Alien God System

Chapter 1101: This is a trap

He let out a long sigh of breath. Wu Fatian didn't get angry when he thought of this, and shouted: You don't know the specific location of the stockade, how do you get home? "

After each mission, the village owner will ask people to leave a sign to go back along the way, and when they arrive at the designated place, they can go back after another three days. If something goes wrong with the designated location within these three days, we will change the location and mark us to evacuate. "

Damn, there is such a baby, so careful, Ge Hong! "


Wu Fatian patted the back of the chair fiercely, and then asked: What are you doing in Wujiapu this time? "

Come on! "

Who should I contact? "

Blue and white people. "

What does the connector do? "

My eldest brother will meet Chen Jialuo, the chief rudder of the Blue and White Club, at Longtuo Mountain to discuss the big plan. This is the Double Dragon Club! "Mysteriously, Yang Biao said everything.

This matter is extremely secretive. My elder brother told me that the law should not be taught to Liu Er, so I told the people of the Blue and White Club directly for fear of leaking the news and attracting stray dogs. "

Longtuoshan, hum.

With a cold snort in his heart, Wu Fatian's mouth crossed the evil spirits: Who is the person from the Blue and White Club who is connected to you, can you still recognize it? "

Of course, I will never forget when I die. It is a terrifying monster. I saw him when he first came to the spirit world. "

Just come to the spirit world? "

With a raised eyebrow, Wu Fatian was clear: that is to say, this person is from the lower realm. What's his name, do you know? "

I'm not sure, but I heard people call him..."

Yang Biao murmured. When he was about to say Yang Feng's message, he suddenly shook his body and kept shaking. Both eyes were also blinking, turning into pure darkness.

His eyes were full of fear and pain, his head was constantly shaking, and his canthus was cracking.

Wu Fatian was surprised: What happened to him? "

Castle Lord, someone is casting a spell! "


Those five spiritual masters, who were controlling Yang Biao's primordial spirit, are now shaking their heads like shivering, shaking their heads like shivering.

A stream of pitch black climbed up to their eyes like ink, and soon the entire bead was soaked in the appearance of night.


Finally, Yang Biao shouted to the sky, struggling constantly all over his body, seeming to be very painful, still shouting in his mouth: Don't...don't bite me..."

Wu Fatian didn't know what he meant, and turned to look at everyone around him: What happened to him? "

Hmm... you ask us, who do we ask to go? We are not good at this spiritual system.

The people around were also confused, and turned to look at the five spiritual experts, only to see that the five people also suddenly wailed up to the sky, very sad.

In a short while, his eyes were gone, and all of them fell to the ground, completely lost their breath.

All things happen in the electric light and flint.

The crowd hadn't realized what was going on yet, even the prisoner brought the interrogation expert, and they all died.

A dark shadow followed the corpse into the ground gradually, disappearing, coming and walking quietly, no one noticed their existence.

Only the dumbfounded faces of people were left, and they were dumbfounded.

What happened just now?

Wu Jianxiong walked over cautiously, sighed their sighs, and felt cold. He turned around and told the castle lord, they are all dead. "

died? "

His body shook, Wu Fatian couldn't believe it: How did he die? "

Uh this...

Licking some dry lips, Wu Jianxiong also shook his head helplessly: the subordinates don't know, but one thing is certain, that is, killing people and some people don't want Yang Biao to say too much. As for this method of extinguishing the mouth, the spiritual masters just said that someone is casting the spell. But the old man didn't know much about this spiritual system, so he couldn't figure it out. But what is certain is that the other party is extremely knowledgeable in this respect, otherwise it is impossible to wipe out all the five spiritual master masters in a flash, leaving no one, it is really difficult to deal with. "

Gejiazhai Gehong, Blue and White Club Chen Jialuo, you guys will walk around and see, hum! "

A rough breath came out of his nostrils, and Wu Fatian's face was gloomy.

On the other hand, a group of evil spirits who completed the task returned to Yang Feng again. Yang Feng took the soul contract and recruited the evil spirits into the contract.

Then Yang Feng pressed those soul contracts to his forehead, and the pictures were transmitted into Yang Feng's mind like holographic images.

These are all memories of people who were just killed by those evil spirits.

In fact, the death of those people before was not because some spiritual method destroyed their souls, but their souls were eaten up by these evil spirits.

And the memories stored in their primordial spirits also entered these evil spirits.

As the gods who mastered these evil ghost contracts, Yang Feng was naturally able to extract the memories of those dead from their bodies.

At this moment, Yang Feng is looking at Yang Biao's memory, especially the memory before he came to perform the task this time, in order to understand Gejiazhai in more detail.

However, in this memory picture, a middle-aged man who seemed extremely righteous and cloudless had carefully planned all the plans for this operation for Yang Biao, including the joint location and escape route, which can be described as infinite.

But it was in this escape plan that Yang Biao was unlucky enough to be caught by Zhan Pengfei, and Zhan Pengfei seemed to know in advance, and he laid a net there.

There is something wrong, absolutely something wrong.

Yang Feng squinted his eyes for a moment, and suddenly said: This is a trap. Yang Biao was put in. If he didn't kill the kid in time, the Blue and White Club would also be put in. Then who is the last profit, Wu Fatian, Zhan Pengfei, or..."

Yang Feng considered it carefully, and immediately walked out of the hidden place, ready to inquire about some news, but ran into Qin Shanhai head-on.

Qin Shanhai glanced at him, and said directly: Recently, your Blue and White Club had better not take any action, otherwise, it would definitely fall into the trap. "

How do you know there is a cover? "

Here, I also have my intelligence system. "

Looking left and right, Qin Shanhai whispered: Zhan Pengfei was able to catch Yang Biao this time because he bought intelligence on the black market. But the black market of how this information got there is very strange. The most likely is the deliberate rumors of someone in Gejiazhai. This person is either an enemy or a spy with Yang Biao. "

spy? impossible!

Ge Hong did this very secretly. He only told Yang Biao alone, and he didn't tell Liu Er, so he shouldn't disclose the news to others.

And Yang Biao knew that this operation carried extremely high risks, and it was not a big mouth. From his memory, he never talked about it everywhere, how could he leak the information?

Then the only possibility is... Ge Hong?

Yang Feng reacted all of a sudden, and then thought of the analysis of Ge Hong by Motuo, and he immediately understood.

Ge Hong did not have any sincerity to join forces with the Blue and White Club. He just wanted to use the name of the Blue and White Club and himself to give Wu Fatian a cover.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to use his eight masters as bait to increase the credibility of the news.

This man really does nothing to achieve his goal.

Yang Feng sighed...

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