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“Yichen big brother!”

Lu Xiaolu exclaimed, and Qin Yichen opened his eyes, just like the whole world, shaking with it.

“The ancestors bless, the ancestors bless…”

Qin Yichen sighed. He was looking forward to the great ancestors of Dayu, who flattened Hong Hai, and even understood why the fire of the mountains, the water, and the ice of hydration were so restrained.

Looking at the nameless, I saw that Jianming around him was still constant, Qin Yichen said with a condensed voice: “That fruit has great opportunity, don’t disturb the unknown brother, and I also have to thoroughly refining the chance of the fruit!”

He has just mastered Dao of Space now, and even like Tu Jin’er’s fire in Tu Shan, he has not reached a higher-level yet. He raised his hand and thrown his feet into the room. The space around Qin Yichen has cracked from time to time.

Lu Xiaolu and Yao Tian did not dare to be disturbed, so they had to sit aside and quietly protect the law.

Qin Yichen closed his eyes and stared. Counting it, plus the round-trip time, it was only about six years away from the feast of Daojun.

In six years, there are three things in his plan.

One is to enlighten one more, preferably the avenue, or make the mastery of Daowei that has been mastered to a higher level.

And the blessings of the ancestors of Dayu and Tushan, Qin Yichen thought it was absolutely not enough time, so I don’t know how much to save!

Second, it is realm breakthrough power to God!

Three years like a white horse.

After three years, Qin Yichen broke through to the Divine Venerable with the help of the two divine fruits given to him by Ziyun!

On Qin Yichen’s Divine Dao’s law is Supreme Path, can it be compared with ordinary gods? As long as there is proper treasure, breaking the deity is to Qin Yichen, but where water flows, a canal is formed.

After a while, the divine light around Qin Yichen is gradually restrained, but it is more dazzling than before. It seems like the moment of the outbreak, even the hot summer sun, it is difficult to match it!

At this very moment, Qin Yichen heard an unknown sword light from Cave Mansion, which shattered the sky clouds directly.

At that moment, Li Tu Demon Court, however, when cultivation or Monster Race, it’s nothing but divine power, even the quiet Li Tu in Demon Court, the flame at the tip of the tail seems to be swept by sword energy and extinguished. For a moment.

“What a superb kendo…”

Li Tu stood up suddenly, the fox tail fluttered, secretly thought the ancestor really was deeply hidden, not that his embarrassed descendants could see through, the original ancestors’ swordsmanship was so powerful!

Except for Qin Yichen, Li Tu Demon Court only has a person use sword to enter dao, that is nameless.

For a while, the nameless Cave Mansion was surrounded by a lot of Monster Races. Qin Yichen suddenly turned around and saw Li Tu who came with Tu Jiner.

“Master Li.”

Li Tu slightly nodded: “This movement, was it made out of no name?”

Qin Yichen was just nodded, but Li Tu looked towards his demon pupil is also trembling. Wuming and Qin Yichen each got two fruits. At this moment, the sword energy is soaring, it should be the fruit bestowed on the nameless Good Fortune.

And Qin Yichen seemed to be close at hand, and it was like the atmosphere across the sky. After Li Tu was shocked, he was immediately relieved: “I really want to learn about the teacher, you and the nameless, in the end are stronger and weaker.”

While speaking at the same time, the nameless came out and raised his hands like a stroll in the court, but the aura, but amazing the countless Monster Race present!

Even Qin Yichen was slightly trembling with the stars, and since the ancestors of Aoguang helped their three people break through, the unnamed brother has been able to support both heaven and earth.

At the moment, Wuming stands there, besides being able to support both heaven and earth, it looks like a Divine Sword, still able to support both heaven and earth, except that if he pressed him that day, he would pierce the day If this place bullies him, he will crush this place!

“Master Li, Senior Sister…”

After the nameless salute, Li Tu rejoiced: “Is the Good Fortune given by my ancestors refining?”


When you nodded and nodded, your face showed intoxication and regret that had not yet dispersed. Qin Yichen, a Pill Master, understood this expression!

That’s what he saw when he saw the amazing Qidan medicine recipe, but it turned out to be the kind of Dan idiot that would only be found when the roll was broken.

Without the name, it is regrettable that the sword in the fruit was inherited by Tu Shan’s ancestors.

But in fact, the ancestors of Dayu did not have sword repairs, these few moves were when the husband and wife were under the Tushan tree and Qingqing and I, Dayu occasionally drank the wine made from the flowers and fruits of the Tushan tree. , Dancing sword under the tree.

“The ancestor of Tushan said that the ancestor of Xuanyuan was more shocking and colorful than her husband, the ancestor of Dayu. It can be said that I am the peerless emperor of Human Race…”

“I really hope to see the ancestors of Xuanyuan…”

After concentrating, Qin Yichen looked inexplicably, said with a smile: “Why, Yichen, your fruit, should it be refining?”

Qin Yichen said with a smile: “Just finished refining.”

“Then…shall we discuss?”

The nameless sword flashes and the cultivation base is improved. Who doesn’t want to have a hearty battle?

As soon as this remark came out, many Monster Race faces suddenly showed excitement.

The ten Senior Brothers, but on the day of apprenticeship, they won Jiner Senior Sister, and now, Nine Senior Brother’s advanced swordsmanship, even Master Li Tu was shocked, can think of the strength!

The discussion between the two Senior Brothers, just watching, is enough to benefit them a lot!

Even the Li Tu demon pupils are full of anticipation, but Qin Yichen shook his head said with a smile: “You have no shadow, I haven’t had time to forge a blade.”

His White Tiger blade is considered… buried with Fengling clan.

The Apocalypse handle is, after all, the handle.

So in Qin Yichen’s six years, another goal is to re-forge a handy knife!

Finally, Qin Yichen looked at Li Tu and arched his fist: “Master Li, the discipline is going to forge a blade…”

“Stop talking.”

Without finishing, I saw that Li Tuman was generously waving his hand: “Come with the teacher.”

Qin Yichen was stunned: “Where are you going?”

As soon as this remark came out, Li Tu was stunned.

Disciple mentioned the sword as the master. Shouldn’t the master understand what is going on?

Li Tu is going to take Qin Yichen to his treasure house, let him choose, but look like this…

“Yes, the magic swords collected by the division may not be suitable for you, it is better to forge one.”

Li Tu said with a smile: “Then you will ignite and quench the knife for you…”

However, Qin Yichen hearing this, but smiled and shook his head: “Thank you Master, but the disciple’s knife already has a plan, and the disciple forges it by himself.”

As soon as this remark came out, Li Tu and many Monster Races were stunned.

Know that forging knives need fire.

Looking up and down Demon Court, which one can beat Lord Li Tu?

Li Tu pondered then said: “So, how are you going to let the teacher help you?”

Qin Yichen said with a smile: “There is no major event, and the disciple is to speak to the master in advance. When the disciple forges a knife, it may hurt the flowers and grass of Demon Court…”

“flowers and grass?”

Li Tu frowned, but didn’t care: “Whatever you need, just come and find a teacher.”

Just before leaving, Li Tu did not forget to warned repeatedly: “But it is not allowed to hurt Tu Shanshu.”

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