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Qin Yichen nodded, his face indifferent: “Yes, Wansheng Young Master did not look for me in recent years, I thought he didn’t want it.”

The Promise of the Promise Sovereign slightly changed, Wu Wanzun took a deep breath, and the corner of his mouth gradually raised a grin.

“Very good! I suddenly wanted to practice a Divine Weapon.”

“The bones of the monster, but good materials!”

Qin Yichen indifferently, with his hands on his back, no longer speaks, but he told Wu Wanzun, I am here, if I want to practice, I will do it!

Wu Wanzun’s gloomy face, at this moment, there is a person youth speaking.

“Qin Yichen, isn’t it?”

“I’m here, the Master asked me to tell you that Tushan Fox Demon has several tails, but it seems that there is only one tail of the monster Jiao?”

Qin Yichen’s eyes flashed, I saw the young demonic energy Ling Ran in front of him, and the four pupils flickered. It was the disciplinary discipline of the Sun Devil Monarch who was quite proud in these years-Sun Devil Devil!

“Come on!”

Thinking of the foxtail that was cut off by Second Senior Sister, Qin Yichen couldn’t help but fist tightly!

Perhaps in Li Tu’s opinion, Tu Baijiao was badly hit, but his strength was poor and his experience failed.

After all, the goal of training is Demon Emperor under the control of the Sun Devil, no matter whether it succeeds or fails.

However, Qin Yichen does not intend to reason at all!

If he hadn’t asked him to say something, then… Mozu damn enough!

Qin Yichen stared at the four magic pupils of the Sun Devil, said leisurely with a smile: “Thank you brother for your advice.”

“However, I will also send brother a word underneath. Those Fiendgod, Three Heads Six Arms, I saw more now, but unfortunately, the strength is not enough, no matter how many heads, this Qin can’t help but cut.”


The magic pupil of the Sun Devil becomes cold and severe. Not only that, but Tu Jin’er can even feel that a pair of magic pupils around the eyes, the breath is suppressed towards the Little Junior Brother!

You know, although the reason for Wu Wansheng’s revenge was very false, but among the gods and demons present, there must be something to do with the more than one hundred thousand Fiendgod who died under the sword of Qin Yichen!

Many demon kings are complexion slightly changed. They just went to the banquet. Before drinking a few sips of tea, they attracted several god kings and demon kings to come to “greet”. Qin Yichen is afraid to be the only one!

However, at this time, I saw Li Tu coldly shouted: “Yi Chen, don’t be rude!”

After coldly shouted, Li Tu confronted the Promise God King with all his fists said with a smile: “Everyone, getting started with Yichen is still short, I am not strict in discipline.”

“However, before going out, I have been reprimanded, and Yichen will never take the initiative to cause trouble.”

“However, if all of your high apprentices are in good spirits, you have to divide your skills. I think I have so many Martial Nephew, I will make you satisfied.”

tone barely fell, seeing the disciple behind Liang Tu put down the teacup and slowly stood up.

Not only that, all the disciples of Tushan demon lord are from the lifts the head. What’s more, the fox tail is revealed, the demon pupil flickers, and the sky is full of breath!

Shencang Divine Lord looked in his eyes and suddenly smiled: “Haha, where did Brother Li Tu speak? In this way, Shengcang would like to say hello to other Fellow Daoist, so he would retreat first…”

“Brother Li Tu and Fellow Daoists of Tu Shan, this time the emperor’s great hospitality, you have to enjoy it…”

The words came to an end, and the prince Sheng Cang flew away, but the crafty and insidious corners of his mouth made Qin Yichen puzzled.

He doesn’t believe that Sheng Cang is really scared by Tu Shan. After all, Tu Shan is one of the great influences of Monster Race. But is there any backing behind Sheng Cang, Wuji and even Sun Devil?

If Tu Shan can hold these guys, then the other party from the very beginning will not come to Li Tu to ‘greet each other’!

Looking at the backs of the departed princes of Shengcang, Qin Yichen’s eyes narrowed slightly. He knew that this matter was not finished, or even just started!

However, if these Fiendgods want to play, then play with them!

Qin Yichen was seated again in the crowd. During this period, many Daojun came to chat with Tushan Zhujun.

However, after a while, I saw a prince shouted loudly: “Up to the wind feast!”

The god prince finished drinking and saw a priest walking with a steaming delicacies.

However, Qin Yichen almost spit it out on the spot when he saw the delicacies!

I saw that in the steaming jade plate, it was full of people from each and everyone!

Even, some people’s heads are steamed and peeled off, and when they are steaming, there is a spoon in their heads…


Qin Yichen covered his mouth and vomited, but saw the priest giggling with laughter, and put the delicacy one after another on the table.

“The demon kings, these human gods, were brought by Master Shengcang, and specifically ordered to add meals to the adults.”

The priest smiled and said: “This is the human brain, but it is where the essence of bloody food is. The food is great!”

“This dish is specially baked with Divine Fire for three days and three nights, and the outside is tender and tender, which is very delicious.”

At this very moment, two more Divine Emperor brought in a cauldron.

I saw the soup boiling in the pot, the spices, divine fruit, and even the petals floating on it, smelling attractive.

But then, there was a priest who launched a god!

The man god was cleaned and lay quietly in the jade plate decorated with divine fruit Divine Flower.

Someone wants to struggle, but just moved, the seal of Dao heart makes them soft again.

The god pot is stable, and the gods are like introduced by many treasures: “It is natural to nourish the blood and eat it, and you have to pay attention to it.”

“Freshly cut human flesh, flick into this pot, tender meat and blood, it is a great delicacy in the world!”

While speaking, the prince took out a blade and swiped at random, and saw a thin piece of flesh cut off the thigh of the god in the plate.

The man was suffering from pain, but under the repression of Dao Yin’s heart, he couldn’t even shed cold sweat, and only looked at the numerous Fiendgods demon in front of him.

And the sword flowers in the hands of the Divine Monarch, the flesh and blood cut by each knife is as thin as cicada wings, and it will be fragrant in the pot.

“Haha, Zhujun, a certain food delicacy, this Blade Technique is cut from a thousand thousand blood food, how come, try it!”

A priest laid his hands next to him, picked up the human flesh with a trace of blood, put the ingredients on it, and put it on the table of a group of demon kings in Tushan.

However, the Qin Yichen people at this moment are already splitting their eyes, red as wild beast!

People… their clansman!

Actually, just like pigs and sheep, they are served on the table as a treat for the world!


The nameless shoots directly at the table and killing intent rises.

“Sancang old dog, eat my clansman courageously!”

A group of priests hearing this, firstly the complexion slightly changed, but then it seems to get the order in general, said with a smile: “sorry, prepare for haste, I don’t know that this Little Brother is after the demon.”

“Come on! Take away this Little Brother’s share!”

A group of clergymen have taken advantage of their hands and feet to remove the delicacies from the unnamed table, and have not forgotten to cast a glance at ‘cannot tell good from bad’.

However, Li Tu and a group of senior and junior brothers, and even the food on the Monster Race powerhouse table of Tu Shan, seeped and bleed from the punch!

“Xicang old dog, take your life!”

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