Alice's Dream Club

# 34. I think my old lady beat me to death!

In order to avoid the embarrassment of getting up to grab the toilet in the morning, the club changed from the original one toilet to four under Lynch's considerate transformation. According to him, "one for each person is convenient and smooth."

Mu Xinyi didn't understand why Lynch was so idle when every bedroom had its own bathroom, but she knew that it would be troublesome for her to find Lynch now: after all, the club had four toilets, and she I don't know how to squat outside the door.

Knocking on the door one by one, they came to the last one on the second floor, and hearing the sound of water flushing inside, Mu Xinyi began to brew feelings.

When Lynch pushed open the toilet door, she immediately roared: "Half fairy, aren't you going too far, why is this toilet next to my bedroom!"

Lynch rubbed his hands and turned his head to look at the corridor: "You've got it right, you see the second one, there is one on the left and one on the opposite door."

Without giving Mu Xinyi a chance to continue to get mad, he closed the door and forcibly changed the subject.

"Is there something urgent for you?"

"Oh! Indeed there is!"

"Then go to the kitchen and talk. They are also there. It just so happens that I have something to tell you and the Second King."


When they came to the kitchen, what the two saw was a very unexpected scene: the second king didn't even fight with Alice!

Knowing that Lin Qi and Mu Xinyi would look at themselves with such shocked eyes that mentally ill patients did not have a disease, Er Shi closed the notebook in his hand, and immediately bluffed at the two of them with a particularly ferocious expression.

"Don't think that if one is the boss and the other is the eldest lady, I dare not bite you. I'm not a fool. If I fight with Alice now, who will cook for me?"

After speaking, she turned to look at Alice.


Alice ignored her.

When the two came to the kitchen, the food was almost ready. After confirming that Lynch had washed his hands, Alice was the last to sit down.

"Let's serve dinner," Lin Qi asked Mu Xinyi, indicating that it was time to start eating, "Let's talk about the situation of the trader first, and then tell me about your discovery."

After roughly talking about what happened in the temple and the possible follow-up arrangements for Zhuang Yan, she took a sip of water to moisten her throat, and Mu Xinyi's demeanor gradually became serious.

Her seriousness caused the other three to temporarily put down their chopsticks, and the focus of her gaze also made the second face bewildered.


Facing the three question marks that popped up from the top of the Second Emperor's head, Mu Xinyi said slowly: "I saw the third stone slab."


The Second King immediately stood up when he heard the words, if it wasn't for the table blocking her, she would have even thrown herself on Mu Xinyi's body.

Quickly pressed back to the second, Lynch's tone was also a little surprised: "Where did you see it? Muxiu Society? Are you sure?"

"At least 90% sure," Mu Xinyi said with certainty, "Didn't you show me the details of the two stone slabs of the blood clan before, no matter how bad my eyesight is, I can confirm the image of the winged woman on that stone slab It is no different from the images I have seen on those two slates."

"It's interesting, it's actually in the Muxiu Club."

Lin Qi's exclamation made Mu Xinyi reveal his signature smile.

It is a wicked way of laughing that is about to give a turning point and wait for a more shocked reaction from the other party.

"If this is interesting, then I am so sorry for your trust in me to take full charge of this project."

Lin Qi vaguely guessed something, but when he heard Mu Xinyi tell the truth, even if he was mentally prepared, he was still shocked by the news she brought back.

"That stone slab is still the sacred object of the Muxiu Society, the 'Twilight Zhaoban'."

"...What the hell?"

Lynch really couldn't keep his composure this time.

"Are you sure that slate is a sacred object of the Muxiu Society?"

"Nonsense," Mu Xinyi originally wanted to justify her eyesight and recognition ability, but suddenly thought of the fact that he had helped her reset the time before, and immediately became confused, "No, Banxian, why are you so surprised? They all helped me to reset the world and go back in time. You should have known about this at the same time as me, huh, thanks to the fact that I just realized this..."

"It really has nothing to do with me," Lynch pouted hard at Alice, "it's Alice who helped you with the work, I haven't been running around for the past two days..."

"Hey! Boss! Please pay attention to your broken mouth when you eat!"

The Second King threw a chicken bone and hit Lynch on the forehead.

Lynch: "..."

Seeing that the core of the topic had shifted to herself, Alice who had been listening to the story in silence finally showed a faint smile.

"Well, if I told the master in advance, not only would I not be able to see you bluffing him, but it would also give you no sense of accomplishment in completing the work."

It is expected that Alice would have such considerations, after all, she even deliberately "molested" her in order to see herself confused.

Probably in order to avoid Mu Xinyi feeling frustrated, she imitated Lynch and quickly changed the subject.

"But having said that, if you enshrine something that is suspected to be related to the heretical sect that is committed to eradicating it as a sacred object, and you can also rely on it to establish a connection with the gods you believe in, does it mean that the Mu Xiushe itself has something to do with the Jishihui?"

"You mean that these two sects originally believed in the same god, but later they split because of something and then fought?"

"It's just a guess," Mu Xinyi's conclusion was denied by Alice, "At least these things were not mentioned in the materials you brought back the second time, and the stone slab is also closely related to the vampire group. One of the guesses that cannot be combined, so..."

She looked at the Second King, and after a moment's pause, her tone became quite strange.

"If she hadn't been so bad at thinking, we wouldn't have encountered so many mysteries to be solved now."

"Fish head, who do you think has a bad brain!?"

Quickly pulling away the two who were about to slap the table, Lynch sighed softly.

"Muxiushe and Jishihui wanted to kill each other, and Muxiushe snatched Cuiyulu and tried to use Cuiyulu to unravel the secrets of the song of the dead and its representative. The blood clan is used as a slate to find clues to its own origin and mission. Cheng has now become a sacred object of the Muxiu Society, and the second generation may be related to the origin of the agent and the blood race..."

"So what do you want to say, boss..." Lynch's seriousness made II shrink his neck.

The expression of thinking suddenly turned into a smile, and Lynch also said a concluding speech that could temporarily relieve the second.

"I want to say that since our eldest lady has settled down the matter at the Muxiu Society, then our plan here can also be implemented."

"Oh! The boss is finally planning to attack the pig."

At that time, Lynch took off a chicken leg and stuck it in the mouth of the second generation: "The three big girls around me are my turn to look at the handsome pig? Besides, that pig is a fucking male!"

"Its mother is still male!? Damn!"

Alright, Lynch didn't want to stop Alice from fighting the Second King at all this time.

Nature II can go off topic like this because she wants to use this method to divert the panic in her heart. She has done this more than once when she first came to the club. She glanced at her and Alice who started a bayonet duel with chicken feet , Lynch turned to look at Mu Xinyi.

Unsurprisingly, she showed confusion and dissatisfaction with what she said just now, and those big eyes clearly conveyed the idea that you bastard kept everything from me and treated me like an outsider, right?

After knocking on the table, Lynch said in a straight voice: "You first remove the sword on my crotch, and I will tell you when I remove it."

Yiyan put away the sharp blade, and Lynch, who breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, showed helplessness.

"Originally, this matter is what I just said to tell you." He told Mu Xinyi the idea of ​​discussing God's descent with Alice before, and before he could continue to say something, the second suddenly gave up his sword and surrendered .

"Well, boss, do you think I can ask for a vacation? Just, when you let that mark attach to the pig."

"What's the matter? Are you busy with other things?"

"It's not that there is something wrong..." Obviously, the second generation is not the kind of arrogant temperament, and she has a deep self-awareness of her cooking, "I am not afraid of accidents in everything, just in case I am right? After all, if I am such a dish, if I really meet Wouldn't it be a hindrance if you didn't ask for leave to go with you in some unexpected situation?"

"Then why didn't I see you being so cowardly when you spun around to kill the mutant?"

Hearing this, she was stunned for a while, and then her whole body had the tendency to explode.

"Damn it, boss, you were always there at that time!? If you don't come out to rescue the employees in distress, you are still an individual!"

Pushing the Second King back again, Alice calmed her down with a rare kind word.

"Whether it is a benevolent person's opinion, but the master did take the initiative to help at that time."


"Then he was turned into rotten meat all over the floor by your blade storm, and it will be troublesome to clean up."

Originally, the Second Emperor was not really angry about this matter, but she just felt that it was a bit immoral for Lynch to do things in private and not tell the parties involved.

Anyway, let people say thank you.

Now when he heard that Lynch, the owner of the club, who was almost regarded as a true god by outsiders, who was always wicked but was cut down once by himself with something he couldn't do anything about, II gradually gained confidence.

To be reasonable, my car overturned the "god" in the eyes of ordinary people. This time I will not be good, but it is super powerful!

With self-confidence II, she gave up the idea of ​​asking for leave, and she knew in her heart that she must be present for this matter, because all the known circumstances so far may be related to her lost memory and identity.

Rubbing her hands together, the feeling she exuded has changed from heartfelt to eager to try.

"Then when shall we do it?"

"Let's wait a few more days," Lynch couldn't bear to be so easy to deceive, but he is not the kind of person who likes to force others to do things, but he will never tie up anyone who can be fooled. I became interested in this matter, and I saved a lot of trouble, "Since the information given by Mr. Zhuang said that the power of the god on the day of the full moon is weak, then let's wait for the new moon to be the strongest." when."

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