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The rolling sun is falling, sweeping the terrifying gods and shadows of the great shore, all of a sudden, the divine might of Divine Emperor Demon Emperor is melted!

The illusory shadow of Divine Emperor is grimacing. He tried his best to urge jade green Divine Fire. However, in the face of the scorching sun, he still could not escape the fate of being incinerated!

“little bastard, you…you can actually inspire the world!”

“You are waiting, Daojun feast is your death!”

In less than a moment, Deli Court’s Demon Court was shocked by the Divine Emperor, which turned into ashes and fire!

Even, in the Bi Fire God Palace of Shengcang World, Bi Huo Divine Emperor covered his chest with his hand, but a divine blood was hard to suppress.

In other Divine Emperor Demon Emperor palaces, some of Divine Emperor’s robes suddenly spontaneously ignited without fire, and Demon Emperor’s hair was suddenly burnt…

For a time, many Divine Emperor Demon Emperor in Shengcang world were surprising and angry. Without the need for communication and communication, they came up with the same idea.

That is, this monster that has slaughtered their more than 100,000 sons and descendants, must not be left. Daojun feast must be eradicated!

However, at the Demon Court cliff in Li Tu, the divine shadow and magic shadow are scattered, and the sun falls on the pile of divine swords and unimpeded, refining it to divine gold divine water!

I saw that the cliff was like a furnace, and the sun burned the air, and the materials used by the magic swords were different. When smelted, the Fiendgod was mixed, and all kinds of blade light were dazzling.

However, Qin Yichen saw it, but coldly shouted.


I saw Qin Yichen making a fist, but it was like holding a knife!

In an instant, the innumerable blazing blade light shuddered, and then gradually merged and twisted under Qin Yichen’s Dao Daowei to a prototype of a blade!

Although there are many magic swords and magic swords, Qin Yichen is after all using swords to control the Divine Weapon Divine Item.


Qin Yichen burst into shock again, and suddenly shook his sleeves, and saw the handle of the apocalypse suddenly flew out, and the blades smelted by many magic swords of the magic knife suddenly intersected light and darkness, and Full Mastery of the apocalypse handle!


At the moment when the blade was connected to the handle, I saw that the blade was boiling to the extreme, and it was constantly twisted. It seemed that I did not want to become the handle held by the owner of this handle!

Qin Yichen knows that some powerful swords have spirituality, even more how these are Divine Weapon forged by Divine Emperor Demon Emperor!

He just burned the prohibition left by Divine Emperor Demon Emperor, but the magical demonic essence that was branded when these magic swords were forged, but now resisted fierce!

The blade light is constantly distorted, and occasionally turns into a gruesome god shadow. Occasionally, it becomes a monster again, so that just relieved, Tu Jin’er who protruded his head from behind Qin Yichen was scared back.

“Little Junior Brother, his way of forging, can he control so many Divine Weapon demonic weapon?”

Know that forging tools are also extremely dangerous!

More dangerous than pill concocting!

Even speaking of which, pill concocting failed to explode. The reason for Pill Master is a disaster, a large part of the reason is that Martial Dao Cultivation Base and Fleshy body of Pill Master are too weak.

Some high-level blast furnace debris fragments are naturally fatal to Martial Dao’s weak Pill Master!

The power of the refiner and forge, even if it has divine power and powerful attainments, will not improve the risk of the refiner.

Because the more powerful the forging tool, the more powerful the forging device is!

Once the refining device breaks, the material backlash, the nearest power, is equivalent to face to face the self-destructive power of Divine Item Divine Weapon!

even more how, Little Junior Brother At this moment, I still forge the blades of dozens of Divine Emperor Demon Emperor. Once I can’t control it, then it’s equivalent to dozens of Divine Emperor-level treasures bursting…

That kind of formidable power makes Tu Jiner wonder, hiding behind Little Junior Brother, it seems not safe!

But Tu Jin’er soon realized that it was wrong… He seemed to be Senior Sister, how could he hide behind Junior Brother!

“Little Junior Brother, Senior Sister is here to help you!”

However, Tu Jin’er just bravely braved his head, and was shocked by Qin Yichen’s coldly shouted, pulling his fox’s ears and looking aggrieved.

“Don’t mess up!”

I saw Qin Yichen at the moment, his whole body was screaming, and Tu Jin’er’s ears were covered, and he still felt like his body was about to be shattered and had to retreat.

The appearance of the sword blasting into the sky is indistinguishable from the nameless previous sword-finger sky, but the nameless name coming from the news is shocking!

Because, when he was out of the customs, he could have the magnificent natural phenomenon of sword pointing to the sky, because that fruit contained the remnants of Xuanyuan ancestors.

However, namelessness is known. The Tushan fruit taken by Qin Yichen at this time does not contain a knife!

Qin Yichen’s own swordsmanship is able to make the sword sound amazing!

Surprisingly, Qin Yichen raised his hand again, with a giant hammer in his hand!

The size of the giant hammer changes freely, and soon it becomes the most suitable size. Tu Jin’er sees it, and can’t help but reveal a hint of curiosity.

“This hammer is…”

Tu Jin’er was stunned, he couldn’t even feel the quality of this hammer!

It’s not that you can’t feel it, but it seems that the hammer itself does not have a grade, but it is used to determine the grade!

Li Tu stood at the top of Demon Court and saw the moment when the slender silhouette was wielding the giant hammer.

“This is… Dwarf Race’s forge treasure!”

How many chances did you get in these ten disciplines in Divine Court? ?

Although the Ice and Fire Avenue was exhibited in Qin Yichen, and even more than one hundred thousand Fiendgod could be slaughtered when they came out of the Divine Court in Eau Kwang, Li Tu knew that the former definitely had to meet the treasure left by the once overlord of the world.

But at the moment the Dwarf Race’s hammer appeared, which made Li Tu unable to bear, or… envy!

Of course, Li Tu did not have any suspicions about Qin Yichen because of this, and he even showed a killing heart.

Because, at the level of Li Tu, everything does not necessarily have to follow the so-called world situation.

Besides, Yichen can get a lot of opportunities. For the heirs of Divine Emperor Demon Emperor get the Dwarf Race hammer, will it be destroyed on the spot?

Even Li Tu knows very well that many gods and demons are imprisoning some of Dwarf Race’s forge powerhouses to drive slavery.

Even some of the more powerful existence, with many Dwarf Races in captivity, not only allows dwarf generations to be screened by their slaves for generations, but can also be used to threaten those Dwarf Race forgings to be effective!

Li Tuyao’s pupil flashed, and suddenly to Tu Lin’s sound transmission shouted: “Notice, the whole process of Yichen Forging Knife, you are not allowed to talk to foreigners!”

Tu Lin bowed his head, and Li Tu flicked his fingertips, and a ray of fire fell under the cliff.

The firelight shrouded the cliff. Of course, Qin Yichen, who was on the top of the mountain, did not do any harm. Li Tu only used the firelight to twist his line of sight, making the Monster Race clearly unclear.

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