
You can search for “Alchemy Dao Grandmaster Miaobige Novel Network (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

In front of Li Tu, Lu Xiaolu’s identity is a deer demon, and he repairs the Great Dao of Five Elements!

Great Dao of Five Elements is really a great road.

even more how, Lu Xiaolu’s real repair is not only the Great Dao of Five Elements, but the more profound Jiu Yao Road than the Great Dao of Five Elements!

So, Ziyun became Li Tu’s True Disciple before her…

Zi Yun seemed to feel the unwillingness of those deer eyes, turning his head and grinning: “Relax, Junior Sister, Senior Brother will teach you well!”

On that day, Ziyun only felt the weight of his humiliation for many years and was finally able to turn over!

“Come on!”

Lu Xiaolu was so angry that he bit his teeth tightly: “Oh, Purple Senior Brother Yun, I hope you can still laugh so happy when I become the Great Dao of Five Elements!”

Li Tu looked in his eyes and couldn’t help saying said with a smile: “Okay, then let Tu Lin take you to their respective Cave Mansion. After getting used to it, I will take you to Tu Shanshu for the teacher.” p>

“Tushanshu praying for blessings?”

Qin Yichen was stunned, Li Tu said with a smile: “It is a chance to send you for the teacher, and it is also the well-being of Tushan to the same people in the world.”

Later, Li Tu explained again: “As for Xiao Lu’er and Bai Cang, if you don’t understand cultivation in the future, you can always ask your senior brother and senior sister for advice.”

“In my spare time, I will also teach you personally…”

“Thank you Master Li!”

Lu Xiaolu arched his fist and came to the first day of Demon Court in Li Tu. It was surprisingly unresisting, and Li Tu gave her the feeling… It seems good, at least a qualified Master.

Especially Tu Jin’er, judging from what she just eats today, Lu Xiaolu feels that she has found a confidant!

Later, Li Tu suddenly glanced at Tu Jin’er: “Jin’er, you will also be Senior Sister in the future, but you can’t be as capricious as He Weifu.”

“For Junior Brother Junior Sister, like you Senior Brothers, treat them well, treat them with courtesy, be polite, understand?”

Qin Yichen took a deep breath and told the truth, from a Monster Race mouth, that he was polite and how surprised he was.

However, Qin Yichen thought in a flash, let alone Monster Race, nowadays Fiendgod, I’m afraid it doesn’t have that kind of demeanor!

“understood, dad…”

“Also, don’t think that your Junior Brother Qin is worse than you after you started. If you bully Junior Brother Qin too much, he beats you up, regardless of the father, and even punish you.”

Li Tu said nothing, and looked towards Tu Lin four people: “And you, Jin’er is your Junior Sister, Yi Chen and Zi Yun are also your Junior Brothers, no favoritism!”


Tu Lin’s faces are solemn, but Tu Jin’er is not happy: “Dad, how can you be like this, in the presence of Junior Brother Junior Sister, saying the daughter is not!”

Jin Rui laughed: “I think what the Master has learned is that you, you used to be Little Junior Sister, we all let you, your girl now has a demon called you Senior Sister, and you have to turn it upside down?”

Tu Jin’er powder fist clenched: “How do you say, Little Junior Brother is almost my Senior Brother!”

Jin Rui laughed, but Tu Lin said: “Don’t be convinced, Little Junior Brother is going to the teacher. Where are you going? Those Divine Emperor Demon Emperor are not welcome.”

Li Tu is slightly nodded, very pleased, he has not met before this ten discipline, so he has light on his face!

Of course, when he accepted Tu Jiner as a teacher, many Fellow Daoist came to congratulate him, and the scene was not small.

But Li Tu knows that the reason why the scene is not small is that a large part of the reason is that Tu Jin’er is not only his seven disciplines, but also his pearl in the palm.

The key to those Fellow Daoist He Xiwan, before leaving, the meaning inside and outside the words is nothing wrong… Li Tujun may have to be well disciplined, otherwise in a few years, your family may be a mixed fox…


Li Tu suddenly smiled at the corner of his mouth and spoiled his face, but Tu Jin’er suddenly saw the smile on his father’s face, but suddenly his fox tail caught.

“Your ten-year-old divine fruit will stop sending and give you the Little Junior Brother.”

Tu Jiner panicked: “Why!?”

It hasn’t been delicious for ten years. Is this to murder the biological daughter?

“Because you gave the Master to you, you gave it to the Junior Junior Brother to steal the meeting gift.”

Tu Jin’er bowed his head and said nothing, but nothing could hide the Fourth Senior Brother!

However, I just walked out of the hall and told Qin Yichen and the others to be familiar with the environment, but just after I went out, I saw Tu Jiner surround the former and laughed: “Little Junior Brother, divine fruit and so on, eat more It’s not good. My father said it’s especially bad for teeth.”

“So this pain, let Senior Sister bear it for you!”

Qin Yichen corner of mouth twitching: “Little Senior Sister, I should say you are too polite or not polite?”

Tu Jin’er’s fox’s eyes turned into a crescent again: “hehe, no need to thank.”

However, Ziyun couldn’t stand it anymore: “I think, thank you so much Senior Sister!”

Tu Jin’er’s fox’s ears moved: “How do I think you are mocking this Senior Sister?”


Tu Jin’er feels that he can’t let the Junior Brother not let himself be in his eyes. If the Junior Brother is reported to his father, isn’t it…

However, as witty as Tu Jin’er, the fox’s eyes flickered, and a bright light appeared: “Little Junior Brother, you just arrived, let Senior Sister measure your strength!”

“Tell you by the way, to fulfill the responsibility of Senior Sister!”

Ziyun smiled: “Are you… pointing us?”

Tu Jin’er held a small pink fist: “Of course, you can be understood as being beaten! But Senior Sister didn’t say that!”


Zi Yun smiled, just because of the violence that just made him still have a bit of pain in his brain. Today, he has to tell Tu Jiner, call you Senior Sister …… just because you are earlier than us!

“Then…Senior Senior Sister, please advise!”

Tu Jin’er put his hands around his chest, although he could not squeeze the gully: “It’s easy to say, but you have to say it before you start. In case it hurts you later, don’t go to the Master to complain!”

Ziyun smiled: “Senior Sister, should I worry that you will complain to your father?”

Tu Jin’er has a small face and a proud face: “You don’t have to worry about this. I grew up with Tu Jin’er, and it was all from Junior Brother Junior Sister telling me!”

“But we have to say yes, if I win, you still refuse to accept me Senior Sister?”

Ziyun flicked the knife gently: “Relax, my Qin Ziyun, although I have never lost, but I can afford to lose!”

“Then, you must say well, you have served me Senior Sister, do you have to give Senior Sister a gift…”

Ziyun froze for a while, and return the gift?

You still have a face!

The premise of returning the gift is that you gave me a gift!

The half of your divine fruit and the core are not enough for us!

“Senior Sister doesn’t need much, if you lose, give me the divine fruit in the next ten years!”

Finally, Tu Jin’er looked at Tu Lin with another milk fierce face: “Here, this was given to me by the Junior Brother Brother, it wasn’t for me, um… it was a gift from the Junior Brother Brother!”

Tu Lin patted his head: “It’s finished.”

Little Junior Sister cannot afford to offend Master, but bullying Junior Brother Junior Sister has always been Tu Jin’er’s special skill!

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