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Qin Yichen nodded and understood the pains of taking up Sky Monarch, but it made him feel regretful that the ancestor in Battle Armor changed into light and shadow again.

Qin Yichen looked at Yao Tian again. Suddenly his old face turned red. He could n’t deceive himself. The changes after taking the effect of the Eternal Light Dao showed thousands of possibilities, and Yao Tian ’s pregnancy was also a possible event in the future ……

But soon Qin Yichen shook his head and comforted himself: “Do n’t panic, do n’t panic, it ’s just one of hundreds of possible that ’s all, the probability is very low …”

Qin Yichen is back to true colors, he feels the power of Hao Yi universe, this is simply planning strategies, dominating the wonders of the world!

The strength of Universe has become an assistant.

However, even with assistance, the power is extremely terrifying!

For example, the power of Dao Guo, Qin Yichen just saw Ziyun ’s fleshy body, keel, immortal spirit, and even the nameless self and the shadow, all of which were penetrated by him!

Because in the universe, the nameless kendo, and Divine Weapon shadow, can not hide, under the operation of Hao Yi universe, everything becomes very clear!

If the unknown encounters an opponent of considerable strength, and the other party uses Haoyi Universe, then before the battle, his shadow, his sword, has been clearly understood by the other party!

“Right, I … Do you want to leave something for the next Sky Monarch?”

According to the rules, Qin Yichen really has to do this.

Only when the words came out, Hao Zhouguang smiled slightly, and the faces of the dragon emperors also appeared sad.

Qin Yichen looked at his eyes, his dragon eyes were trembling. In fact, when he left the school ten years ago, he saw the silence of Qian Hao Ge, and he already understood the results.

This Divine Court is vast, but the energy loss that supports the operation of this Divine Court is also terrible!

Before the collapse of True Dragon, Divine Court may be supported by massive treasures, but, under the baptism of the years, even the strong sun will be extinguished and broken …

In the Qian Hao Pavilion, Qin Yichen and the others, Divine Furnace, but the Dao Sun, the energy consumed by each interest is extremely expensive!

In the Martial Palace of the dragon, hundreds of ancestors met with them, and the divine power consumed did not come out of thin air, especially the congenital ice dragon like Haoshuangying. The cold divine power ……

And the finger of Hao Zhouguang, Qin Yichen, who was just back in time for a while, was almost exhausted by divine power …

If you want to reproduce the glory of this Divine Court, then you must have the True Dragon who once lived in this Divine Court come back to rebuild and recover. The price is also unimaginable.

However, Qin Yichen was not discouraged: “There will be clansman coming back, when the time comes, if someone takes over from me, but I have n’t even left the inheritance, would n’t it be mean?”

“So what is left?”

Qin Yichen thought about it. If the opportunity given by his ancestors was set aside, the treasure he could come up with was far from comparable to Hao Zhouguang and the previous Sky Monarch.

After a while, Qin Yichen waved his sleeves, condense a drawing paper out of thin air.

“This is?”

Zi Yun and the others are stunned, Qin Yichen waved his sleeves again, and saw a shadow of the dragon fly by and plunge into the paper!

Gradually, the dragon shadow baring fangs and brandishing claws, freeze on the paper, and turn into a golden and powerful word of ‘easy’!

One piece of paper, one word.

I’m afraid this is one of the most striking inheritances in the Sky Monarch of all ages …

But Ziyun and the others looked at the word “Yi”, but felt the heart tremble, gold and red, because this word was written by Qin Yichen with divine blood.

Ziyun and the others only felt that the Yi characters changed a lot, seeming to contain thousands of possibilities, and in the end, turned into a mighty dragon!

“Although there are thousands of roads, Haoran True Dragon finally appears …”


Hao Zhouguang praised: “This is to tell future generations who come here in the future, despite all the difficulties, there is only one way to live, but also to work hard, and eventually become True Dragon!”

Finally, Hao Zhou Guang looked to Qin Yichen: “You, you should go to the last Holy Land.”

“Last place?”

“Not bad.”

Hao Zhouguang nodded: “There is a chance to become a god of purple clouds, there is also a chance to awaken True Dragon Bloodline for the nameless, and there is a chance left for you.”

“Come to God!?”

As soon as this remark came out, Ziyun was overjoyed. This was a step he longed for, but he dare not take a long time!

Qin Yichen also knows that this last Holy Land is the most precious treasure in this Divine Court!

However, when he looked up again, he saw that the temple was gradually dimming, and the light and shadow of an ancestor gradually disappeared!


Qin Yichen wanted to touch it, but he finally dropped his hand weakly. He knew that this was the end of the dragon Martial Palace ’s energy exhaustion and mission.

However, looking at it, a Dragon Emperor smiled lightly, and even the gradually dissipating Hao Zhouguang was unwilling: “We are waiting for you at the last Holy Land.”

“A glimpse of two Sky Monarch styles is enough for this life …”


Dragon Martial Palace is silent, just like the Qian Hao Pavilion when they left, Qin Yichen only felt empty in his heart, but a rough laughter made him suddenly recover.

“Let’s go! This is the time to reap, don’t grin! Let the ancestors see what’s going on!”

Qin Yichen looked down, his face stunned: “Ge Shi, you …”

Hundreds of ancestors are gone, but Ge Qian hammer’s light and shadow are still there!

Ge Qian hammer laughed: “My mission is not over, of course it will not disappear!”

Qin Yichen was startled, followed Ge Qian hammer out of the Dragon Martial Palace.

What surprised him was that before the Dragon Martial Palace, it was a one-hundred-story shrine, one higher than the other.

But at the moment, it turned into a layer of temple, but when he walked out of the temple and looked back, there were hundreds of gods in the temple.

“Boss, what did you just swallow? It looks delicious!”

Zi Yun hugged Qin Yichen’s shoulder and smiled.

Qin Yichen startled, turning his head and looking at it, it is rare to see the nameless and raise joy, stretched out: “Finally, it’s time to harvest!”

Qin Yichen lowered his head, and when he looked up again, his face also raised joy: “That is the fruit of the ancestor of Zhou Guang, it is indeed delicious.”

“Is the boss now highly skilled in the Hao Yi universe? Proficient in time management?”

“It seems like this …”

Qin Yichen ca n’t refute it, but it always feels weird. No way, Ziyun realm is not here, time management? Just fur!

Everyone was talking and laughing all the way, and even Qin Yichen heartily praised the dwarf emperor’s majesty of wearing heavy armor and holding the sky hammer in his hands!

The crowd walked all over the ruins, and the smile on their faces never faded.

Although everyone knows that when the mission of the Dwarf Emperor ends, it will be the time when they leave Divine Court, but everyone is not frustrated.

Because Ge Qian hammer said, do n’t cry and be sad, it will make your ancestors unhappy.

After all, Qin Yichen and the others came all the way to the end of Divine Court, a mask sealed by thousands of Dragon Marks!

The mask is like vast and boundless, but all four of Qin Yichen can feel the cordial bondage through the mask, and even Qin Yichen can hear the dragon ’s blood in it converge into a river and flow …

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