Alice's Dream Club

# 37. News brought back from the shepherd

In order to clean up the dust for the two of them, Alice put in a rare effort today and cooked a table of sumptuous meals that were no different from the previous scale.

Even though they said so, the three of them could still see that Alice really put in a lot of effort today—usually Alice would never cook fish, and today there were not only squirrel mandarin fish on the table, but also sweet and sour carp and Crucian carp with chopped pepper, fried small yellow croaker and two sliced ​​salted fish as side dishes.

Looking at the fish on this table, Mu Xinyi, who had dark circles under her eyes because she leaked the secret under her skirt, sniffled vigorously.

"I remember Alice, you hate fish the most."

Hearing this, Alice nodded: "Well, because it's very troublesome to handle, and river fish has a much stronger smell than sea fish, so I don't usually like to cook it, and it will leave a fishy smell on my body."

"Then why did you cook such a table full of fish feast, the bestiality has gone wild?"

"That's called a temperamental change."

After knocking on II, Lynch corrected him, but in his heart he somewhat agreed with II's statement.

Alice's usual temperament is really similar to that of a cat, um, the kind that is very reasonable as long as she doesn't provoke her.

So according to this cat-like setting, it is not a big problem to say that she is a beast.

"You're so beastly," Alice rolled her eyes, pointing at Mu Xinyi helplessly, "Isn't it because the local products brought back by Ms. Mu only have fish as an ingredient, and this thing is easy to break , it is better to do it all..."

Upon hearing this, Lynch sighed in surprise: "The Mu family is in the aquatic industry?"

"No, no," Mu Xinyi quickly waved her hands, "My family specializes in antique calligraphy and painting, so my usual identity is based on my family's property, and I use the identity of a professional in archaeology."

"Then where did you get so many aquatic products..."

Hearing this, Mu Xinyi let out a long sigh, and then her eyes fell on Ershi who was holding the only pot of braised pork and started stuffing it into his mouth.

"Not because of her."

The Second Tilted his head in confusion, and the greasy Alice immediately got up to wipe her face, as if she was taking care of her own prodigal daughter.

"My dad likes fishing. The Second King felt that it was a novelty to go fishing with him. These are the fruits that the Second King salvaged."

"Oh! It turned out that I caught these, but I remember it seemed to upset your father at that time?"

"Nonsense," Mu Xinyi threw her a wet tissue backhand and asked her to continue wiping her face, "What is it called when someone catches you and casts a net! If it was a stranger, he would have already fought you desperately, okay?"

"Then, I don't think it's a problem to effectively increase the shipment rate. If there are hooks on the net, it's fishing..."

After talking like this, Lynch felt that the two of them still had to fight. Considering the tragic fact that he was affected by the war caused by the intentional mention of Mu Xinyi's skirt just now, Lynch quickly ended the topic.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about the harvest while eating."

"Oh!" The second generation was miraculously able to keep the hamster eating clearly, "Master Mu was sure that the piece of emerald jade record was genuine, but after seeing it, he said that he didn't give it to Mu Xinyi. I can feel it." He didn't lie, so we spent the rest of the day investigating exactly when that piece of jade was swapped."

"So you are so busy that you even want to investigate other people's trousers?" Lynch glanced at the second.

"Half Immortal, don't force me to commit crimes," Mu Xinyi stomped Lynch's foot under the table, "It's true that I went through all the resumes from the beginning of my impressions, and finally found that it is very likely to lead to being" In the case of "package drop", there is only the opening of the Kunlun Secret Realm that is approaching."

"...What the hell?" Lin Qi was taken aback when he heard this.

Lin Qi's reaction was within Mu Xinyi's expectations, she chuckled a few times and said, "That's right, it's the Kunlun Shenshan Tiangong Fairy Market that you know about in general novels and legends, what we monks want is just one The exploration of the way of heaven, in order to explore more things, naturally requires longevity, and there have been legends of immortals such as the Queen Mother of the West in Kunlun Shenxu since ancient times, so..."

"So that means you've been there?"

Lin Qi originally thought that Mu Xinyi was going to nod, but she sighed helplessly.

"The cultivation base is too low, and I didn't get the human rights to enter the door..."

Lynch: "..."

"However, at the entrance of the Kunlun Shenxu, I once fought against people, so I suspect that it may have been dropped at that time."

"Do you still have an impression of the other party's identity?"

"Yes," she got up and searched in her schoolbag for a while, and when she came back, there was a portrait in Mu Xinyi's hand. The painting on it was not a portrait, but a pattern that was very attractive. "The people who fought all hid their appearances and figures under the wide hooded robes. After thinking about it, the only thing I can judge as a clue is the pattern embroidered on the front of the robes, except for the standard dress."

After taking the piece of paper, Lynch was even more surprised by his intuitive observation.

It is a pattern similar to a magic circle with a hexagram as the main body, but I don't know if it is a problem with Mu Xinyi's painting skills. This magic circle pattern used to summon demons in Western legends faintly shows signs of being biased towards five points. It is an optical illusion in terms of perception, and in the middle of it, the outline of a goat's head can be vaguely seen from the complex and chaotic graffiti lines.

After scrutinizing it carefully for a moment, Lynch flicked the paper with his fingers: "Is this because you are not a good painter or is it just like this?"

"I have both..." Mu Xinyi twitched the corners of her mouth vigorously, "But the pattern in my impression is indeed a messy composition, and the outline of the composition appears like a goat's head-by the way, this has something to do with Satanism ?"

After thinking for a while, Lynch smacked his lips and said, "I'm not sure. After all, the doctrines and views of Satanism are too upright now. Snatching is a violation of the teaching. If the value is not enough, I will make it up for you."

He flicked the piece of paper, and immediately, the paper slowly floated to the wall as if being pulled.

The position where the paper is pasted is very eye-catching. Next to this position, Mu Xinyi and the Second King saw some other things. Some content is connected by thumbtacks and red lines, and some content, such as this pattern, is not connected for the time being. Wire.

The two of them naturally knew what the "thing" they saw was. Looking at the wall with many connections, pictures and related materials, the second was quite shocked and dragged out a long voice: "Oh~~! I'm still This is the first time I've seen a real 'clue wall', boss, are you so busy this week?"

It is estimated that there is no one else who can say that doing serious things is idle.

Although he was a little curious about what the serious thing in II's cognition was, Lynch still nodded.

"It can't be considered particularly idle, but I still dealt with a transaction left over from history."

"Hey! Then I want to watch the recording!"

Nodding to Alice, she took the second king to the living room to watch the recording. After the two left, only Lynch and Mu Xinyi were left at the dining table.

Withdrawing her gaze from the wall of clues, Mu Xinyi chuckled and said, "You really care about the life experience of the second generation."

"If you lose your memory, I will do the same investigation," Lynch asked suddenly after stuffing the last mouthful of steamed buns into his mouth, "Aren't you going to watch the recording? This transaction is quite interesting."

"Don't read it," Mu Xinyi is still the eldest lady of the aristocratic family after all, she even has a pleasing feeling when eating, "Leave the matter about Cuiyulu to me at that time, and it will save me eating rice in the club all the time." of."

"Finally decided to share the boss's worries?"

"Anyway, idleness is idleness, and I'm not sure that what I draw is exactly the same as what I see."

Recalling the events at that time, Mu Xinyi narrowed her eyes and looked at the pattern again.

"Of course I want to get back the place I lost at the time. To record Cuiyu without me knowing it, I always feel insulted."

"Okay," Lynch stood up and sighed, "In short, just pay attention to safety, if you encounter any danger, just call my name in your heart."

This statement made Mu Xinyi stunned.

"... Huh? Can I summon you to help me fight?"

"No," Lin Qibao said solemnly, "it will remind you of how irritating I am and stimulate your fighting potential."

After finishing speaking, Lynch shrank his neck and ran away without a trace. The image of kicking did not have the majesty of the owner of this absolutely authoritative club at all.

To be honest, Mu Xinyi was amused by Lynch's statement and behavior, but Lynch caring so much about her made her feel both surprised and warm.

As a monk, she will never be able to get too close to any "mortal". Because of the difference in lifespan, any relationship between a monk and a mortal will end in a tragedy of parting in the end, so she understood early on. Mu Xinyi, who has always insisted on this point, rarely feels such care and consideration that she can accept.

Now the other three people in the club are all "heterogeneous" like herself, this kind of care and care has become the driving force that drives Mu Xinyi to do something in return.

She enjoys the current living environment very much, if it is not clear that she is because...


Startled suddenly, Mu Xinyi looked at the living room where Lin Qi and the three were sitting.

Don't this half-immortal deliberately find an excuse to punish Mu Jia in order to liberate himself, and then lure himself to come to work in the club on his own initiative! ?

The more Mu Xinyi thinks about it, the more wrong she feels, and the more she understands that Lynch's nature of making arrangements all day long, the more she feels that this conjecture is the truth.

Sitting in the chair in silence for a long time, she finally turned all the complicated emotions in her heart into a sigh - anyway, the result was indeed what she wanted.

Getting up and coming to the clue wall, Mu Xinyi began to conceive her own investigation plan.

Seeing that Mu Xinyi had finally integrated into the club with her true face, the third who had been secretly watching her lowered her voice and said, "Boss, if Miss Mu believes in her own ideas, will she treat you badly?" Feeling soaring?"

Alice, who finished the live broadcast of Mu Xinyi's thoughts, was deeply convinced by the second king's statement: "Then do I need to change the name of the master mother now?"

After thinking about it, Lynch put his chest on his chest and said, "Then I think I should also get a good impression of you two, so that I can have a Shura field."

"Crazy!" x2

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