Don’t just slaughter him for tens of thousands of Divine Race Monster Race little bastard?

Once this little bastard goes to the feast of Daojun, it will definitely die!

How long will Daojun feast?

It’s only seven years!

For Shengcang Sky Monarch, seven years, but that’s all within a snap!

How about letting this little bastard live another seven years?

“hahaha…… Brother Li Tu, then I will first announce my Fellow Daoist, if you are on the side, if the scene is daunting, it will not only give me a face, but also do not value your Monster Race at all. These Heaven’s Chosen!”

Silver Mane Old Ancestor gnashing teeth angrily, seven years?

When it comes to the final, he still lost Monster Race!

But the old Ancestor can’t help but this is the status of his Monster Race!

Seven years…

Although he admits that Qin Yichen’s talent is amazing, the potential is not bad, and his strength is even more powerful!

However, who is going to the Daojun feast, which one is the weak?

Besides, in his Silver Mane Dao Temple, Shengcang Sky Monarch only sent a guy who hid his sword in his smile, and could suppress them.

In the future feast of Daojun, think of those Fiendgod’s attitude towards his Monster Race!

“Qin little friend, congratulations. I don’t know how you felt when you learned that you were being taken by Master Li Tu?”

Smiling face Divine Emperor is proud, patting Qin Yichen on the shoulder, full of familiar and intimate looks.

But the Silver Mane Old Ancestor looked in his eyes and wished to tear him!

This dog thing is to ask Qin Yichen how he felt when he was taken by Master Li Tu. I am afraid he was not asking about his mood when he came in with Dao Yi!

However, Qin Yichen glanced at the hand on his shoulder and smiled at Divine Emperor, but quickly moved his hand away, but did not feel embarrassed at all: “Qin little friend’s ice road, will not be controlled again Have you lived?”

“Yes, it is normal for Dao Xin to have such ups and downs.”

Divine Emperor’s smile gradually teased.

Some kind, you hit me!

Wu Wansheng died here. Old Ancestor of Silver Mane can’t afford to be guilty. If he is moved by Monster Race here, even if a finger is moved, he can double back!

However, Qin Yichen smiled lightly: “Compared with being taken by Master Li, I actually felt more when His Majesty Sheng Cang wanted to take me to the feast of Daojun.”


Divine Emperor smiles, how do you feel?

What makes Qin Yichen angry? As the initiator of this matter, he will not know?

However, dare this little bastard say it?

Dare to be disrespectful to Sky Monarch, treat him first! When Li Tu picks up, let this little bastard lack arms and legs!

Feelings? You dare to think about it!

How do you know, Qin Yichen stared slightly, somehow, at that moment, the smiling face Divine Emperor felt that his smile was just right on any occasion, as if seen through.

“At that time, I was thinking, there are still seven years, you say that seven years later… Shengcang Sky Monarch takes me to the feast on the way, if you encounter an accident, you say… Is it possible, Holy Cang Sky Monarch was killed before me?”

As soon as this remark came out, Qin Yichen’s whole body divine might show up, and at that moment, he was so scared that Divine Emperor went back and forth!


A icy ice caught Divine Emperor’s feet, making him fall to the ground.

Despite the fall, for dignified Divine Emperor, what can’t be considered, but at that moment, the smile on Divine Emperor’s face disappeared, and for so many years, his rare anger!


This little bastard is really crazy!

Seven years?

It’s almost the same to make a coffin for you!

Do you want to grow up to be able to cut down your majesty?

It’s against you!

Qin Yichen looked at the smiling face Divine Emperor who fell to the ground, instead of supporting him, he wrapped his hands around his chest: “God Divine Emperor, playing tricks with power and insidiousness, but his strength was so bad that it would disgrace Divine Emperor…”


Smiling face Divine Emperor snorted, but Qin Yichen stepped forward and looked down at him: “Why? Not convinced? Even if I was not fancy by Master Li, I still master the two ways.”

“But you, after leaving the Sky Monarch of Sancang, it is still not Divine Emperor, but it is difficult to say…”

Divine Emperor’s face turned red to the extreme, but it was difficult to get started!

Because if Qin Yichen dares to disrespect the Sky Monarch of Shengcang, he has a way to clean up this little bastard!

However, it is not inferior to him? In any case, Qin Yichen is a demon’s discipline, and in theory, he is equal to his status!

Divine Emperor’s complexion was so extreme that he smiled, but soon, he laughed again.

“ha ha ha ha…… Qin little friend, you have a kind! There is a kind of kind!”

The next moment, smiling face Divine Emperor remarked: “Since you are so kind, and you want to go to the feast of Dao Jun with your majesty, do you… dare to stay?”

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