Alchemy & Martial Supreme

Chapter 1723: Snake Land

A talented alchemist like Qin Ming often has some fantastic ideas.

Of course, these whimsical ideas are often just fantasies, and in the end they spent a lot of time researching them, and they were all in vain.

But this process of research is really a process of exploration.

During Qin Ming's research, his alchemy strength will improve rapidly.

He was not afraid that Qin Ming wasted Yuanzhi, but he was afraid that he would not waste Yuanzhi.

The source stone is worth a few source stones, even the source stone of Tianyuan Dan is not worth much.

He supplied it.

If he knew Qin Ming's true alchemy strength, he would not think so.

Qin Ming's alchemy speed was more than a hundred times faster than Qi Yi's alchemy speed.

This is the advantage brought by the fire.

Originally, Qin Ming used to have the disadvantage of poor strength and unable to keep up with the speed of alchemy, but now, Qin Ming's strength has also reached the Tianshi, and his shortcomings have also been made up.

"What else do you need, just tell me." Qi Yi asked.

After thinking about it, Qin Ming suddenly remembered that he was already a celestial warrior, but he didn't know how to fly, so he asked, "Old Qi, do you have a flying source skill?"

"Flying source skills?" Qi Yi originally wanted to ask Qin Ming, what does he want to fly source skills for?

But when I thought, everyone's martial arts are the core secrets of warriors, and he is not suitable to ask.

"If it's other secret skills, it may take some source stones and some effort to get them, but there are a lot of flying source skills in the sect."

Flying source technology is the most common source technology, and marking is very simple.

And because there are many people in need, there are also many sealers who engrave it.

This is just like the pill, among all the pill, the pill cultivated by the martial artist is the most common and the pill made by alchemists.

Qin Ming was overjoyed when he heard the words of sadness.

Unexpectedly, there are flying source skills in the sect.

"Then I'll bring it for you." Qi Yi didn't say much, turned and left.

Soon after, he came with two seals.

"These two seals are all flying source skills." Qi Yi handed the seals to Qin Ming: "This white one is the most basic flying source skills, which I exchanged in the sect. "

"The other one is a kind of flying source skill that I got in my early years, but I practiced it for a period of time, but I didn't get it perfect."

"Theoretically speaking, this flying source skill should be better than the basic flying source skill. This is another hard-earned one, and I have never been willing to throw it away."

"Now if you want, I'll give it to you."

"If your source qi attributes match the flight source skills recorded on the seal, then practice it."

"If it doesn't match, don't try it, just practice basic flying source skills!"

Qin Ming gratefully accepted the two seals.

The power of matching the source technology with its own attributes will be stronger.

The martial artist's own attributes depend mostly on the martial artist's bloodline and also on the martial artist's body.

Qin Ming was already satisfied to get a basic flying source skill. If he could practice another flying source skill, Qin Ming would do it.

If he couldn't practice, Qin Ming would give up altogether.

It won’t last long anyway.

It is also good for him to learn more about the source skills.

It is for this reason that I want to feel sorry for bringing out the source skills that I have treasured for a long time.

Qin Ming thanked him again, and waved his hand indifferently: "Okay, I won't bother you."

"Practice alchemy, and strive to reach the dream state as soon as possible!"

Qi Yi encouraged a few more words, opened the door and walked out.

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