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Different from the joy of Qin Yichen and Kong Wu, Jiang Buyong mentioned this matter, but he couldn’t help lowering his head, and his expression became more and more grief and indignation.


Qin Yichen’s smile gradually disappeared.

He seems to have guessed it.

“Those enemies of my race did it!?”

Jiang Buyong gritted his teeth and nodded, his grief and anger worsened between expressions!

Qin Yichen can finally be sure that in the spirit of heaven, not just an adjective, it is real! Just like Remnant Soul, the remnant soul of Dayi’s ancestor, turned into the 11th divine arrow, which suppressed the nine Golden Crows, but was it not protecting them at the time?

The place where the ancestor’s spirit is, it seems to be sealed by those enemies!

“In other words, the spirits of the ancestors were sensitive to the ancestor worship that day, and even wanted to respond to us, but…”

Looking at Jiang Buyong, who kept nodding his head but still had difficulty raising his head, the surprise in Kong Wu’s eyes gradually dissipated and became sad.

“This is an absolute household plan!”

Qin Yichen gritted his teeth angrily, no wonder that Emperor Que said that the ancestor worship ceremony was over here. It is conceivable that those enemies were not too provoked by Emperor Que!

“If the spirit of the ancestors could manifest the sacredness, how could our race be so humble!?”

Similarly, the enemy of True Dragon had already thought of this matter, and at the expense of it, he would seal it and suppress it.

Jiang Buyong has never mentioned this matter to Kong Wu, and there hasn’t even been a variable like Qin Yichen. It is estimated that he will only tell Kong Wu on the day when he gets older and abdicates.

This matter is too much involved. You have to know how many Celestial Emperors existed between True Dragon, Human Race, and Brother Shifang? How many powerhouses are there?

If it is not suppressed and the Manifestation of God descends, it can be said that no one emperor can withstand such anger and revenge!

So the enemy to suppress the ancestral spirit is too tyrannical, terrifying! It was not done by one person. There was too much involved behind it, like an abyss, terrifying until Qin Yichen asked again and again, Jiang Buyong didn’t even dare to tell the two!

“Yichen, what you have done is good enough. Since the birth of this innate body, you have been running around for our clan, making my clan welcome back to the Divine Item, and even being able to take out the Three Emperors and Five Emperors is also your credit. .”

Speaking of worshipping the ancestors, Jiang couldn’t help feeling that the younger young man in front of him was the one who contributed the most and the most uncomfortable, because he could only pretend to be the good son-in-law of the emperor, and watch the guests.

“I didn’t want to put pressure on you anymore, but…When it comes to the spirit of the ancestors, I always feel like a light on my back. I dare not slack in the slightest, but suffer from powerlessness.”

Years of oppression made Jiang Buyong no longer have enough energy and lack of energy, and even the spirit of recovering the human race is almost wiped out.

The appearance of Qin Yichen seems to have added a boost to the distressed human race and continued.

Qin Yichen’s blade-like eyes flickered: “Patriarch, please tell me!”

Jiang Buyong looked at Wu Kong, and his face was helpless: “Yichen, the ancestors are dead, although the spirit is still there, let’s put it this way…”

“Ordinary bones can rot, right?”

Qin Yichen is at a loss. I don’t know why Jiang patriarch mentioned this matter.

“To prevent the fleshy body from decay, it must be suppressed by ice cubes and other objects. From our point of view, ice cubes can withstand temperature attack and make the bones of meridian freeze and decompose. Is slower…In short, this is also a kind of reincarnation of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao.”

Jiang Buyong said again: “The mundane is so, why don’t we ask the gods?”

“Although the remains of our realm have not rotted for thousands of years, they are actually weathered again. It’s just that our realm is tyrannical and fleshy body is burly, so it is much slower than the ordinary, and it seems to have many Magical Powers. “

Qin Yichen nodded silently: “patriarch wanted to say?”

Jiang Buyong sighed: “The fleshy body will rot, and so will the spirit.”

“If you want to keep the spirit from withering, it’s like the mortal remains need to be preserved with ice. In fact, they are all against the reincarnation of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao.”

“Yichen, when you were in the lower realm, you would have encountered Vicious Spirit Evil Spirit, right? Even in the eyes of ordinary people, it is called the theory of ghosts.”

“Those Evil Spirit Vicious Spirit swallowed and committed evil, is it not to continue their own immortality?”

Jiang Buyong seems to be boasting, but when Qin Yichen and Kong Wu look at each other, they suddenly have one’s hair stand on end, and there is also a kind of sadness and anger on the back.

“The meaning of patriarch is that the spirit of the ancestors is not only suppressed, but also lost the power that continues like a mortal remains like an ice block?”

Jiang Buyong nodded heavily: “Yes, you see that many ancestor spirits of Tushan live in Tushan trees. Although they continue to bless the younger generations, the younger generations will also sacrifice to the ancestors. In fact, they contribute energy to the ancestors.”

“The Tushan tree itself is a Divine Tree between Heaven and Earth, which can absorb the majestic Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi and continue to nourish the Tushan demon spirit.”

“The same is true of the Emperor Que clan. Those Emperor Que ancestor spirits live in the Holy Land of the clan. The Emperor Que clansman is thriving and worships the ancestors, and the Guest Elder continues.”

“My clan…”

This time, even Qin Yichen couldn’t help but bow his head!

The place where the spirits of ancestors inhabited was suppressed, and these living descendants did not dare to make sacrifices.

“So, the spirit of the ancestors that have lost their power, like the ordinary fleshy body that has lost ice, will gradually decay until it withers?”

Jiang Buyong nodded: “Although the spirit of the ancestors is extremely powerful, far from being comparable to the commonplace, the power is a source of energy and there is an end.”

This is indeed an absolute household plan!

Every moment, True Dragon and the ancestral spirits of the human race are withering and dissipating!

Although those ancestral spirits are extremely tyrannical, they are also impossible to sustain infinitely! One day it will dissipate!

Jiang Buyong knew about this! But there is nothing he can do. It can be imagined that every moment is like a knife twisted!

To keep the ancestral spirit from withering, it is like sending ice cubes to the mortal remains, but the difference is that the ancestor spirit needs divine power, immortal strength, blood essence, and many heavenly materials earthly treasures ……

The most important thing is to break the seal and suppression of those enemies, so that the spirit of ancestors can sense and enjoy!

But those enemies are the emperor’s great taboos, and today’s Qin Yichen is far from being able to contend!

That’s why Jiang Buyong is so entangled whether to tell Qin Yichen.

Don’t tell… Qin Yichen is qualified to know.

What’s more, don’t tell me now, when the spirit of the ancestors is completely withered, it will be more pain to meet Qin Yichen.

Now I told Qin Yichen and told him that he needed to face the enemy who was waiting for one hand shrouding the heavens. Jiang Buyong was really afraid of overwhelming the younger generation who had worked hard for the human race and even changed his face and changed his name. .

“Yichen, don’t burden yourself too much, try to grow, just like before, you have done well enough, I believe that the day when you grow up, the ancestral spirit has not withered. They will be proud of you.”

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