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“Boy, don’t say I won’t give you a chance.”

Yi Yiyan chuckled, stretched out three fingers, and looked at Qin Yichen, slowly said: “Like the Barbaric Ox on the other end, there are 3 moves. If you can keep the 3 moves undefeated under my hands, you win.”

“How? Do you dare?”

Outside the Wudoutai, the crowd’s gaze was gazing at Qin Yichen, 3 moves, seemingly simple, but everyone knows that easy to say is not a softhearted person, he will not be because of you If they are newcomers, they will keep their hands secretly.

The previous Li Yuanba only resisted the next move. Under the second move, he was blasted into a serious injury, and his life and death are unknown!

“3 tricks ?!”

Somewhat disappointingly, Qin Yichen hearing this, but slightly shook the head.

When everyone was ready to laugh at him, the next voice was that everyone was stunned.

“It doesn’t matter what you do, but I have a request.”

Qin Yichen stared at Yi Buyan. In his eyes, there was a cold cold glow glowing: “Signed to death!”

“courting death?”

“Tired of living!”

At this instant, almost everyone had such a single thought in their hearts.

Anyone who spends a little longer in outer sect knows the character that is easy to say.


Anyone who has never been on the Wudoutai with Yi Yi will end with a serious injury, and those who have signed a life and death situation with him are without exception, all dead!

So in general, no one is willing to challenge it!

“How? Do you dare?”

In the face of a path of ridicule, Qin Yichen seemed to be unaware. He even yelled at Yi with a provocative tone.

“Haha, life and death …”

Qin Yichen’s provocative words made Yi Buyan as if he heard a big joke, which made him laugh out loud.

Generally speaking, there is no hatred of life and death, no one will sign a life and death certificate. After all, most of the purpose of the Wudoudian is to learn from each other. Unless there is an unadjustable contradiction, a life and death certificate will be signed!

Without a signed life and death case, if you intentionally kill someone, you will be severely punished by Holy Land, which can also ensure a safe situation for both sides in Wudoutai.

At this time, a new guy who seems to be able to pinch himself with one hand, even actively clamoring to sign a life and death with him, which is simply about one’s own destruction!

“Since you are courting death, then I will fulfill you!”

Yi said nothing with a smirk, a pair of fierce colors appeared in the eyes of the eagle eyes.

Hearing this, Qin Yichen 2 Aside, picking up Divine Jade is across the crystal next to the martial arts platform, and all the 400 contribution points and life and death status of all the possessions are signed.

Yibuyan evoked a smile, and signed it very unconsciously.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience shook the head secretly. In their opinion, Qin Yichen was crazy.

In the outer sect, there are not many people who can take Yi Buyan 3 tricks, and everyone has a good reputation in the outer sect.

They don’t think Qin Yichen has such strength, and even they may not be able to take even one move.

If the boy is lucky enough to take the next move, I am afraid he will surrender immediately and give in. They also signed a life-and-death situation. They saw this tiger’s head, snake’s tail.

The noise around Wudoutai gradually began to weaken, and a line of sight was looking at the two figures on the stage.

Looking at the young man who didn’t have any expressions on the opposite side, he easily sneered at the corner of his mouth, and he was going to be a Senior Brother to teach the newcomers how to understand the rules. However, to understand this knowledge, it is necessary to pay for life. cost!

“That’s all you asked for!”

It was easy to say a chuckle, and as their voices fell, everyone suddenly felt that Heaven and Earth True Origin in this piece of Heaven and Earth suddenly became disordered, one after another amazing True Origin, as if affected by Strongly attracted, madly rushing away in an easy direction.

“wu wu ……”

Above the Doutai, it is like a violent hurricane. However, this hurricane was transformed by Heaven and Earth True Origin. Countless gorgeous True Origins condensed into a path of gorgeous fiery-red beams. , Lingering on Yi Yibu whole body, set it off as majestic as the Spiritual God.

With a simple hand, it has already shown the strength of Yibuyanhuang Peak.

Compared with the rainbow-like Yi Yibu here, Qin Yichen’s side seems a lot shabby, which seems to everyone, it has become an absolute disadvantage in absorbing True Origin!

After all, how can a kid from the Imperial Kingdom Early-Stage compare with the impossibility of the Imperial Kingdom Peak.

Everyone looked nervously at the 2 people in Wudoutai. They knew that the battle would start immediately!

“oh la la !”

With the easy movement of the palm, the gorgeous True Origin beam swept out into a scarlet True Origin vortex about ten zhang in size, entangled in the air in front of him.

“Ju Xuan Tian Xuan!”

“It seems Senior Brother Yi has been provoked a little bit, and this is the way to go.”

“Is Senior Brother Yi trying to end this farce with a trick?”

“Then, of course, a kid from a King-Early-Stage, didn’t even qualify to see Senior Brother Yi second move!”

Seeing this scene, murmurs of low-pitched exclamation spread around Wudoutai, obviously many people noticed the terrifying place of this move.

Several high-level newcomers at this time looked abnormally dignified, even if they were isolated through the transparent barrier of Wudoutai, they also felt the pressure brought from the scarlet vortex.

In this blow, even if they do their best, I am afraid they can only defeat it!

I really do n’t know, Qin Yichen of Early-Stage in the realm, how should we face this blow!

Many eyes looked at Qin Yichen, who was easily opposite to vortex, and looked at it. Under the gaze of a line of sight, Qin Yichen’s complexion gradually gradually condensed. In those dark eyes, there was coldness and sharpness. The color flashed.

“go with!”

Yi said indifferently to Qin Yichen, a word popped out of his mouth.

“Bang! ……”

As his voice fell, I could only see the majestic True Origin vortex whistling away towards Qin Yichen. Everywhere I passed, the solid fighter platform ground was ripped out of a path of deep trace.

Scarlet’s True Origin vortex whistled past at an astonishing speed. Wherever it goes, if the sky is rendered into a fiery red color, and it is about to burn, the air is twisted by the hot roast.

Everyone suddenly shrinks, some True Origin fluctuations emanating from that True Origin vortex, even the appearance of many Outer Gate Disciple are somewhat changed. To this extent, I am afraid that even the ordinary Royal Peak Powerhouse is difficult to follow!

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