Alice's Dream Club

# 33. Look, there really are gods.

Under the leadership of Zhang Ya, the blood clan quickly entered the sky-reaching rift they chose. Although each family still does not fight each other, they will not violate Lilith's will.

After the vampire made his choice, the werewolf then chose another rift to enter.

The two large ethnic groups broke away from their original camps and began to work alone, which attracted many voices of condemnation from other ethnic groups.

Voices such as "just relying on the size of the ethnic group to be arrogant", "scattered to hit the opponent's arms, no brains" came and went.

Zhuang Yan had no interest in getting mixed up in verbal criticism, let alone pissing off this group of cowards who dare not speak face to face.

He led the Muxiu Society into the maze for the third time, as if the group of people behind him did not exist - they were not real allies anyway, so there was no need to pay more attention to their thoughts.

The last is Milin's ability bureau, perhaps because they are the last team composed of humans, and their power is relatively small, the group of people in the inner world who still did not move finally dared to insult and question people face to face.

Facing the same problem, Milin smiled brightly.

"It's really funny, so who of you can guarantee that you won't do anything to other hostile ethnic groups?"

Contemptuously swept across the remaining leaders, snorted coldly, and led the team into another gap.

Before entering, she did not forget to remind the groups who were still hesitant.

"It's too late to go in by then, so don't blame the creator for being partial afterwards."

One sentence silenced the rest of the ethnic groups.

They came to gain the favor of the founder faster than other races, so that when the age of myth comes again, they can suppress all races.

Ever since, the rest of the ethnic group had a twisted mind.

——They intend to follow the group of pathfinders ahead.

However, the facts tell them that if this little idea works well, they won't be able to block them.

A barrier that cannot be observed by the naked eye has appeared outside the gap where groups of people have already entered. This invisible barrier can effectively identify various forms and states. Even if one's own breath is made to be consistent with the previous entry, it can be keenly identified. Come out and block out.

What makes this group of people even more painful is that as long as one person in the group enters an empty rift, the entire group can only enter that rift entrance, and the others cannot enter again. no.

It's like being identified genetically.

The small idea of ​​letting people explore the road was crushed to death, and the idea of ​​​​dividing troops into two groups was stifled. As a last resort, the remaining groups could only start later than others and speed up the time to cross the wall-thick world as much as possible.

Just as the ethnic groups outside were being hypocritical, the first blood race to enter the entrance of the rift stopped under Zhang Ya's signal.

After waiting for a while, she arrived at the door, and after confirming that there was no one outside, she clapped her hands and told everyone to pack up and go home.

Yes, go home.

When hearing this statement, all the blood races showed dumbfounded expressions.

There is no need for them to ask, Zhang Ya explained with a smile: "You are really stupid, you still can't feel the relationship between the ancestor Lilith and the creator? Coming here today is just to help the scene go through the motions, okay, okay, clean up Things, go home and rest and wait for the ancestor's next arrangement."

Thinking of Lilith's identity and the changes that happened to her after Lilith's return, everyone was no longer confused. They left the narrow passage behind the high wall with Zhang Ya and returned to the blood race by teleportation.

The werewolves led by Qi Kexiu were one step slower than the blood clan, but the werewolf group did not have as big a division as the blood clan, so after the order to leave, all the werewolves immediately changed back to human form. They chatted and laughed in twos and threes, right When this time it was a public money fight.

When leaving the maze, the werewolf happened to see the Muxiu Society led by Zhuang Yan. The two parties greeted each other politely and left the current place in their own ways.

Finally, Milin, unlike the first three ethnic groups, she and a dozen people from the Ability Bureau found the command post of Olympus.

Here, she and her teammates met Lynch who was reviewing the materials.

"Here, that gentleman is the owner of the club. I said that if you help me, I will take you to see the gods. Then I will definitely not break my promise."

The aura and temperament that Lynch exudes are completely indistinguishable from ordinary people, making others feel confused.

Of course, the appearance of such a "mortal" in the command post surrounded by extraordinary people walking around is enough to tell them how special this man is.


It’s just a group of people who feel that the situation in front of them is weird, and they can’t tell the source of this kind of thinking. It seems that after finally seeing a star they have been following for a long time, they find that he, like everyone else, also eats box lunches and has nothing to do. fault.

Sensing the observation eyes of the crowd, Lynch, who was getting information about the trends in the inner world, immediately shifted his attention to them. He saw Milin at the first glance, and in the next second, he appeared in front of her.

The power of teleportation is not too shocking, at most it proves to be an extraordinary person.

But moving to another place with twenty people together, and making everyone feel unaware, this is so terrifying that it makes people stare.

The transfer place was naturally the lobby of the club, and Lynch was preparing drinks for everyone behind the bar.

Seriously, the qualification of "the owner of the club personally mixes drinks for himself" is enough to boast for a lifetime!

Although she is familiar with Lynch's temperament, Milin still maintains a certain degree of respect, after all, there are "outsiders" present.


She sat in front of the bar and nodded politely to Lynch.

"How did you get involved?"

"After all, Qi Kexiu and I are old acquaintances." Mi Lin didn't have the vigor of a tigress in front of Lynch at all, and her team members were stunned when she saw her, "He said that Mr. I don’t ask for help, I don’t ask for help.”

After taking the glass from Lynch, she took a sip and continued.

"However, I can only bring so many people. I don't know what the Ability Bureau I'm in is planning, and there is no action plan until now. They came here reluctantly because I said they would bring the gods."

"Where did the gods come from?" Lynch smiled helplessly, "I'm just an ordinary person."

Milin really listened.

"So do we need to do something next? Anyway, idle is idle, why not make some extra money."

After thinking about it, Lynch realized that there seemed to be something they could do.

"Help me keep an eye on all the supernatural organizations. Except for those who participated in this operation, the rest of the supernatural organizations seem to be standing still. No one can guarantee whether Ji Shihui is obstructing it."


Picking up the old tray in front of her, Milin delivered the drinks and juices that Lynch had prepared in front of the others.

It is amazing that each cup is labeled with a word in the corresponding person's name, and those drinks are also the favorite taste of the corresponding person.

"If there's nothing else to do, let's go."

Lynch's eyes fell on the crowd.

"As for looking for a club to make a deal, you need to wait for everything to settle. Sorry, the club is not accepting orders now."

Those who had the idea of ​​trading felt Lynch's direct gaze, which seemed to be able to see through all disguises and hit the core of the soul.

When they were touched by the feeling of staring, they found that they had returned to the command post at some point, and the man was still flipping through the documents at the place where they first met before, never paying attention to themselves.

As if nothing happened just now.

However, the drinks in their hands told them that the meeting just now really existed, but they seemed to have forgotten something—for example, what exactly did Milin talk to that existence just now? She... really had a conversation with that existence?

Relevant memories have become blank, and when she looked at Milin, she responded with a faint smile.

"I didn't break my promise, so don't you believe me now?"

The relevant memories were naturally erased by Lynch, and he didn't know why he wanted to erase those irrelevant memories, anyway, he just wanted to erase them casually, and it felt very interesting...

Returning attention to the information file in front of me, I now know all about the general changes and conditions in the world.

The Jishihui still had no clear direction, and their patience far exceeded Lynch's expectations.

In other words, Chaos' patience is beyond Lynch's imagination.

The world in the other world has already become agitated, and the biggest anomaly is that the Jishihui is still standing still. Perhaps it is the creation of the mirror image that made Chaos perceive something, but even if it perceives something, the current plan will not stop, and the main work now The content is to prevent chaos from causing damage to one's own plan.

Other supernatural organizations that also remained on hold were uncertain factors, so Lynch asked Milin to help track them down.

Putting away the documents, he sensed a little and locked Tina's position.

She and her two team members did not participate in the battle to suppress the demons. This team is still performing the work of identifying demon hunters who may be lurking in chaos.

The way to identify the three is quite amazing:

After finding the suspected target, conduct all-round tracking and monitoring. If there is no abnormal behavior, let them suddenly contact the chaotic core stored as a sample inside the demon hunter at a certain time.

If there is resonance, there must be a problem. If there is no resonance, replace it with another one.

The three of them would not show up during the whole process, and the result made them very happy: at least until now, all suspects have been ruled out.

Lynch came directly to the three who had just finished the test, and his sudden appearance naturally aroused Tina's dissatisfaction.

"Sir...can you say hello in advance when you come next time..."

Glancing at the water glass she was shattered in fright, Lynch pretended that he didn't hear anything.

"Is there any reaction to the thing I asked you to save recently?"

"To tell you the truth," Tina carefully took out the encapsulated pendant from the waist bag behind her, "It seems that some strange things have happened to it recently, but we followed your wishes and did not go there privately. Observe the situation."

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