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A lot of Divine Emperor Demon Emperor is not only angry but also more shocking!

Into the Dao!

legendary Daowei!

At this age, their little bastard is less than their odds and ends, Blade Technique is now in the road!

Star Fragmentation Monster Emperor has also changed his face suddenly, with a knife into the Dao, that is a realm that even he can’t do!

putting it that way, able to upset more than one hundred thousand Fiendgod, it seems normal.

“Qiankun, are you okay?”

Qiankun Divine Emperor pushed away, and his face was mad and bloody in his bloody eyes: “little bastard, you!”

At the same time of anger, Divine Emperor is deeply frightened!

Although his eyes are not blind, he is also hurt!

But the reason why he can not be blind is to rely on his power. Realm is much better than Qin Yichen!

And do n’t forget, this Monster Race little bastard did not even draw a knife just now! He was hurt only by the knife!

Qiankun Divine Emperor, even if he is angry again, he knows the evil spirits who entered the Tao with a sword. How can there be no peerless sword on his body?

Tens of thousands of Monster Race powerhouses took a breath. Although they witnessed the horror of over a hundred people overturning more than a hundred thousand Fiendgod, but those Fiendgod and Divine Emperor of Qiankun have no compatability!

Standing in the same place, without cutting the sword, he slashed Divine Emperor’s eye. How terrifying is this demon?

“Qiankun Divine Emperor, your eyes are almost blind, you can see clearly enough!”

Qin Yichen has a leisurely look at this moment: “Which one is not clear, please be more careful, but if it is the same as Divine Emperor, I ca n’t guarantee that your eyes are in good health.”

“little bastard …”

Seeing the anger of Divine Emperor, the Star Fragmentation Monster Emperor came back to his senses but said: “You see it clearly enough! Yi Chen is the Hundred Yuan Jinjiao, this purple hair little friend is It ’s the Purple Prison Soul Squirrel. “

“This little bastard is a demon hybrid?!”

At this very moment, I saw Bihuo Divine Emperor full of jokes and stared at the nameless: “You Monster Race, you are really hungry for food! Boy, you are really enough to give your father and mother a long face!”

After this remark, many Divine Emperor Demon Emperor suddenly laughed and ridiculed, Human Race, that was the humblest race!

They already had a hatred against Qin Yichen, and the ridiculous words were even harder to hear at this moment. Star Fragmentation Monster Emperor heard a somber face: “The demon mixed blood can also kill your son.”

“I said to you, instead of worrying about my Monster Race, it is better to go back and look at your harem. Be careful, one day, the top of your head is green, or the descendants born, why is it so impossible to withstand a single blow!”


Divine Emperor Demon Emperor screamed all over his face, but it was difficult to refute. Who made them laugh at the demon half-blood who had just killed some of their heirs!

Zhenyang Monster Emperor has a strong face: “After reading it, make way!”

Divine Emperor Demon Emperor looks ugly, but Star Fragmentation Monster Emperor is pulling Qin Yichen out, only the nameless face is cold and severe. Sooner or later, he will let all beings mention Human Race , I dare not ridicule any more, only awe!

“little bastard, the road is still long, you are still young, even if you are talented, how long can you be arrogant?”

When passing Divine Emperor by Qiankun, the former screamed with divine power, but Qin Yichen was just a figure and turned his head with said with a smile: “Otherwise, I pulled out my knife to show you See? “

“get lost!”

Tens of Monster Races in the starry sky Grandiose, Junhong and other Monster Races are standing on the Ten-Thousand Demons Banner, looking at the starry sky vortex that is closed again, the shock between the expressions is difficult to dissipate for a long time.

Junhong looked at the empty keel warship with a complicated expression.

When I came, 400,000 Fiendgod stepped on the keel to plunder True Dragon’s hometown. Three years ago, on those keel warships, I didn’t know how many words of “ step on the keel and step on True Dragon ” echoed.

But today, three years later, there is no silhouette on the keel ship.

“Do n’t be afraid, Silver Mane Old Ancestor is already on the road, after passing this level, we will reach the site of Monster Race.”

Star Fragmentation Monster Emperor comforted aside, Qin Yichen dashing eyebrows twitching, Silver Mane Old Ancestor, it should be its crushing token to invite Monster Race.

However, he estimated that the old Ancestor of Silver Mane may have entered the Tao, but it is not Sky Monarch yet, so he does not need to worry about being penetrated by his demon pupil.

“didn’t expect, you can use a knife at a young age, my Monster Race has a sign of prosperity!”

Qin Yichen was just going to be quiet, and Star Fragmentation Monster Emperor’s praise was so endless that he had to raise a smile and greet him.

Just Bai Cang chuckled by the side and started with a knife? It’s true, but you think this is the full strength of Brother Qin?

Now you think about Brother Qin, if the true strength of understood Brother Qin, even if you are a dignified Monster Emperor, I ’m afraid you will not give Brother Qin a kowtow!

More than one hundred thousand Fiendgod anger battles, Qin Yichen’s battle is so exasperating, his Divine Court, by his protection!

However, before Qin Yichen shot, he had discussed with Yao Tian, ​​his strength could be revealed, but he could not show too much.

Exhibiting part of the strength can be favored by Monster Race, but if the dragon strikes for nine days, I am afraid that Monster Race will not dare to tolerate him, or even doubt him!

So Qin Yichen took a pinch when he shot, otherwise, with the power of Hao Yi’s universe, those a fish that escaped the net can really take a chance back?

As for the inspection of Divine Emperor Demon Emperor?

When gathering from Divine Court to Monster Race, Ge Qian hammer and Hao Zhou Guang refined the three-polarized heaven for them.

Monster Emperor has been out of Yao Tianzu. The three-polarized heaven is originally Divine Art out of the ordinary, plus Qin Yichen ’s Tibetan character, how can those Divine Emperor Demon Emperor see through?

And Ge Qian hammer also taught them some hidden methods, even the original True Dragon, will also send Hao Longying and other assassins to perform some special tasks.

Now Qin Yichen wants to hide the perception of Divine Emperor Demon Emperor, it should not be too simple.

“Qin little friend, I will come to my Star Fragmentation world later. Junhong has taken care of his little friend in recent years. Must has made me a little friend of the landlord.”

tone barely fell, I saw Zhenyang Monster Emperor dissatisfied: “You go! This is not far from my Zhenyang world! Shake the sky, you Smelly Brat has no eyesight, Qin little friend all these years Take care of you, and do n’t say thank you! “

The slap in the back of the head was slapped by the Father Emperor, and he did not dare to say anything, but said with a smile: “Yes, yes, Brother Qin. Wash the wind and dust. “

Star Fragmentation Monster Emperor couldn’t bear it at that time: “Is this your share! Qin little friend, see? No, they are all vulgar in Zhenyang, they don’t understand the etiquette, they only let Shaotian entertain you ! “

“Go to me, I will pick up the wind for my little friend!”

“Star Fragmentation, don’t be too have have shame!”

After angering, Zhenyang Monster Emperor rubbed his hands and said with a smile: “Qin little friend, and this Ziyun little friend, but is there a married couple? The emperor has nothing else, also Just a few daughters are still good-looking, they have envied my clan like Qin little friend since childhood! “

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