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Immediately afterwards, Qin Yichen kicked her foot over Lingtuya’s chest. Suddenly, a dull sound sounded. Lingtuya’s chest collapsed slightly, and the blood mixed with broken internal organs spewed out from his mouth. His body shape is even more intrusive.


Before the Lingtu Cliff landed, Qin Yichen’s silhouette appeared like a weird black smoke, appearing above him. Under the dark air, it was faintly visible that the teenager’s face seemed extraordinarily indifferent, with dark eyes In China, there seems to be a killer color that has one’s hair stand on end.

The armour of 10000 Taoism armor has been eroded by black gas. I do n’t know how many years. Although Qin Yichen can use these black gas to temporarily improve his strength, but what kind of creature is this black gas? !!

Even under the control of Qin Yichen, his mind was very violent because of these black gas effects, and even …

In the sky above Lingtu Cliff, there was another fiercely bombardment. The terrifying power seemed to make the space slightly distorted.


Iron Fist fell on Lingtuya’s body without mercy, the terrifying power almost made the latter’s body burst open on the spot.

“Pu chi! ”

Fortunately, Ling Tuya got Sage inheritance. The strength of the body is also extremely strong, and there is a faint touch of Shengwei to offset a lot of power.

Even so, he was out of mouth spurt blood, his body fiercely shot into the collapsed ground below.


Countless people looked coldly at Qin Yichen who was born like Demon God, and then looked at Lingtu Cliff lying in a deep pit with blood all over his face, and even his face became extremely distorted, he couldn’t help holding breath cold air.

The Lingtu cliff lying in the deep pit, although not fallen under these two heavy blows, was completely without the power of World War I.

“How could he … how could he be so strong!”

Lingtu Cliff looked pale, and the original demeanor disappeared completely, and even his eyes became dim.

The victory was already in sight, but who would have thought that at the last moment, such an unbelievable change happened to countless people? !!

“Why? A kid from a realm, why can you do this step!”

Ling Tuya had endless jealousy in his eyes, and his eyes were full of resentment, and his eyes seemed to be transformed into two sharp swords, and the latter was perforated with holes.

Condescend to slap opponents. This should be his glory!

And just when Lingtu Cliff was gnashing teeth, his body shivered suddenly, because he suddenly felt the cold killing intent emerged from Qin Yichen over the sky.


The next moment, Qin Yichen’s figure suddenly turned into a black line, bursting into the bottom.

Lingtuya’s scalp was numb for a while. He knew what Qin Yichen wanted to do. He wanted to cut weeds and eliminate the roots, and kill him here!


Ling Tuya gritted her teeth and looked blue. If she didn’t admit defeat at this time, Qin Yichen would definitely kill him!

Although this completely defeated his confidence in the proud and arrogant, he is not a pedantic one. It is better to lose face than to lose his life!

As long as he is alive, it is basically a stubborn thing to enter the Holy Order, and the latter certainly has not obtained Saint inheritance. Sooner or later, he will return 100 times the shame of today!

However, Ling Tuya clearly underestimated Qin Yichen’s temperament, and he did not know much about the latter’s personality.

When Lingtu Ya just said a word, that silhouette had already appeared in front of him like a ghost, and then an Iron Fist burst with fierce strength, and the fiercely strikes collapsed in him. Above the chest.


At this moment, Ling Tuya’s body was blasted again into several feet. He couldn’t even speak the words behind him, blood spewed out from his mouth, and his breath fell to an extreme.

Then Qin Yichen didn’t leave anything at all, and his shape caught up again.


On the high platform, Tian Ya Pavilion Pavilion Lord Ling Fei yelled loudly, and her body suddenly stood up. Suddenly, murky heavens dark earth, the breath of the Holy Powerhouse was revealed, even if there was a Formula under the cloth of the Saint Martial City powerhouse. , Qin Yichen also feels suddenly stiff!

“hmph! ”

When Qin Yichen was about to urge the Divine Seal, the coldly snorted voice of Tai Hao Holy Lord Yu 1000 autumn suddenly sounded. Suddenly, the feeling of oppression dissipated and opened, but Yu 1000 Autumn was also a cold stand. Rising, staring at Ling Fei with a poor expression.

Among the two big shot opponents, Qin Yichen took this opportunity to take a palm on the heart of Ling Tuya and shatter the vitality of the latter.


Formation slowly dissipated, exposing the stricken ground.

A slender silhouette was standing upright. At this time, Qin Yichen’s blackness had disappeared, and the strange pair of black arms had disappeared.

After experiencing a big war, his appearance was also a little bit embarrassed, but his twinkling eyes were so dark that he was dazzled in the hearts of countless powerhouses.

After seeing this amazing battle with my own eyes, even the honorable powerhouse dare not hold any scorn for this boy!

Between Heaven and Earth, a silence, countless line of sight, slightly somewhat absent-minded looking at the silhouette, but it seems that they have not come back to his senses from the transformation of the war situation.

This silence lasted for a long time, and finally, countless lines of sight became hot.

Immediately afterwards, from Tai Hao Holy Land, there was a sudden cheering sound, and the sound was shaking!

No one had expected that this was originally the most inconspicuous battle, but it was the alternation that decided the name of Holy Land. What is even more unexpected is that this originally unsuspecting battle turned out to be such a shocking thing. reverse!

Before that, who would have thought that Lingtuya, who won Sage inheritance, would lose?

It can even be called a fiasco!

In the end, he died.

In the distance, there was a look of admiration in Zhong Zi’an and the others’ eyes.

If Qin Yichen’s previous performance in Holy Land just made them take it a little bit, then this time, Qin Yichen thoroughly convinced everyone to take it!

Because they know that if they are replaced by any of them, I am afraid that they have been defeated in Lingtuya, not to mention, there are also Holy Weapon such as Canglan sacred sword in the back, which cannot be resisted by manpower at all!

“hu ……”

On the high platform, Tai Hao Holy Lord was relieved of sighed in relief, and there was also a smile of relief on that face, and a grateful smile appeared.

Obviously, he was very satisfied with Qin Yichen’s performance!

Compared with the cheers in Tai Ha Holy Land, Tianya Pavilion Ling Fei and the others are pale and heartless!

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