But now the above is still the Wu family. As the guard of Wu Jiabao, our soldier and Ma Si must give an explanation to the Wu family elders, right? "

Yes, the situation is still uncertain, and we cannot publicly state our position. "

Nodded faintly, Yang Feng suddenly said: How about that, go back to those old people, just say that our soldiers and horses have been tightly arranged and sent people into the Blue and White Club, just waiting for their entire organizational structure to be clarified. , Just catch it all in one go. Before that, don't act rashly or break big plans. "

Well, use this reason to drag the old guys first, even if the castle owner comes back, can't we say that we have two hearts? "Nodded firmly, Shi Fenqiang couldn't help but admired: Brother Feng, Gao, it's really high."

With a chuckle and waved his hand, Yang Feng continued: I have found a reason, but I have to behave. Starting today, all of us have joined the Blue and White Club in secret. If Lord Wu asks about the progress of our actions, we can also come up with a result, saying that we have already penetrated the enemy. If the truth changes, then we will make the fakes come true and become the future nobles as members of the Blue and White Club. Step on two boats and be afraid of which one sinks! "

High, Brother Feng is high! "

Hearing his words, everyone present gave their thumbs up and praised them from the bottom of their hearts.

Yang Feng grinned, and smiled triumphantly, slandering.

Do you think double agents are so good? After you get on the boat, it will be hard to think about it again, hehehe.

Wan Zining rolled his eyes when he heard it outside the door.

Is this stinky kid born treacherous and cunning, really sinister.

Which is like President Chen, upright, hum.

But where did she know that Chen Jialuo and Yang Feng were the same person. One in the bright, one in the dark, one as a good person, and the other as a villain, involved the forces of all levels of Wujiapu into his overall situation.

On the other hand, a month later, in a gloomy mountain and forest, the earth floated from time to time, a human head got out and looked at it, then retracted again.

Deep in the ground, Wu Fatian had a gloomy face, gritted his teeth and said: Didn’t you say that I will be here in the Longtuo Mountain Shuanglong Meeting in a month? I have been waiting here for more than half a month, why haven’t I come? Changfeng, what do you think? "

According to the humble opinion of his subordinates, there are generally only three reasons why Gejiazhai has not appeared. "

Which three? "

Firstly, Ge Hong discovered some clues and temporarily cancelled the operation; secondly, some people here leaked the news; thirdly, the news was false. "

fake? "

With a flick of his brows, Wu Fatian shook his head non-committal: No way, that Yang Biao didn't have the ability to lie under the control of five spiritual spiritual masters. "

What if it is not Yang Biao who lies, but Ge Hong? "


His body stagnated, Wu Fatian's brows instantly condensed into a lump.

At this time, a subordinate hurriedly ran over and bowed and said: Asking the leader, a letter from the castle, Gejiazhai raided Wujiabao! "

what? "

With his fist clenched suddenly, Wu Fatian figured everything out in an instant: Damn, this **** Ge Hong used Yang Biao as bait to give me a plan to adjust the tiger away from the mountain? Come back to Wujiapu quickly. "


As soon as the voice fell, the entire mountain suddenly shook like waves, but after listening to the loud noises, people's shadows appeared from under the earth one after another. High in the sky.

Wu Fatian volleyed at the front of the team, waved his hand fiercely, and roared: Everyone, follow me to help Wujiapu. "

Yo, Lord Wu, what are you doing with so many people here? Are you here to meet my son? Ha ha ha! "

Suddenly, a soft drink sounded, and everyone turned their heads to look. Not far away, a golden carriage pulled by two tens of feet long Qingluan was driving in the sky.

There were eight masters with solemn expressions around.

The curtain was lifted slightly, revealing a white palm, and a jade jade finger was also worn on his thumb.

When Wu Fatian saw this, he kept his eyes on, and couldn't help but exclaimed: Heir of Jinling Mansion, Grand Prince Jindaoling? "

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