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“Holy Lord, news came back from Zhaotian …”

Just then, an Elder outside the hall of rays of light Holy Land came in and knelt before the rays of light Holy Lord.

Obviously, in Zhaotian Holy Land, there is also the internal application of rays of light Holy Land.

“Say it!”

rays of light Holy Lord waved his sleeves and stared at him.

“The man said, Tai Hao Holy Land Hua Lao, had been to Zhao Tian Holy Land …”

Suddenly, the complexion of everyone in the great hall remained unchanged.

Obviously, it’s not Zhaotian Holy Land’s lack of greed, but Taihao Holy Land has brought out more than 9 Ji Dan Pill Recipe value!

“Yu 1000 Qiu, this is Final Struggle!”

The End of the World Pavilion Pavilion Lord looked towards rays of light Holy Land Holy Lord.

“hmph! ”

rays of light Holy Lord coldly snorted, “I’m going to see, what else can he take out of Yu 1000 Autumn!”

He hates Tai Hao Holy Land!

Moreover, it is not just to squeeze Taihao Holy Land from Holy Land, but to completely destroy Taihao Holy Land!

Because the Ray of Light Holy Land quasi-Holy Son killed by Yu Wenyu was his only son.

Although he killed Yu Wenyu with anger, it was not enough to calm the anger in his heart.

That is, from that time, he began to cultivate Tianya Pavilion, for this day!

Now, Zhaotian Holy Land has been involved in the matter, which undoubtedly left him a blank plan for decades.

Increase your stack!

However, let the rays of light Holy Lord happen unexpectedly.

As he increased his stack over and over again, Zhaotian Holy Land didn’t seem to be indifferent, and didn’t mean to change his mind.


In the great hall, there was a sound of something breaking.

rays of light Holy Lord.

“Zhaotian Holy Land, this is to make it with my rays of light Holy Land!”

rays of light Holy Lord pupil light flickers.

After a few more stacks, he doesn’t think Tai Hao Holy Land can come up with something of higher value.

Well, it is very likely that Zhaotian Holy Land was worried that they would deal with Zhaotian after the two of them joined together.

Speaking of which, rays of light Holy Lord does have ambitions in this regard.

Just wait for Tianya Pavilion to become Holy Land, and slowly become strong, then squeeze out Zhaotian Holy Land, it is only a matter of time.

“It seems that Zhaotian Holy Land does not want me to replace Taihao Holy Land in Tianya Pavilion …”

Tian Ya Pavilion Pavilion Lord muttered, in the eyes, the severe light flickered.

However, he also knew that if Zhaotian Holy Land really intervened, the rays of light Holy Land and Tianya Pavilion would definitely not be the opponents of Zhaotian Holy Land and Taihao Holy Land.

In the great hall, there was a gloomy cloud.

Even if they are angry again and unwilling, there is nothing they can do in the face of absolute strength.

“Holy Lord, Pavilion Lord.”

Just then, a rather young voice came out, and suddenly everyone was looking towards the person who spoke.

Lingtu Cliff.

He is the only youngster in this great hall.

However, even Palace Lord figures of rays of light Holy Land dare not belittle him.

“Tuya, what’s the matter, you say directly.”

Tian Ya Pavilion Pavilion Lord said to him kindly.


Ling Tuya stood up and swept around before saying, “Although Zhaotian Holy Land intervened in this incident, this incident does not end there.”

“How to say?”

rays of light Holy Lord also looked towards him.

“Although Zhaotian Holy Land can prevent us from destroying Taihao Holy Land, it can’t stop my Tianya Pavilion from replacing Taihao Holy Land!”

After Ling Tuya gave him a gift, he continued to say, “It is well known to all that the Holy Land is ten, and those who can do it, even Zhaotian Holy Land, have no right to stop me from trying to challenge Taihao Holy Land!”

“As long as my Tianya Pavilion replaces Taihao Holy Land and becomes one of the Ten Two Great Holy Lands, is it still worrying that I have no time to clean up Taihao Holy Land?”

After he said so, everyone’s eyes lit up immediately.


Tianya Pavilion Pavilion Lord praised her face with joy.

In fact, for him, it is not so important to destroy Taihao Holy Land. What is important is that Tianya Pavilion can become Tianya Holy Land!

“In order to prevent Chaotian Holy Land from making troubles, I think that as long as Holy Lord is listed on Saint Martial City and the sacred city Lord is held to an arbiter, when the time comes, even Zhaotian Holy Land’s opposition is useless.

Lingtu Cliff looked towards rays of light Holy Lord.

St. Martial City.

Aloof power over ten Two Great Holy Lands.

The rules of Holy Land are made by St. Martial City. The Ten Two Great Holy Lands are also based on St. Martial City.


rays of light Holy Lord nodded, pondering a bit, calling an Elder, and commanding a few words in his ear, that Elder left quickly.



When everyone thought that rays of light Holy Land and Tianya Pavilion were dying, there was news again …

“After 3 days, Tianya Pavilion challenged Tahoe Holy Land to compete for the name of Holy Land, and there will be an angel from St Martial City to testify!”

The news naturally reached Taihao Holy Land and Zhaotian Holy Land.

Zhaotian Holy Land did not respond.

He has done enough. Whether Tai Hao Holy Land can keep the title of Holy Land depends on Tai Hao Holy Land itself.

During this period of time, the entire Taihao Holy Land looks like calm and tranquil, but invisible it is full of a sense of tension and extreme pressure.

Under the encouragement of some gossip and slang, there are even some disciples with unsound minds, so they can escape by excuses!

For these, the senior leaders of Tai Hao Holy Land have never expressed their opinions, which makes it unclear whether Holy Land has the confidence or gave up the resistance.

Of course, for all this, the news that Tai Hao Holy Land will be replaced is more convincing.

Lingtuya is now known as Number One Powerhouse below the rank.

Although this name has not been recognized by other Holy Land’s nodded, but after the battle of Holy City with one enemy ten, there are already faint signs.

At this time, Tianya Pavilion’s old skills were re-implemented. If Lingtu Ya swept the powerhouse of all the younger generations in Holy Land, Taihao Holy Land would have no prestige.

The 3 day time elapsed.

On this day, dark clouds shrouded the sky, and even the sun could not tear it apart.

In Tai Ha Holy Land, the atmosphere that was extremely depressive originally seems to be dull to the extreme because of this kind of weather!

And in this dim sky, all directions, suddenly there was a rushing wind breaking sound.

a path of silhouette, with a powerful breath, like a locust, flying past the sky.

And their goal is the same place … too Hao Holy Land!

“Dong! ……”

In the Tai Hao Holy Land, an ancient and long-lasting sound of Zhong Yin also suddenly sounded, and it was sent out in a mighty manner, as if the entire Heaven and Earth was awake.

Under this bell groan, countless disciples of Holy Land Holy Land have all come out of their respective retreats.

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