
You can search for “Alchemy Dao Grandmaster Miaobige Novel Network (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

At the same time, in the Hall of Silver Mane Road, Silver Mane Old Ancestor looked at the foxtail that gradually emerged, and he was covered in cold sweat, only to breathe in relief, full of awe: “Silver Mane, pay respects to Li Tu Demon King!”

“Silver Mane?”

Qin Yichen secretly looked at the salute, and saw that this Li Tu demon king was actually a handsome young man who had several points of feminine youth!

It seems that he is a few years older than him.

Behind Li Tu Yaojun, there are six hairy tails, although it is a message of illusory shadow, it is also blazing with flames.

Just looking around, I heard the voice of Ge Qian hammer from heavenly ascension Ding Nei: “Tushan Fox Demon!?”

Anyway, it’s the illusory shadow, and Ge Qian Hao doesn’t have to worry about being noticed, and then said with a smile: “Yes, there is this Tushan fox demon covered, the ordinary Fiendgod, but I dare not easily trouble you again.”

Qin Yichen’s heart swelled, but Li Tu said with a smile: “Silver mane, you never find me when you have nothing to do.”

Silver Mane Old Ancestor got up and said: “Master Li Tu, something is urgent, the old man is rash!”

“This matter, if an adult comes forward, it will be a great thing for my Monster Race. If the adult ignores it, it will be a big loss for my Monster Race!”


The six tails fluttering behind Li Tu, and the silver mane Old Ancestor quickly said: “I don’t know if adults have heard of it or not. In the world of the old man, I have more than a dozen masters in Monster Race and slaughtered more than 100,000 Fiendgod…”

Silver Mantle Old Ancestor speaks at a rapid speed, listening to Li Tu’s fox’s eyes flashing, revealing surprise from time to time!

Tu 100,000 Fiendgod?

Rao is the Daojun of Monster Race, and even the Sky Monarch in the world of Baifang, has never heard of it!

However, when Wu Wansheng and Soul Silence came to seek revenge, Divine Fire appeared in Li Tu’s demon pupil!

“hmph, a group of fake Fiendgods, said all day my Monster Race is cunning and ruthless, in fact, they are the most abused!”

Silver Mane Old Ancestor quickly said: “Master, if you run out of the next three, you should conspire! Old man is incompetent and cannot protect me Monster Race Junjie…”

“It’s not your business.”

Li Tu coldly shouted: “Isn’t it the world where the gods and demons lie to you, do I wait close enough!?”

“Please also ask for help!”

After Qin Yichen and the others looked at each other, they also fist in succession: “Please help me!”

How do you know Li Tu smiled indifferently: “So handsome, I am Li Tuguang recruit Monster Race unpolished jade, I would like to come to Li Tu Demon Court to learn from the teacher?”

As soon as this remark comes out, Silver Mane Old Ancestor is overjoyed!

Li Tu demon’s discipline, that’s the demon’s person!

when the time comes, those gods and demons will pick it up again, but they will have to weigh it up!

“Yichen, what are you waiting for?”

The Silver Mane Old Ancestor was overjoyed, but Qin Yichen’s face was hesitant, but before sound transmission, he heard Ge Qian hammer’s hearty laughter echoed.

“Boy, promise him. Although he is only the Monster Race Sky Monarch, but he has the grace of blessing to you, why not call him Master?”

Qin Yichen hearing this, this staring stare suddenly, sternly said: “Master is on, great kindness and virtue, the dust is unforgettable!”

Yao Tian all the demon gods have no psychological burden, and even some joy, they finally have a Sky Race Arch Master of Monster Race!

Li Tu smiled, but suddenly asked: “Yichen, right? I think you just seemed to have several points of hesitation?”

“Yeah, before reaching the Venerable God, you will see the Ice and Fire Avenue. Under my seat, it is has several points of Qu Cai.”

Qin Yichen smiled stiffly, and after hearing the news, he was not sure what Li Tu was, he could only say: “Master misunderstood.”

“Yichen is just thinking about it. She has just fled to the Silver Mane Senior for a few days. Not only has she failed to work for it, but she has not caused a lot of trouble, she is ashamed…”

“What should I do!”

Silver mane Old Ancestor cares, immediately waved his hand: “What did this little thing count? When you grow up and fight for my Monster Race, is it better than shrinking in the old man thousands of times?”

Qin Yichen bit her lip. Although the words just made were for perfunctory Li Tu, 70% of them were true, and they were even more truthful.

Everyone said that Monster Race has a low sentimentality, but since he made friends with Yao Tian, ​​he actually felt the value emotion and value friendship of Monster Race.

Of course, a large part of this is because he is strong enough to have great potential in Monster Race Sky Monarch.

But in any case, Yao Tian and other demon gods may think it’s okay, but after all, he is streaming dragon’s blood, Monster Race is willing to bless him, it is grace.

At this very moment, Silver Mane Old Ancestor replied: “Sir, it’s not too late! Just now Yi Chen swept those fake Fiendgod’s faces, they might have been brewing revenge!”

Li Tu was breathless: “Mo Ji, my six-discipline Liping is in the world near you, I will let him pick up the dust.”

“On my side, I will also announce the Fellow Daoist Fang, and I have to accept the disciple, or has several points of face!”

As soon as this word came out, the Silver Mane Old Ancestor was relieved, but before he could make arrangements for it, he saw the sky above and flew two streams of light!

“Haha, brother Silvermane, I’m back!”

The streamer is coming, along with the smiling face Divine Emperor, that sounds familiar and laughs!


Silver Mane Old Ancestor complexion sank, what did the guy with the knife in his smile come back for?

The point is, it’s too fast to come back!

In terms of speed, I’m afraid it hasn’t flown out of the world he dominates yet!

is it possible that …… Shengcang Sky Monarch has already prepared for the next move?

Silver Mane Old Ancestor feels uneasy, arched fist said with a smile: “It turned out to be a smiling face, how come back? Is it something that has fallen?”


tone barely fell, I saw that Divine Sword in Qin Yichen’s hands was frozen again…

Wu Wansheng’s eyes twitched, but Divine Emperor smiled more when he saw it.

“Oh, Brother Silvermane, ashamed, as he gets older, this head is not easy to use. His Majesty told me about things, I almost forgot.”

tone barely fell, smiling face Divine Emperor looked at Li Tu’s illusory shadow, pretending to be surprised: “Silver Mane Old Ancestor, this is…”

Silver Mane Old Ancestor endures the anger: “I Monster Race Sky Monarch, Lord Li Tu Yaojun!”

Divine Emperor, who smiled, was shocked, and then filled with respect: “It turned out to be Master Li Tu’s face, disrespect and disrespect.”

“Free gift.”

Li Tu indifferently said, but in that pair of demon pupils, there was a touch of cold and severe.

He and Shengcang are both Sky Monarch, that is, they both participated in the feast of Daojun, and smiled as the latter, naturally followed.

Although there are many Daojun, can Divine Emperor’s memory be remembered?

“What’s the matter with the smiling face, let’s just talk!”


Smiling face Divine Emperor smiles brightly, suddenly a big sleeve wave, a streak of divine light flickering reel flew out!

“By the order of Shengcang Sky Monarch, Monster Race, Qin Yichen, Yao Tian, ​​Qin Ziyun…go forward to listen!”

“Come on!”

Silver Mane Old Ancestor trembles!

I’m really scared of what’s coming!

Wu Wansheng even grinned: “Sky Monarch’s purpose, don’t wait to kneel!?”

However, tone barely fell, but I saw Li Tu coldly said: “Easy dust them, it is my discipline… Need to kneel to join Shengcang’s will?”

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