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In Holy Land, it should have been calm.

The Great Holy Lands have a rich heritage, and there is nothing to shake their position, and those forces that dare to challenge their authority are firmly suppressed by the Great Holy Lands.

However, in Zhaotian, the area of ​​rays of light, Three Great Holy Lands in Taihao, recently they have heard something that made them quite interested.

Tianya Pavilion to replace Tai Hao Holy Land!

For Holy Land in other domains, this is just one more topic after tea. They do n’t care about the ending, so the Great Holy Lands are basically looking at this event with a mentality of seeing the theater.

However, the one who can enter the eyes of the Great Holy Land is the youngster who has obtained Sage inheritance.

In fact, the characters who have obtained Sage inheritance have appeared many times in the 1000 years. Each of them appears to be shocking and stunning.

Some of them chose to be attracted by Holy Land, others created their own martial arts, and some chose to play in the world, live a smart life, leaving their footprints and rumors everywhere.

This is definitely an existence that cannot be ignored by every Great Holy Land.

However, news soon came and suddenly shocked all Holy Land.

The youngster who gained Sage inheritance, Lingtu Ya, was killed by the earthquake!

When they learned that Ling Tuya was killed by a teenager, who was a middle-level teenager in the imperial realm, everyone’s first reaction was to disbelieve and feel impossible.

Because, although things about Lingtu Cliff are not people in a region, they are all heard.

Lingtuya has Shengwei!

This alone is not something that the people of the imperial realm can compete with, even more how, it is just a teenager with a realm lower than Lingtuya.

Later, some people speculated that it might be that Tai Hao Holy Land was defeated, and Tai Hao Holy Lord strangled Lingtuya desperately.

After all, apart from this, they really can’t imagine who has the ability to slay to obtain Sage inheritance and own the lingering cliff of Shengwei.

You know, even if it is a top-level powerhouse, there is no battle strength under Saint Power. If you want to kill him, it is also extremely difficult, not to mention a kid in Middle-Stage.

However, the story of this battle spread through the entire Holy Land area at a very fast speed, and the countless heroes in the world were stunned.

Tianya Pavilion was defeated, and Lingtu Ya was killed by the Holy Land Holy Land, which caused Tianya Pavilion to fall by 1000 feet.

Although they still own Lingfei, a holy powerhouse, they still have extremely powerful strength. However, this kind of strength, if compared with Tai Hao Holy Land, has absolutely no contending capital.

Therefore, after the end of the war, the sphere of influence of the Tianya Pavilion was a rapid contraction. They could only choose to abandon the hard-earned territory some time ago and retreat to their base camp.

Because they all know, Tai Hao Holy Land will never let them go!

And just as Ling Fei expected, on the 2nd day after the end of the war, many Tahoe Holy Land powerhouses came out with countless powerhouses affiliated with Tahoe Holy Land, so that momentum, heaven-shaking, earth -shattering, shocking the power of the name Holy Land in countlessly normally.

I do n’t know how many years have come. Since Yu Wenyu’s angry cut of rays of light Holy Land Holy Son, Tai Hao Holy Land has quietly stood on this land. The gentle temperament seems to have made people Forgetting how sharp his fangs are, this has made many powers forget the true energy of this huge monster.

However, on this day, the forgotten power was once again revealed in a powerful and sweeping posture.

At this moment, countless forces of Tae Ho Holy Land felt how terrifying it was when the latter showed their fangs.

In the powerhouse of 100 to 1000, in a sweeping gesture, surrounded the old nests of Tianya Pavilion frantically. In the face of Tai Hao’s strong siege, Tianya Pavilion lost all its morale and defeated it. Many even betrayed Tianya Pavilion in order to find a way out.

The forces who had approached Tianya Pavilion before themselves were even more at risk, and quickly clarified their relationship with them, for fear of being involved.

At this time, the Tianya Pavilion, even Ling Fei, did not dare to appear. How could the rest of the people dare to fight with Tai Hao Holy Land?

In these short days, all the branches of the Tianya Pavilion have been eliminated in the area of ​​Three Great Holy Lands. The only Tianya Pavilion nest is surrounded by layers of powerhouses.


rays of light Holy Land.

In a great light dazzling great hall, there are several silhouettes in it. Above these silhouettes, there are extremly horrifying atmosphere fluctuations.

On top of that, sits a middle-aged man who looks like he is about 40 years old. He is wearing a white robe, and his eyes are like two rounds of leap day, slightly twisted in the space around him, as if It couldn’t bear his breath.

This person is the Holy Lord of the rays of light Holy Land …

On his side, there is a young man standing in front of many silhouettes, and that person is the Holy Son of rays of light Holy Land, Chen Feng!

“My lord, Ling Pavilion Lord asks your Holy Land to help, as long as I get through this difficult time, I’ll wait to swear to follow the rays of light Holy Land!”

At this time, in front of the great hall, kneeling down three silhouettes, under the sacred power, they each and everyone shiver coldly, but still under the kind of pressure like a giant mountain, said.

These three people were sent by Tianya Pavilion to rescue the soldiers.

However, no one ignored their help.

“Hmph, what a number one Person below shit level, even Holy Weapon has taken it out, but he can’t beat a junior middle-stage junior!”

In the great hall, a Palace Lord glanced at the silhouette in the first place, and immediately looked towards the 3 people who bowed to the ground, coldly snorted.

This coldly snorted sound, like a thunderous sound, exploded in the ears of the three people, which caused their blood to surge and added a little pressure.

Obviously, the rays of light Holy Land are already very angry about the failure of the 10000 full strategy, and they are extremely disappointed with the Tianya Pavilion.

At this point, the rays of light Holy Land could hold back. It was because they didn’t want to destroy their planned Tianya Pavilion. It was because they didn’t want to help Taihao Holy Land.

As for helping them through the difficult times?

When Tai Ha Holy Land was in the limelight, they had no plan to do so.

Moreover, I don’t know what method Taihao Holy Lord used and what benefits he bribed. It turned out that the messenger of Saint Martial City had been in Taihao Holy Land for 3 days!

This is what people of rays of light Holy Land care about!

“Not yet!”

A Palace Lord furiously shouted, with a wave of his robe, three people from the End of the World were immediately rolled up by an atmosphere, and flew out.

“Holy Lord, that messenger has been in Tahoe Holy Land for 3 days …”

After the three were evicted by Elder outside, a Palace Lord whispered to the glorious sky in the first place.

“Don’t think about it, they are too holy. Holy Land is not qualified to marry St. Martial City.”

Guangyao Tian frowned, and immediately said: “This move, I want to come is the messenger who valued the boy who defeated Lingtuya.”

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