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Heavenly Dragon Dynasty.

After Qin Yichen’s strong rise, and the wind family as its solid backing, Feilo Chamber of Commerce rose rapidly at a horrible speed.

In just half a year, the prestige of Feilo Chamber of Commerce directly approached the power of Feng Clan, which overwhelmed the major royal families, and it was faint to replace it.

For all of this, the wind clan is in a state of acquiescence, and even in many ways, they also take the initiative to help. This is also to let everyone know that the rise of Feile Chamber of Commerce is unstoppable!

With the help of Fengzu, the 6 dynasties, and major cities have been covered by the Feile Chamber of Commerce.

The headquarters of Feile Chamber of Commerce is still in the Heavenly Dragon Dynasty. In fact, with their current financial resources, it is not impossible to build a region like the wind family.

However, no one knows what the executives of Feile’s Chamber of Commerce think. Even the location of the headquarters and the surrounding environment have not changed.

All this seems to be waiting for someone, for fear that he will not find a place when he returns.

In the small courtyard of the Feilale Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

Feng 1000 Snow sits on a bamboo stool, his eyes stare into the air, his eyes are empty.

Originally, after the wind 1000 snow had happened before the wind, the wind asked the sky to arrange a number of powerhouses to protect it secretly, and it was not allowed for the wind 1000 snow to step out of the wind family.

However, since the news of the dynasty grand event came back, Feng Wentian found that his favorite daughter had become more and more dumb, day and night, looking at the sky from the window.

Her personality, from the original cheerful and lively, gradually became quiet and restrained, but at a young age, she always had a heavy heart.

She never flew into her arms again, called Daddy sweetly, and rarely showed a sweet smile to others.

In one conversation, the wind asked the genius to know, and when the wind was 1000, it was worried and afraid.

Although she rejoices that Qin Yichen has entered Holy Land from the heart, Qin Yichen is getting farther and farther away from her, and she has no way of knowing where she is. This made Defeng 1000 Snow very afraid that he would lose his love.

For all of this, Feng Wentian looked in his eyes and was anxious.

However, the sixteen-year-old pearl in the palm has become like this, no matter what kind of father is, it doesn’t taste like looking at my heart.

Finally, when Ye Liangchen, Shu Ruyan, and the others visited the Wind Clan a month ago, Feng asked Tianfang to see Feng 1000’s innocent smile on his face.

Immediately, he bowed down and asked Ye Liangchen and the others to take out the wind and snow to relax.

For all of this, in fact everyone knows very well that the wind and snow’s heart disease is not something they can cure.

Whether Ye Liangchen and the others, or Feng 1000 Xue himself, understand the pain of Feng Wentian. In this way, Feng 1000 Snow followed them to the Feilo Chamber of Commerce in Imperial Dragon City.

“Little Lass, thinking about your love again?”

In the small courtyard, a naughty sound suddenly sounded. Immediately, Shu Xin’s pretty shadow trot along the way to the side of Feng 1000 Snow. On one side, Shu Ruyan sighed softly and came over slowly.

“2 elder sisters.”

The wind 1000 snow extruded a smiley face and called softly.

“1000 snow younger sister, follow us to the auction house today, there are just as good babies today, guaranteed to make you like it.”

Just a little heavier than the wind 1000 snow, Shu Xin, the look of an elder, said with a smile.

Looking at the worries in the eyes of 2 people, the wind and snow originally intended to be rejected were also nodded.


Above the endless blue sky, the clouds float, and with the breeze, above the grassland, it brings a path of green tide that stretches to the end of sight, it is beautiful.


In such a peaceful environment, there was a sudden violent fluctuation above the sky. Immediately, a huge light gate appeared strangely out of thin air, and a slender silhouette came out slowly.

“It is indeed the Transmission Array formed by Three Great Holy Lands. This speed is more than dozens of times faster than the Transmission Array in the dynasty.”

Qin Yichen secretly sighed. In this Transmission Array, it only took 3 days to reach here, and there was no vertigo in the rough Transmission Array at all. This method is not at all The people in this dynasty can be compared.

A moment later, as Qin Yichen stepped out, the huge light gate also slowly dissipated, and the space was restored as it was. Qin Yichen’s eyes also glanced at this area.

“Shua! Hey!”

When Qin Yichen had just settled, from the distance there were two rushing windbreaks.

Immediately, two silhouettes flashed quickly.

“Third Elder?”

Qin Yichen’s eyes froze slightly, and when he saw one of those two figures clearly, there was a smile in his mouth.

The response speed of Fengzu is really not slow. A little fluctuation of the Space Teleportation array is so fast that someone comes to check it.

“I don’t know who came to us, and I want to report it!”

Across the distance, some solemn voices of Wind Elder Third Elder sounded.

As an imperial powerhouse, when he saw the slender silhouette in the distance, his heart was throbbing, an extremely dangerous feeling spreading from his heart.

Obviously, that person is by no means a general generation!

And this person appears so abruptly in the scope of the wind and tribe, which makes him have to pay attention.

“Third Elder, how old you are.”

Qin Yichen chuckled, his body flashing out.

“So fast!”

When Qin Yichen’s feet moved, Third Elder’s body suddenly tightened, but it was just a breath of effort, that silhouette was already standing in the air outside of his feet.

“You… are you?”

When seeing the face of this person in front of him, Third Elder’s pupils suddenly shrank, and an incredible color emerged from his eyes.

“Junior Qin Yichen, met Third Elder.”

In the incredible eyes of Third Elder, Qin Yichen slightly smiled, and gave a little gift.

“Really you?”

Third Elder had a shivered body, and he quickly supported the latter, his eyes full of satisfaction.

In the area of ​​the six dynasties, the guy who represented the Number One Person in the younger generation was able to salute him impatiently. Such a temperament is really amazing.

“Don’t you go to Holy Land? Why are you back here?”

As if thinking of this, Third Elder’s face changed slightly, and he asked quickly.

As everyone knows, let alone Holy Land, even if it is under the control of any major force, and you want to return to the dynasty, it is a very distant thing.

But how long did it take for Qin Yichen to enter Holy Land? Why did you suddenly return to the dynasty?

This kind of thing has also happened in the wind clan.

Senior, who was a person of the wind clan, entered the dynasty in less than a month after entering one side.

It’s just that it’s hard to accept that.

Because the competition was too strong, and was pushed out by others, even after returning, it was less than half a month. Even if the power of the wind family was exhausted, the injury on the ancestor was not cured. Finally, In the regrets of clansman, they fell down.

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