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When the withered black curse mark passed, the entire Divine Court seemed to be desolate and run-down, and the dragon shadow was silent. Even when Qin Yichen touched the curse mark, his eyes were full of fear.

However, Qin Yichen did not step back.

Because behind him is his Divine Court!


I saw the silhouette of the slender figure flying out of the sky. This scene made Ziyun and the others terrified!

What is this mantra? ?

Know that the curse seal is terrifying, but that is because of the condensed Daowei of the curse seal. It stands to reason that the curse seal itself, bombarded on the boss, is actually just like a piece of paper …

But the curse was slammed on Qin Yichen, but it was like an arrow from the string, causing it to vomit blood on the spot, and even the sound of broken bones!

Qin Yichen fell down, his eyes squinted at his companions, and his face was still full of smiles.

However, Ziyun crowd is dumbfounded.

Because when the boss falls, Ziyun clearly sees that the boss is getting old quickly, his black hair is showing silver, his skin is no longer young, his breath … more Decline to the extreme.


Ge Qian hammer suddenly looked up, looking at that silhouette, suddenly realized what, and used up the last divine power, turned into a Divine Palm, cautiously entrusted to Qin Yichen.

But even if Ge Qian hammer was careful, Qin Yichen’s back still vomited blood when he touched Divine Palm, it seemed to be shocked to death!

However, a group of ‘Feng Ling’ in Xuan Tian ’s hood saw this scene, but his face changed suddenly!

“Fuck! This little bastard, actually blocked the master’s seal!”

After the rage, they saw that they became ecstatic again: “Stop it, stop it, and kill a True Dragon Sky Monarch without losing!”

Although the owner is dead, no!

The master is not dead, but the dead, but it ’s all a True Dragon cub that ’s all fooled by his master!

And they are still alive.

True Dragon Sky Monarch fell down, and the dwarf had no battle strength, and they were in good shape!

Kill the Human Race and Jioselu who lack arms and legs, and these stupid people dare to come to the True-Dragon Race as a guest of Monster Race.

The only trouble is this Xuantian hood, but as long as they are given enough time to overthrow it, it ’s nothing to say.

“Yichen big brother!”

At this moment, Divine Palm slowly landed, but Lu Xiaolu’s eyes were red, sad and frightened!

I saw that in Divine Palm, the original young and promising, high-spirited and vigorous Qin Yichen turned into a middle-aged man in his 40s!

Not only that, his breath was so weak that Lu Xiaolu could hardly feel it, and his power was nothing. Jin Yao ’s dragon ’s blood within the body also disappeared, and the corners of his mouth were all coveted by the people. Scarlet human blood!


Zi Yun ran forward like crazy, and the scene in front of him made him as if was struck by lightning, the boss turned into a vulgar!

At the moment, Qin Yichen, the cultivation base is lost, Bloodline is gone, and even Divine Dao’s law is gone!

Not only that, Qin Yichen has closed his eyes for a long time, he has more outgassing and less air intake, and even the sound of bone sloshing in his throat.

Ge Qian hammer growled: “Quick healing!”

Zi Yunmeng woke up as soon as possible, and quickly summoned Chunyang Baozhaocao, just about to blow up suddenly, he saw Ge Qian hammer roared: “Small! Yi Chen is now ordinary!”

Ziyun trembles all over the world, vulgar …

The boss ’s injury, even for God Realm, has been seriously injured, ordinary …

Ziyun took a quick breath, and Chunyang Baozhaocao radiated a little bit of fluorescence. He did n’t dare to use too much, because, as Ge said, once the energy of the divine object was overwhelming, it was enough to hold the ordinary!

Zi Yun first recovered Qin Yichen ’s throat, making his broken bones heavier, and when the latter was going to be breathless, he suddenly coughed up a blood mixed with bone debris.

“Boss, Boss …”

Ziyun was sweaty and cold. Fortunately, the fatal injury to the throat was recovered, and the boss ’s fortune was saved!

Ziyun continued to urge Chunyang Baozhaocao to see that Qin Yichen’s injury gradually healed, and healed very quickly, because the divine object healed mortals, and the effect can be imagined.

However, the more so, Ziyun is more trembling in fear!

Why, the boss is still a middle-aged?

Why, the boss’s divine power has not recovered!

“Ge Shi …”

Not to mention Ziyun, even Ge Qian hammer has never seen this terrifying mantra.

The Seal of Mantra has reduced all the seals of Qin Yichen to commonplace!

“First, heal the wound first …”

After a moment, Qin Yichen opened his eyes and faced with the fluorescence of Chunyang Baozhaocao, he actually subconsciously covered his eyes with his hands, seemingly unbearable.


Zi Yun was shocked and happy when he saw it, but his palm was in midair dumbfounded. He was Golden Immortal, but the boss was reduced to vulgarity. He did n’t even dare to touch Qin Yichen. Mortal squeezed to death!

“Do n’t be afraid.”

Qin Yichen became a middle-aged man, but he became more indifferently mature, but comforted Ziyun softly.

“Boy, you have known for a long time, right? When you got up to block the spell mark, you used Haoyi Universe. You already knew if it would become a vulgar!”

Ge Qian hammer roared beside him, his most proud discipline was reduced to commonplace, but think of his sorrow!

“Master Ge, do n’t be afraid, even if it ’s a vulgar thing, I ’m your disciple …”

Qin Yichen smiled and sat up. At the moment, he looked so small in front of the vast Divine Court, not even ants.

However, his star eyes are still cold, which makes all the people in Feng Ling feel frightened.

“You, you are not dead!?”

“How is it possible! Why are you not dead!”

“Your look … you are less than 50 years old! How could it be less than 50 years old, you can be called Sky Monarch!?”

Less than 50 years old, even the master puppet was defeated!

How terrifying this is!

As everyone knows, the master ’s spell can seal the True Dragon and become a mortal!

The seal is not only about strength, but also life essence!

What is the life essence of a mortal? 70-80 years old!

How to count, this True Dragon Sky Monarch is also dead! Who would have thought that the real age of this guy is only over 40 years old!

How terrifying is this?

“Ca n’t keep him!”

A lot of people are crazy, I am afraid the owner did not expect that this True Dragon Sky Monarch is so young!

And they may not be able to get out of here, but in any case, we must cut weeds and eliminate the roots for the master!

Otherwise, if the seal of the spell is lifted, it must be a big disaster!

“Who dares to see me!”

However, at the moment, Yao Tian suddenly got up, palm again condense starlight, unlisted holding a sword, face cold and severe.

However, Divine King under the wind is coldly shouted: “They still have the curse of the master on them, do it quickly!”

After solving these miscellaneous debris, he will self-destruction to lift the Xuantian cover for a moment. After the other companions are killed, this True Dragon Sky Monarch must be pinned to death!

In Xuan Tian’s hood, the fight is not over yet, Qin Yichen looks in his eyes, his face is solemn.

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