Alien God System

Chapter 1044: Celebration

With a flick of his brow, Yang Feng turned his head to look, and saw that the carriage gradually stopped and the curtain lifted, revealing a familiar face from the inside. It was the Sima Changfeng who was undoubtedly.

It's you? "

Get in the car and bring your friends up. I gave you a celebration banquet. Let's have a drink together, ha ha ha. Sima Changfeng's eyes shone with gleaming light, and he chuckled.

After thinking for a while, Yang Feng felt that this person had never been malicious to him, so he nodded, greeted the devil to lift the **** onto the carriage, and Linglong followed closely.

When he arrived at Sima Mansion, Sima Changfeng arranged a room for Kuang Tianwei to heal his injuries. Linglong and Motuo were accompanied by him, and only called Yang Feng into the hall.

Here, it is already full of delicious food, which is just a celebration banquet, but it is very deserted. Only Sima Changfeng sat on the main seat to toast him, and a woman with a pretty charming face offered music to the side, and there was nothing left.

Yang Feng knew in his heart that Sima Changfeng had something to tell him, and it was not convenient for outsiders to hear it.

After the song was played, Sima Changfeng took the lead in clapping his hands, and smiled to Hongmei: Listening to Hongmei playing the piano is really a great joy in life. Brother Yang Feng, what do you think? "

Xi Shi is in the eyes of the lover, she is your woman, even if she smashes the pot and irons, she will hear fairy music in your ears. What do I have to do with her? Objectively speaking, the sound of her piano sounds like that. Generally, my wife plays better than her. "


With a twitch of face, Sima Changfeng's voice became dumb, and when he looked at Hongmei not far away, he saw that Hongmei's face quickly became gloomy.


Couldn't help but laugh up to the sky, Sima Changfeng couldn't help but praised: Brother Yang is really very human, these words are wonderful. The so-called literature has no first and Wu has no second. How can all the judgments in the world be so absolutely objective? But each has its own advantages. Look, Hongmei, I'm not wrong, Brother Yang is indeed a wizard. "

Yes, it is a wizard. It's just that you don't speak well, which makes you hate, hum "

Rolling her eyes, Hongmei ignored the boring man.

Sima Changfeng smiled and shook his head, looked at Yang Feng, and held a glass of wine. He said: Brother Yang, with this cup, I wish you the first prize in the Canopy Arena, and you are also promoted to the ranks of the second-class nobles of Wujiabao. Congratulations. "

What's so gratifying? I almost became an ungrateful, shameless person who bullied men and women. "

After spitting out a long suffocation, Yang Feng said with a depressed look: If you don't say anything, just make a joke, why is everyone taking it seriously? I almost instructed my little brother to kill my best friend. Why don't they ask me? Human life is a matter of life, can the magic top really succeed? I want to occupy his daughter, God doesn’t even have a word of abuse, humiliating? Even if they are angry or angry, I think they have joked before, and they will stop, how..."

Having said that, Yang Feng didn't say anything, just shook his head vigorously: changed, they all changed..."

It's not that they have changed, but you have changed. "

I have changed? "

Yes, you have changed from being a commoner to a nobleman. "

this one? "

Yang Feng couldn't believe it, Sima Changfeng smiled and nodded: Yes, at this point, everything and people have changed. This is the world. "

Gently picked up a glass of wine and came to Yang Feng. After touching a glass with him, Sima Changfeng raised his head and drank it, his complexion slowly becoming solemn.

This is a highly hierarchical world, the following crimes will bring bad luck that everyone can't bear. Therefore, everyone lives cautiously and dare not be a little lighthearted. Because of people's fear, they dare not make jokes about the existence of a higher level than themselves. Maybe this joke will make them irreversible. "

Smashing his mouth, Sima Changfeng paced in front of Yang Feng, murmured: Even if people of the same level get along, even if there is a conflict, it's a big deal, or if they don't get together, what can they do? But when the low-level and high-level people get along, once there is a contradiction, maybe a word from a high-level person can make your whole family dead. So can low-level people not be afraid? This sense of fear can only make them cautious. "

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng knew it well, and after taking another sip of wine, he was still annoyed: But everyone has been together for so long, don't they know who I am? How could I hurt them casually? How could they be so alienated from me? "

Because people can change, human nature is the least reliable. You used to be a fourth-class untouchable like them. You are now a second-class nobleman who can make them die without a place to bury them. Can this be the same? Even if you do not change, your right to speak has also changed. One of your jokes almost instructed the Magic Top to kill Kuang Tianwei, which is proof. Think about your previous joke, will they take it seriously? now what? "

Yes, this is the first time I have seen someone who turned so fast after being promoted to a nobleman, furfurfur! "At this time, Na Hongmei gave Yang Feng a fierce look, seeming to be revenge for Yang Feng's remarks, and immediately teased and teased.

However, Yang Feng didn't smile, just calmed his face and thought silently.

Sima Changfeng glanced at him and continued: Since ancient times, emperors have claimed to be lonely and widowed, because his power is so great that no one dared to approach him. Today, the four levels of the spirit world are all isolated, like four pools of stagnant water, and everyone inside is stinking. Both the fourth-class untouchables and the first-class clans are decayed in their ponds. If this continues, it will eventually perish. "

Yes, no matter how powerful Emperor Kangxi is, he needs a Wei Xiaobao by his side. I now understand Kangxi's mood at the time. Unfortunately, in the end he lost Wei Xiaobao. As long as he sits in the seat for a day, no one like Wei Xiaobao will show up. "

For the first time, Yang Feng felt the loneliness of a high position and the fear in the hearts of those at the bottom.

In the past, he was in the lower realm, although he was the leader of the nine nations, but there was not a single person in charge of the government there, and the emperor could not have the final say on his own.

This is a bit of vitality instead, not as dead as the spirit world. After Emperor Fenglei retired, he still played chess with his old husband every day. Lost power, but live happier.

But here, the rigid level has already plunged everyone into the quagmire. Others don't know how they feel, but he is uncomfortable anyway.

Yang Feng, when you said you wanted to change the world, what did you want to change? "Suddenly, Sima Changfeng said loudly to Yang Feng.

With eyes suddenly certain, Yang Feng solemnly said: Break the fourth-class hierarchy, and don't let God and the others look at me and anyone else in fear! "

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