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And no matter how arrogant and domineering Wu Wansheng is, after all, it is sword repair.

As a sword repair, the sword was taken down by the Chou family. What a shame! ?

However, no matter how angry Wu Wansheng is, Qin Yichen still has that smiling face: “Brother Wansheng, why not? After a few years of cultivation and thorough mastery of the ice road, I thawed this Divine Sword immediately and then personally How about sending it to you?”

The last two words ended, and the smile on Qin Yichen’s face was replaced, and replaced with a touch of indifference that was colder than Dao Bing.

Under the gaze of the twin stars, Wu Wansheng only felt that he was not only legs and feet, but his whole body divine blood must be frozen. Then, this flirtatious man could break him into a sky of ice with just one finger!


Qin Yichen pupil light glanced, at that moment, Soul Silence stagnated in the blood of the devil: “This Qin just accidentally burned the lantern of Soul Brother?”

“If Brother Soul Lone believes in this Qin, you may wish to take out the lantern, this Qin will repair it for you!”

A trembling soul?

Trust you?

I believe you a ghost!

Soul silence has no doubt that if he gave the magic lamp to the demon, he estimated that his magic lamp would have to stay with Wu Wansheng’s Divine Sword!

“hahaha……Dare you bother Qinhou? I can go back and find my father!”

After saying this, Soul Silent walked out without looking back!

As for Wu Wansheng?

He is not familiar with Wu Wansheng!

Don’t even forget that he is the son of the devil and Wu Wansheng is the son of the god!

If it weren’t the tens of thousands of siblings of the same race, or if the two had common interests and hatred, where would he come with Wu Wansheng?

“Soul Silent Young Master…”

Smiling face Divine Emperor looked at the back of the soul and left, where did he still laugh, fiercely stomped his feet, almost begged: “Wan Sheng Young Master, it’s better… Just listen to Qin Hou’s For several years, let him send you over?”

Wu Wansheng’s eyes glared: “What are you talking about?”

Smiling face Divine Emperor covered his face, at this moment he just wanted to die…because he did not dare to strangle Wu Wansheng!

Although the smiling face Divine Emperor came today, I wanted to see Monster Race jokes.

But there is one thing he must admit.

If your father were Promise Wuji? Do you think that all you left here today is the saber?

The smiling face Divine Emperor endured the anger, sound transmission said: “Young Master, now this femininity holds the truth, and has the upper hand, as the so-called for a nobleman to take revenge, ten years is not too long, why Retreat from your identity and get entangled with this flirtatious?”

Wu Wansheng’s face was gloomy and uncertain, and he looked at his Divine Sword, which turned into a popsicle, with anger and distress, fiercely said: “Remember! One day, I will let you kneel Put this sword in my hand!”


Wu Wansheng left after throwing his sleeves, and when he left, he felt the chill of his Divine Sword dissipated.

Wu Wansheng stopped at once, just turned his head, and heard the regretful voice from Qin Yichen in the temple hall: “It still doesn’t work. I thaw it rashly, but it freezes deeper.”

Wu Wansheng’s corner of mouth twitching, his heart is also cold, and his Divine Sword has become a popsicle again!

“little bastard, with you!”

In the Hall of Silver Mane Dao, Qin Yichen looked at Divine Sword in his hands, and could not help but sigh: “Good sword!”

A good sword indeed!

How could the sword of the dignified son of God be worse?

After that, Qin Yichen looked at Wuming, but the latter shook his head said with a smile: “I have enough shadows.”

However, although the crowd of Monster Sovereigns are very jealous of this Divine Sword, they are more worried.

Withhold the sword given to his son by Promise God? Didn’t Qinhou think about the consequences?

However, Qin Yichen didn’t care about the worried pupil light.

Revenge with him, thinking that it would be okay to be beaten up for revenge?

How can it be so cheap!

Ziyun was fiercely said: “If he had a good father, his life would have to stay here!”

However, at the moment, the silver mane Old Ancestor was full of sadness, sighing, Ziyun looked in his eyes, could not help saying with a smile: “What’s wrong, Old Ancestor, are you afraid that this sword is hot?”

“Your ancestors can look at you. In this way, it doesn’t matter how my boss talks to you!”

Silver Mane Old Ancestor shook his head: “Not this sword thing, but…”

“The old man suddenly discovered that the old man could not cover you at all.”

At that moment, the Silver Mane Old Ancestor seemed much older.

Although he is Monster Emperor Peak, what about that?

Don’t talk about protecting these Heaven’s Chosen who raised his eyebrows for his Monster Race. Even himself, a Divine Race junior scolded the old dog by pointing his nose!

“Old Ancestor…”

Qin Yichen was startled, but saw the silver mane Old Ancestor suddenly smiled: “Relax, the old man can think about it, the old man is not afraid of the two little cubs, but just beat their father…”

Qin Yichen’s eyes flickered, making sure that the Silver Mane Old Ancestor was only in a bad mood, and did not affect Divine Dao’s law and Dao Xin, then he was relieved.

“What about then?”

Ziyun is also worried.

He must admit that Silver Mane’s Old Ancestor made sense. If you come to Wu Wansheng today, they will still be able to deal with it, but if you attract the treasure sons of other gods and demons to revenge for the fiancee…

Suddenly, Silver Mane Old Ancestor gritted his teeth and said, “I can’t cover you, but I have a monster in Monster Race that can cover you!”

While speaking, Silver Mane Old Ancestor took out the token and quickly infused divine power. He kept praying in his mouth: “Brother Li, don’t shut down!”

“If you retreat, we, Monster Race, a dozen Heaven’s Chosen, will need you to collect the corpse…”

Silver Mane Old Ancestor had to worry because he knew very well that this time it was so-called private revenge. Next, it’s time to go public!

At the same time, star space.

On a divine ship, the sound of treasure shattered from the luxurious cabin, and smiling face Divine Emperor stood at the bow of the ship, and took out the messenger token with helplessly taking the head.

In less than a moment, the illusory shadow of Shengcang Sky Monarch appears.

“Smile, how is the matter going?”

Shengcang Sky Monarch has a proud of one’s success. He gave Silver Mane Old Ancestor a face? no problem!

But the Promise God and the Soul Demon King will not give it, he can’t control it!

However, smiling face Divine Emperor is frustrated: “Your Majesty, something unexpected happened, that group of monsters… didn’t die.”


Shengcang Sky Monarch couldn’t sit back then!

A few days ago, the Promise God and the Soul Demon King assured him that after the success, he can also get a lot of Fiendgod’s treasure!

Moreover, the two Sky Monarchs, but sent their heirs to come in person!

Is Wu Wansheng and Soul Silence a waste? !

Sancang Sky Monarch would like to say this, but when it came to his mouth, he still held back: “Wan Sheng Young Master, where is it now?”

Smiling face Divine Emperor helpless: “In the god ship, the subordinates are escorting the Young Master.”

Sangcang Sky Monarch opened his mouth and suddenly became concerned: “Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with Wansheng Young Master.”

Otherwise, he is not good to explain to Brother Wuji!


“But what?”

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