Alice's Dream Club

# 16. Super factory?

The same research is being done on every platform. Although the picture is disgusting, Lynch still checked all the 22 research facilities.

By the time I finished watching it, Nishi Yintang had already turned black.

Although she printed it with magic power, but the wilting state can definitely show her mood at this time.


Desperate for the possibility of seeing fried liver stewed and other delicious dishes in the future, causing PTSD.

Ignoring the cub-like sobbing and resentful thoughts of the second generation, Lynch found the elevator and went to the multi-platform space above.

The location of the elevator is very interesting. It is placed along the fixed structure of the shaft in a staggered manner.

This placement method is a bit anti-human at first glance—you can’t directly reach the floor you want to go to at one time—but it’s also interesting here: the relative independence provides staged security for the elevator. The collapse of the elevator will not affect the normal ascent and descent between other floors.

At the same time, this staggered arrangement gives people a sense of beauty, staggering to one side in stages, giving people a decorative spiral vision, elegant but advanced, and blending the aesthetics of the two characteristics together.

"Hold it, boss, why don't you just say that it's like a pan flute in a circle?"

"It's actually Shengxiao."

"I don't care about you..."

The second floor is a manufacturing factory platform, where a large number of weapons and equipment are manufactured and transported to the outside of the pyramid through numerous giant pipelines on the periphery.

The weapons made in the factory more or less have the shadow of modern armed forces, but the appearance should be more in line with the sea monster's aesthetics, and at the same time, there are some more structures that humans will not use in terms of functions, such as water storage equipment.

The floor occupied by the factory is relatively high, about three to four times the height, and there are a large number of tower cranes, suspension booms and small gantry cranes between this floor and the upper floor. In order to ensure the stability of the structure, they are respectively built on additional On the platform, let the factory floor be more three-dimensional.

Occupying a height of three or four points indicates that this is not the expected ten-story structure, which made Lynch feel relieved.

"Boss, what are you worried about?"

"Didn't you say you don't want to talk to me?"


This time II opened his mouth and bit Lynch's waist.

Further up, the identity certificate was no longer valid, and they gave up taking the elevator, and the two of them switched to flying.

The horizontal area of ​​the third floor is much smaller. After all, the building itself is a wedge-shaped structure with a wide bottom and a narrow top. However, its vertical area is quite sufficient. Although it is not as good as the military factory below, it is still twice the height of the ground floor.

The number of sea monsters on this floor is more than the sum of the first two floors, and the space distribution also adopts a three-dimensional structure.

However, due to the large number, even this allocation is not enough to accommodate at least tens of thousands of levels, so the sea monsters on this floor give full play to the characteristics of the race, and each sea monster has been processed to save space as much as possible.

The simple translation is: dehydration.

So what Lynch and II saw in front of them were palm-sized peas.

The scaled-down siren maintains the exquisiteness of the original image, looking up, it looks like it has entered a doll storage factory.

Compared with the messy internal organs, bones, and all kinds of accumulated tissues just now, this "doll storage room" is even more chilling.

Especially Lynch, who was born weak and weak, he was a little bit immobile.

"When you rescued Alice, you were not afraid of seeing so many ghosts. What's the matter with this scene?"

Sighing, Lynch used her as wings to fly to the upper level.

"Can Annabelle, the shining clown, be the same type as the mountain village old corpse?"

"Oh! Understood, boss, are you afraid of this kind of horror rather than the conventional ghost type?"

"You know as much as you do." Lynch tried not to return his eyes to the "doll group" after playing the second one.

Of course, it’s a shame, but after a short observation, Lynch discovered the similarities between the third floor and the first two floors.

The scientific research departments are not all restoring deep-sea creatures. They are starting to replicate the ancient beasts that lived on land, not only dinosaurs, but also some existences that only exist in fantasy and creative works. For example, they may let dwarves give themselves Two-winged black dragons studded with steel armor, goats with black fur, tentacles and massive eyes, and... humanoids that should theoretically be human.

Lynch didn't know whether it was the human template stored in the Jade Record, or the aesthetic cognition of the sea monster. At least he knew of human history, human beings did not have sharp ears, unless plastic surgery and some kind of congenital disability acquired accidents.

The factory floor is for the construction of some equipment that will be used on land, including war vehicles, weapons, and equipment on the ground and in the sky, all of which are used for combat on land.

And the puppet layer is popularizing knowledge on land, human living habits, physical and mental weaknesses, commonalities in cognition and thinking, etc...

Of course, it is not limited to humans, and many other races such as vampires, werewolves, demons, and even themselves are included.

It seems to be analyzing one's enemies, and it seems to be more in-depth to learn, imitate, and become them.

What they saw and heard on the third floor is enough to confirm that their goal is really to set foot on the mainland, and they regard all living beings as enemies.

What's more frightening is that they know their own characteristics, and they plan to become others, replace others, infiltrate the inside as others, and disintegrate from the inside.

But after this horror, Lynch felt more fortunate and helpless.

It's not that the Kraken's head is very jellyfish, but that the teaching materials they use are somewhat... no, very outdated.

Their knowledge of the land is still in the age of mythology.

To be honest, Lynch now wants to stop this operation and let them successfully attack the land, so that he can see a group of confident and stupid roe deer being blown into jellyfish by the raindrops of missiles and artillery fire...

It was absolutely wicked to laugh at that scene.

Surprisingly, there is only one floor above the learning floor, which is a palace, which hangs high near the top of the pyramid.

Countless stone wall structures supported the palace. After approaching, the overall appearance of the palace clearly came into the sight of the two of them.

Its construction is very characteristic and can be perfectly described in a simple word: ventilation on all sides.

The palace seems to be built only for the throne in the center. This angular but simple and capable design is more convenient for the Queen to meet...

No, looking around, Lynch determined that this design was entirely for the queen. The outer wall of the pyramid had an obvious opening and closing structure, and those bracket beams could also be greatly changed and adjusted.

When the outer walls are opened and the brackets hold the palace up, the true apex of the pyramid emerges.

The queen can also rule over Atlantis at this moment.

When she walked to the platform extending outside the palace, she could overlook the subjects and receive the worship of the residents of Atlantis.

This design reminds Lynch of the magnificent scene of the queen and all the subjects celebrating together when Atlantis was built.

——The majestic queen, the neat army, and the residents who almost believe in the queen's demonstration.

However, the picture was soon shattered, because the masters of Atlantis were a group of sea monsters...

According to the normal situation, the queen might go to the edge of the platform to bask in the sun with everyone, and when she is bored, she can jump a thousand meters off the cliff for others to enjoy...

The happiness of a siren may be simpler than that of a man.

The parliament is not here. Looking up at the throne palace, the slightly dilapidated traces have not yet been repaired.

The Requiem of that year may have been set there, and the queen also relied on her own identity to do some tricks that others would not easily notice.

If the parliament is not above, it should be below the ground.

Go back to the base layer with the second, and the two just meet the three who came back by the elevator.

The uncomfortable atmosphere was still permeating, apparently Alice and the others did not destroy the source for some reason.

"Tell me about the discovery." Lynch asked.

"The Jade Record and the Parliament are not there," Alice nodded to Rasgrace, who cautiously walked towards the system interface not far away, "What we saw after we went down was a particularly large and complicated unit , the crew almost hollowed out the bottom of the ruins, and established an underground 'mechanical kingdom'.

"A large number of sea monsters are busy below. After we approached the core responsible personnel, we heard some interesting content."

"That's interesting?" Mu Xinyi took off her glasses. Every time she was in a breakdown, she would take off her glasses and wipe the lenses vigorously. She even wiped out the prescription of the previous flat lenses. These are the new two lenses. "That's a horror, my dear Miss Alice!"

"Can the two of you talk about some important points?" The Second King gritted his teeth.

"That thing is the second generation of Requiem! Use the remaining city of Atlantis as an expansion board, use the guy who is building somewhere as a beam-folding phase repeater, and rely on the pyramid itself as a giant destruction of the transmitting antenna arms!"

After speaking, she stared at Alice.

"That's it, sister, tell me how interesting this is! Just a positron jet that is at least ten circles smaller than this one can destroy the people's satellite at will. If the mule had such a thing back then, he would push it Ake Sith!"

For the first time, Alice was scolded and shrunk her neck, which was an achievement that Lynch had never achieved.

"But it does look very interesting. I haven't seen such a complicated super-giant mechanical structure..."

"I also think it's quite interesting," Lynch looked at Mu Xinyi with a smile, "especially when Alice is allowed to operate it."

Hearing this, the collapse in Mu Xinyi's heart immediately flew to the end of the universe.

Alice touching that thing basically means that the thing has been scrapped before it can be used, which is an absolute guarantee of safety.

Maybe even watch a giant firework.

Alice was very dissatisfied with the two singing together, but she couldn't refute the fact that the mechanical killer.

So Miss Alice couldn't afford to be wronged now, so she could only get angry at Lynch.

When the left lung was cut into slices, Lasgrace returned to the four of them. Through network intrusion, she had already locked the position of the parliament and at the same time obtained a very useful piece of information.

The so-called "core of truth" is consistent with the Emerald Jade Record in terms of appearance and functional records.

Hit the jackpot.

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