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Knot within the realm, two figures stand up.

Even with the isolation of the Form, the two breaths that make people’s soul tremble slightly, constantly rising, stirring rising winds, scudding clouds above the sky.

Looking at the servant in front of him, the palace lord’s eyes flashed a kind of sharp color.

Immediately, his sleeve robe suddenly waved, and the clouds and clouds that had flowed above the sky twisted in a moment. A True Origin coercion terrifying enough to crush the sky was directly the covering of hiding the sky and covering the earth. Come on.

Even if there is a formula covering it, there are still a lot of True Origin repression against all around. Fortunately, there are several big shots here. When these True Origins are overwhelmed by the distance between the crowd below and several feet, it is as if Dongxue meets the sun and dissipates quickly.


At this time, in the knot within the realm, the space seemed to be twisted a little. With the distortion of the space, the Palace Lord of Beihao Palace reached out his hand a little, and suddenly the twisted space showed a wavelike state, facing him. The opposite servant Gao blasted away.

“Is that … strength of Space?”

Looking at the twisted offensive, countless disciples are held breath cold air, and even if only naked eye is watching, they can know that this offensive can easily crush any one of them.

Being able to urge space, this is already faintly about to break through to the half-holy, obviously, the Palace Lord of Beihao Palace has reached the limit of His Holiness Peak!

“It is indeed the Military Leader of the Temple!”

On one side, several North Haodian Elder could not help but marvel.

Qin Yichen on the side is also slightly nodded, looking at the silhouette standing in the knot within the realm, he can detect the power emanating from within the body, and it can really turn over the mountains!

Among the many amazed eyes, Fu Gao’s face was not panic-stricken. He directed the Palace Lord slightly smiled at Bei Hao Dian, and immediately flicks to shoot with the finger. Even if he saw the offensive wave of space, it turned out that It’s weird disappearing!


And at the moment when the distorted space disappeared, the space around the Palace Lord of Beihao Temple was suddenly twisted. Immediately, these distorted spaces were strangled directly towards the Palace Lord of Beihao Temple.

There is no such thing as a True True turmoil, but the danger is far better than the True Origin confrontation. Once the power of this distorted space falls on the body, even the powerhouse of the Venerable Realm will be Hanged by students.

“That servant Gao can shake the space ?!”

Beyond Formation, when even exclaimed sounded.

The Palace Lord’s offensive in Beihaodian was easily resolved, and the same method was exhibited in the backhand. Obviously, in terms of the fluctuations in space, the servants must be superior!

Although he does not have the power to control the space like Saint, but this power is definitely the most Peak of the Venerable Realm.

“It looks like you have to fight a battle!”

Qin Yichen’s eyes froze slightly, and he whispered a little soberly.

“hmph! ”

At the knot within the realm, facing the offensive enough to slay the Venerable Realm powerhouse, the Palace Lord coldly snorted, and then closed his eyes slightly.

With his eyes slightly closed, the space around him is also distorted, a huge strength of Devouring circulates from it, madly devouring the True Origin between Heaven and Earth, meanwhile, those distorted offensive attacks , Directly destroyed by its life.

“Hong long! ……”

As Heaven and Earth True Origin was quickly swallowed up, those True Origins turned into a path of light and rainbow, and a huge silhouette about the size of the hunted zhang was slowly formed behind Palace Lord of Beihao Temple.

That silhouette is in the midst of the sky, and it is shrouded in brilliance, which makes it impossible to look directly at. It is even more shocking that it is not an illusory shadow. The rays of light flow room is already like a real entity.

After a moment, the rays of light that hurt people’s eyes began to be restrained slowly. At this time, everyone could clearly see the thing behind Palace Lord of Beihao Palace.

Above that silhouette, 2 wings of the size of the hunted zhang stretched, it is a huge Fire Luan!

When this Fire Luan appeared, the space around it was trembling, as if it could not bear that coercion.


A sharp bird’s song sounded abruptly between Between Heaven and Earth, the Fire Luan was hissing in the sky, a path of sound waves swept away like a substance, suddenly heaven falls and earth rends.

On the high platform on the side, when many respected powerhouses saw this giant peng, their complexions were slightly condensed.

“Is this … Fire Luan ?!”

“Martial Spirit leaderboard, Ranked second 3th place Lu Lu Fire Luan!”

Countless powerhouses are amazed and look at the huge silhouette of the number of 100 pieces. Any Martial Spirit that can enter the Martial Spirit list is extremely outstanding, and the top 20 is Martial Spirit. Extremely terrifying presence!

With the strength of the Palace Lord of Beihaodian, coupled with this Fire Luan, this kind of strength is absolutely enough to crush the ordinary Supreme Powerhouse.

In the exclaiming voice of the sky, the opposite servant Gao slowly lifted the head, looking at the huge Fire Luan, his indifferent complexion, also became dignified.

Immediately, he within the body had a monstrous True Origin sweeping out, only to see the brilliant golden light condensing in the mid-air behind him, with just a few breaths of effort, these golden lights were turned into substance, a breath No weaker than Martial Spirit of Fire Luan, standing proudly behind the tall servants.

“Golden Wings Great Peng!”

That Martial Spirit is also the size of a hunted zhang, with a pair of huge wings, like gold.

“That’s … the Golden Wings Great Peng on the 21st Martial Spirit list ?!”

Countless lines of sight are equally shocked looking at the huge peng bird, whose body appears a golden shape, giving a solid sense of unimaginability.

One is Fire Luan, which is ranked 23rd in the Martial Spirit list, and the other two ranks higher than it is Golden Wings Great Peng, which is ranked 2st.

There is only a gap between two people, and the gap between the two is not very large, and if it is strictly speaking of which, the battle strength of Fire Luan is not inferior to Golden Wings Great Peng.

Two huge Martial Spirits stand between Heaven and Earth, as if the sky has become dim because of this, everyone is holding the knot with breath and looking inside the realm.

In it, the Palace Lord and the servants of Bei Hao Dian are almost in the same movement, the figure slowly rises, and finally falls on the head of Martial Spirit and merges into it.

From start to finish, none of them had any extra crap.

Because they know that today, they must win and lose, and powerhouses like them, if they want to win, they must use real hole cards.

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