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Fang Xueming.

Even under Inner Sect and Venerable Realm, there are several powerhouses.

Of course, it’s not just him. These ten people represent the top ten under Inner Sect Venerable Realm.

It’s just that Fang Xueming can be in the top three among the ten!

After he exposed Martial Spirit, many powerhouses in outer sect felt a pressure that choked them.

Behind him, the giant lion seemed to come alive, scary.

“ao wu ……”

Qin Yichen flashed a dignity on his face, and his thoughts moved, and Martial Spirit appeared behind him.

He certainly knew that this person was not weak.

And he did not want to choose the weakest.

If he can’t win the people in front of him, then even if he goes to Holy City, what can he do? !!

Besides, he also wants to see how far his strength has reached.

Although most of the Hundred Refinements golden light in the holy lake has entered the mouth of the beast, he is now far away from the high level of the imperial realm.

The main thing is his physique.

Hundred Refinements golden light brings him more than just a realm improvement. His physique is also enhanced by large arcs.

“Qin Yichen Junior Brother, although you are really surprised, I have to regret your vision.”

Fang Xueming chuckled, and looked at Qin Yichen not far away, smiling.

“Senior Brother, though.”

Qin Yichen is also differently smiled, Tao.

“Haha, a bit bold, but I won’t keep my hand because of your identity!”

Fang Xueming laughed heartily, stepped on his feet, and behind the giant lion Martial Spirit roared, a monstrous True Origin wave swept away, attracting countless Outer Gate Disciple’s astonishment.

Feeling the pressure of True Origin from the spread of Fang Xueming within the body, a smile appeared on Qin Yichen’s face. The guy he picked was really strong!

In the Wudoudian, with the actions of the two people, a lot of eyes gathered on them.

During this time, Qin Yichen, like a bright star among Holy Land, quickly rose to fame, but not many people who really saw him do it.

“I’ve heard that Senior Brother Qin defeated Yi Buyan here last time. I don’t know how strong he is?”

“This time the opponent is not a person of that level, it is Inner Sect’s top ten powerhouse, and it is estimated that among the top ten, he also only second to Zhong Zi’an Senior Brother.”

“But … Senior Brother Qin is really very handsome. I hope he will win!”

“One idiot!”

a path of whispering sounds, constantly ringing around the fighters, and the Outer Gate Disciple over 1000 to 10000 stared at Qin Yichen hotly. Among these disciples, there are many female disciple with beauty and temperament. Whispering voices were mixed with a lot of playful laughter, making the original dull atmosphere a lot more active.

“Since Junior Brother Qin intends to solve it by one trick, the fool is not hiding, as you wish!”

“Roar! ……”

Fang Xueming’s words were like thunder, hong long long sounded above the sky.

As his words fell, in the air behind him, the giant lion roared, and suddenly ten thousand zhang rays of light erupted. This giant lion seemed to stand on the sky, as if the entire Heaven and Earth were at its feet. A powerful wave of power, slowly rippling, even in space, a path of ripples erupted.

And Fang Xueming’s body slowly floated up and fell on the head of the giant lion. Under that dazzling rays of light, his body was rippling with a mighty coercion, which made people dare not look straight.

“Really strong True Origin fluctuations, is he really just a Royal Peak?”

“This is … the giant lion in the 53rd place of the Martial Spirit list ?!”

In the Wu Dou Dian, countless Outer Gate Disciple stared at the huge lion like a living creature with suspicion. The powerful coercion and fluctuations faintly felt beyond the limits of the imperial realm.

“Xueming Senior Brother turned to Martial Spirit as soon as he started. It seems that he really didn’t intend to keep anything at all.”

“With the strength of Xueming Senior Brother, with the use of Martial Spirit, one trick is enough to solve this kid.”

“It’s good to pack him early, or anyone thinks he’s a bit famous, and he can’t tell the difference between outer sect and Inner Sect.”

On the martial arts stage on the side, some Inner Sect powerhouses also sneered, apparently thinking that if this trick is used, the victory will be determined.

“really strong !”

Under the martial arts platform, Yu Feiquan’s complexion became extraordinarily dignified. The kind of coercive coercion made him clear that if he was replaced by him, even if he could stop this offensive, I am afraid There is an extremely heavy price to pay.

“I don’t know if this level of attack can be resisted by Qin Yichen.”

Yu Feiquan brows tightly knit, with an anxiety in his eyes.

Opposite the huge lion shadow, Qin Yichen’s eyes were also slightly condensed because of the giant lion behind Fang Xueming. From the kind of fluctuations, he knew that the Martial Spirit performed by Fang Xueming must not be weaker than the original The variation of Martial Spirit, his strength, is far beyond easy to say. Under his show, I am afraid that ordinary ordinary powerhouses must avoid the edge.

However, others want to avoid the edge, but Qin Yichen is not afraid of it. You must know that in the Imperial Kingdom Early-Stage, he can kill easily, but now, after the tempering of Hundred Refinements golden light, he is equally powerful. Soaring, relying on this, trying to defeat him is not that simple!

“Junior Brother Qin, pick me this move … Mad Lion Hits the Sun!”

Fang Xueming was loudly shouted. Obviously, he did not intend to give Qin Yichen a cup time. When he moved, he was caught in the huge lion shadow behind him. Then, giant lion roar towards the sky, a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering. The sound of roar sounded.


At this moment, the giant lion shadow seems to have spiritual wisdom, and after a roar, a step in the void, the rays of light surge, as if colliding with Heaven and Earth, walking on the steps that make Heaven and Earth tremble, mixed with The monstrous momentum, with the ripples of terrifying power, rushed towards Qin Yichen.

“dong! dong! ”

Where the giant lion passes, the Wudoutai underneath breaks apart, and under the collision of the giant lion, as if everything was destroyed by the creature.

Looking at the giant lion in the pupil, Qin Yichen’s face began to become somber, his feet a little bit, his body receded quickly, at the same time, his arms slightly raised, one after another , Quickly superimposed on it.

“Áo hǒu!”

At the same time as Qin Yichen’s body collapsed, the 饕餮 Martial Spirit behind him shouted, and in a path of misguided eyes, he whistled out, striking away from the bright giant lion.

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