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He can throw Qin Yichen’s knife, but he dare not throw Tu Shan Yaojun!

“Want to go?”

Li Tu demon pupil flashing: “Senior Cangcang, you take good wine and good meat to entertain Yichen, and Yichen is full of wine and food, and discuss with the smiling face, it is a courtesy.”

“But you are pushing three obstacles and four, do you think I don’t talk about courtesy?”

As soon as this remark came out, the demon kings of Tushan suddenly sneered.

They just want to leave after making trouble! ?

However, Sheng Cang’s face is ugly, and the discussion is not a problem, but the discussion is generally the same realm. This is the rule that makes sense everywhere!

However, I really want the smiling face to suppress the realm to the deity, I am afraid that there will be no difference between the end and the more than one hundred thousand Fiendgod that year!

No! The end will only be worse than those Fiendgod!

The smiling face Divine Emperor can’t laugh anymore, he only realized at the moment that he wasn’t braced by laughter.

But the eyes of Shengcang Shenjun turned around, but he regained his smile: “Of course it is no problem to learn, and the same realm is naturally no problem.”

“But the smile face Divine Emperor cultivation base is not easy to come by, and Brother Li Tu should also know that many means, if it is to suppress realm, may not be able to exhibit it.”

“What’s more, Qin little friend is full of alcohol, and if he starts, he smiles a little bit harder, which makes me unable to explain to you.”

Shencang Divine King said with a smile: “It’s better to wait for Qin little friend and smile real realm, it’s not too late to discuss, and I won’t stop when it arrives.”

As soon as this remark came out, Li Tu’s face changed suddenly!

Let Yi Chen and smile face same realm?

That is, waiting for Qin Yichen cultivation base breakthrough Monster Emperor?

Why don’t you dare to just say so!

However, in the face of Tu Shan’s anger, Shengcang Divine King smiled undiminishedly. He did so in the same realm.

As for when Qin Yichen cultivated to Monster Emperor, what did he do? At least impossible broke through Monster Emperor before the Daojun feast.

Furthermore, does this little bastard have the opportunity to cultivate to Monster Emperor? After all, at the feast of Daojun, he wanted more than himself!

Sang Cang was proud, he didn’t say no, he also recognized same realm, he didn’t mind waiting for Qin Yichen cultivation to Monster Emperor……

“So this is called same realm!”

However, Liang Tu hearing this, suddenly got up and smiled and said: “I don’t think there is any need to make the smile face lower realm, after all, my Little Brat in Tushan, is not without Monster Emperor!”

“Who is that, you have a few tricks with the smiling face!”

tone barely fell, I saw Tu Shan Banquet, suddenly stood up hundreds of silhouettes, each five-tailed high, all is a Monster Emperor!

Shen Cang, when he saw this, his smile became colder: “Tu Shan Zhujun, so, is it boring?”

“My fellow apprentices of the Fellow Daoist, Divine Emperor, are also many!”

The words are over, and a Divine Emperor divine light emerges, each fighting intent is high, without fear of Tushan group demons!

Li Tu looks in his eyes, the demon pupil squints, said solemnly: “Senior Cangcang, you seem to have made a mistake. Now, I let my disciple escape from you and give you courtesy.”

“Same realm learn… The Little Brat behind you, I seem to be the deity?”

Sweeped by Li Tu’s pupil light, he saw that a god could not help but retreat and hid behind his master.

Although they can be brought to the feast of Daojun by all the gods, it is hard to imagine that their strength is not a general generation, but when they think of what they are going to face, they are a demon who has slaughtered more than 100,000 Fiendgod, and they can’t help but chill.

But there are also cultivation base profound people, such as Wu Wanzun who just wanted to stand up, but was dragged by the Promise God.

“Tu Shan has just suffered from extraordinary shame and humiliation, this little bastard is now a crazy dog, you are shot, no matter whether you win or lose, you will be embarrassed if you are bitten.”

However, Qin Yichen saw it, and suddenly smiled: “Don’t worry, Shengcang Senior is kind and gracious, let this Qin eat thousands of plates of meat. If the ceremony is still coming, this is just the beginning!”

The words fell, Qin Yichen’s blade surged, and he pointed to the smiling face Divine Emperor: “God Emperor!”

“God Emperor, can you dare to fight me!?”

As soon as this remark comes out, Tushan group demon and a group of gods all have a sudden change of face!

After smiling face Divine Emperor came back to his senses, I was afraid that Qin Yichen would regret it, and hurriedly said: “This is what you said! Don’t say I bullied you with realm!”

cracking a joke, this little bastard, is now just a deity!

And God Emperor, but he is two great realm taller than him!

No matter how talented you are, no matter how evil you are, Blade Technique is fierce again. In front of the absolute divine power crushing, it is no more than ants!

even more how, even if suppressed to the Divine Emperor cultivation base, the ridiculous face itself is Divine Emperor, seven years of hard work, I dare not say that I can laugh and be proud among the Divine Emperor, but absolutely worthy of Divine Emperor!


Li Tu came back to his senses and exclaimed suddenly!

“Easy dust, don’t want to be angry!”

“Two Great Realms, do you know that the difference of divine power is just bad for you?”

Tu Jin’er also bit the little tiger tooth: “Junior Brother, Senior Sister is still here, it’s not your turn!”

“Divine Emperor, smiling face, right? I am Tushan Demon King-Tu Jin’er! Let you dare to fight in the realm of God Emperor!?”

Shencang Divine King complexion slightly changed, Li Tu’s little daughter is not an ordinary Tushan demon king!

Liang Tu sees, scorned said with a smile: “Why? I’m afraid!”

“brothers, when I go to toast to other Fellow Daoist, learn this matter well, Sheng Cang Fellow Daoist’s Divine Emperor, learn from my Tushan disciples, do not lead the Two Great Realms, and dare not shoot! “

Seeing all the demon kings sneering, Sheng Cang’s face became more ugly.

If this matter spreads, he will lose his face and come to Daojun feast again!

The smiling face Divine Emperor is also in a dilemma, leading a great realm, it is already very shameful to pass it out, the key is that he fights with the god emperor cultivation base, and he has not yet guaranteed to win!

But at this moment, Qin Yichen coldly shouted.

“Senior Sister!”

I saw Qin Yichen dragging Tu Jin’er behind him: “No more, the hospitality I just received was treated by me alone, and the gifts were exchanged, and naturally I came.”

“Easy dust!”

Li Tu just wanted to scold, but saw Qin Yichen’s quiet terrifying voice: “Master.”

“If you clean up this kind of thing that only smiles flattery, you have to get the same realm, then Yi Chen, how can there be a face claiming to be a Tushan disciple?”

There was a burst of words when the words were over.


It’s just that the person who burst out is the Divine King!

“Tushan disciple, style is proud! Then let this Monarch appreciate it!”

“Fellow Daoists, Tu Shan courtesy, may wish to join the stage together with Shengcang!”

“Good to say!”

In an instant, many princes raised their palms and wielded a powerful divine power. In just an instant, they actually condensed into a streak of divine light.

Shencang Divine Lord stretched his palm and asked Qin Yichen: “Qin little friend, I will wait for you to set up a stage for you, is it enough for you to show it?”

Qin Yichen stared at the star, which was condensed by the power of many princes, of which the vastness was immense, enough for his knife to sweep at will.

“It’s hard to say, it is enough to bury more than one hundred thousand Fiendgod!”

Li Tu just wanted to stop him, but when he saw Qin Yichen smile, the next moment, it turned into a stream of light and plunged into that star!

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