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A sharp crow of ancient eagles rang out suddenly in the Wudou Hall. The harsh sound wave swept away as if it were a substance, scraping a path of marks on the ground.

As the sky fire flared up the golden eagle wings, the scarlet flames hiding the sky and covering the earth swept out, raging Heaven and Earth! A terrifying coercion shrouded in openness. Under this coercion, even the many powerhouses outside the Wudoutai looked extremely dignified.

“It’s easy to say how much control we have over Martial Spirit!”


At this time, Yi Buyan’s body flashed on the head of Tianhuo’s golden eagle, feeling the mighty strength, and a smirk flashed on his face.

Those eyes, at this moment, seemed to be transformed into a sharp hawk eye, filled with a kind of cold killing intent, staring at Qin Yichen with the upper body in the distance.

Yi said indifferently, looking at Qin Yichen, the next moment, his hands spread out slowly, and then, Tianhuo fired a golden eagle’s beak, and a huge scarlet gold pillar of fire suddenly ejected from it.


That pillar of fire didn’t know how terrifying the high temperature it was. Wherever it passed, a stream of rock that had originally cooled down rose again, exuding a scorching high temperature.

Looking at the golden eagle riding on the sky fire, galloping on the fire sea, like War God in the fire, it’s easy to say, everyone’s face under the Wudoutai is a shocking color.

This kind of attack has already faintly exceeded the formidable power of the Peak attack, which is enough to be comparable to some half-step lord’s offensive!

In the face of this level of attack, Qin Yichen’s complexion was also dignified, he urged Martial Spirit to the extreme, and devoured the violent sky fire.


However, just as 饕餮 Martial Spirit was devouring madly, the pillar of fire of scarlet gold was approaching. Even if 饕餮 Martial Spirit was urged to the extreme, this pillar of fire was only absorbed by a small part, and the remaining pillars of fire were like A giant stick swept over Martial Spirit.


Qin Yichen body trembled, connected with 饕餮 Martial Spirit, was shocked and flew out. At this moment, Qin Yichen within the body was surging blood, if it was not his physical arrogance, just the shock just now would be enough. Lively shocked to death!

“Jié jié, boy, how many cards do I think you have, now it seems that you are just like …”

With a single blow, it was easy to say a laugh. As soon as the laughter fell, the sky-fired golden eagle opened its mouth again, and a pillar of scarlet gold gushed out again.


Under this blow, Qin Yichen’s figure was unbearably backward, and the mouth spurt blood came out, and the Martial Spirit over it became even more bleak.

“What about your arrogance? In your current state, it doesn’t deserve your tone!”

When Qin Yichen has just stood still, it is easy to say that Qin Yichen is again flying, and at the same time, his cold words resound.

In this irreconcilable situation, what is called the “three-stroke contract” has long since ceased to work. Either one party surrenders or one must die.

And Yi Buyan’s successive attacks are obviously not intended to give Qin Yichen a chance to surrender. As long as the latter is distracted, he will be crushed to ashes by his stormy offensive!

Heaven Martial Artist, if you can become friends, it is definitely a dream for anyone!

However, if it is the enemy, letting it grow will only become their nightmare!

Therefore, at this time, it is easy to say nothing and cannot take care of anything else. This tumor cannot be left! Even if he offended Dong Yu, even risking Holy Land’s dissatisfaction, he did not hesitate!


Qin Yichen’s body shot into the ground again. For a moment, he stood up staggered, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked coldly at the heavenly fire and golden eagle exuding a strong breath in the air, even at this time. Exhausted, with scars all over, and there was no fear in his eyes.

“Qin Yichen, forget it! Hurry up and surrender!”

Looking at the battered and exhausted Qin Yichen who wasn’t flinching, a few newcomers couldn’t help hissing.

Although the old students around Wudoutai did not speak out, they also had a look of admiration in their eyes. Regardless of the ending, Qin Yichen’s temperament and this persistence and belief are worthy of their respect!

At this moment, Qin Yichen’s body was in a piece of gravel like lava. His palms were shaking with wiping blood on the corners of his mouth, and a dark color gradually spread out in the dark eyes.

“This is what you forced me!”

Qin Yichen’s face has a gush of grimace, even if he is trying to expose the True Dragon Martial Spirit, today, he will kill Yi here!

“hu ……”

Just as Qin Yichen was about to fight hard, his body suddenly froze.

Perhaps because it was extremely uncomfortable, on its shoulders, the little gray worm turned over, stretching its body like stretching its waist.

“It seems you have given up.”

In mid-air, looking at the batteryd and exhausted below, at this time, there was still distraction, a pair of Qin Yichen who had given up resisting the appearance, and it was easy to say a sneer at the corner of his mouth. “It’s too late to regret this time, it’s too late!”

As soon as the words fell off, Yi Buyan’s complexion instantly became incomparable, and then, as he was loudly shouted, the fire of the golden eagle on the golden eagle Martial Spirit burst out, and the flames of hiding the sky and covering the earth surged out, and then With the power of Ebara, wrapped in Qin Yichen.

It was just a few breaths of work, and it was the silhouette of Qin Yichen wrapped in it.

In the midst of this red fire, a bit of pure golden rays of light began to condense slowly from the mouth of the golden eagle that ignited the sky fire. At this moment, the temperature rose sharply throughout the Wudou Hall.

Outside of Wudoutai, countless disciples couldn’t help looking down, and those newcomers became paler.


At this point, Dong Yu had already run to the side of Wudoutai, and expression was extremely excited and shouted.


And Yi Buyan, who is on the fighting platform, although he heard Dong Yu’s cry, not only did he not stop, but rather a laughing heartily. The golden rays of light in the mouth of the golden eagle of Tianhuo became richer and richer, even the space. It is extremely distorted to burn it.

Finally, the golden pillar of fire tore open the space, like a golden meteor, blasting lightningly at where Qin Yichen was.

This golden pillar of fire is much more wall-bound than the previous attacks that bombed Qin Yichen by 7 荤 8 primes. Even many people suspect that such attacks are enough to threaten the half-step lord. !!

“It’s over!”

Seeing this scene, Dong Yu’s feet were soft, her figure was shabby, and her expression was sad, as if at this moment, she was much older.

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