
You can search for “Alchemy Dao Grandmaster Miaobige Novel Network (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Hao Zhou Guangduan sat down: “Yi Chen, you step by step here, now, you challenge me with a real dragon body!?”

Qin Yichen suddenly got up, and all the dragon emperors looked sober, they knew what it meant!

Before, Qin Yichen was a descendant, challenged them and got their advice!

However, Qin Yichen walked past 99 temples and defeated 99 dragon emperors. He stood here and stood in front of Hao Zhouguang!

So now, it is both the inheritance of ancestors and descendants, and also a rookie of Jiutian Longtian, challenging the previous Sky Monarch!

“Please enlighten me with ancestors!”

Qin Yichen stood upright with a loud voice.


Hao Zhouguang also got up: “Thousand Hammers, tell him the rules of the top of the Dragon Martial Palace!”

Ge Qian hammer also got up, this dwarf emperor, very solemn at the moment: “Yi Chen, today, is your challenge with Eternal Light Daojun, and the blue and blue are connected. This challenge is divided into 3rd-layer! “

“The first is seniority.”

Ge Qian hammer struck his beard: “It is not accurate to say seniority, but first of all, it is your great heart, and it is your kindness to your family and brother sister!”

Ge Qian hammer introduced: “Hao Zhouguang, under the ancestor of Hao Yi, Feng Jiutianji, Feng Xuntian ambassador, touring various races, arbitrariness!”

“Hao Wenji, Zhou Guang big brother returned from the sky survey, enlisted the 97th commander of the Dragon Martial Army! Rated millions of robes in various domains, worked hard, Wencheng Wude!”

“Hao Tianji, with the seal of Long Wushu, sealed by the Chief of Clear Sky Clan, led his head, and came to take over at Divine Court! So far, this Divine Court was renamed to Zhou Guang Divine Court!”

Qin Yichen’s heart trembles, just a few words, but the life of the ancestors of Eternal Light!

Teaching from Hao Yi patriarch, after visiting the world, traveling through the sky, and leading a million soldiers, and finally, was sent by the Clear Sky Clan chief to sit in this hundred world!

Hao Zhouguang smiled modestly: “I ’m nothing but the Master of the Revered Master who ca n’t sit down that ’s all. Whenever I think of it, I feel that I have insulted the Master of Heaven.”

Hao Zhouguang didn’t seem to lie, because he didn’t need to lie at all. When he mentioned Revered Master, his face showed deep guilt and sorrow.

“Qin Yichen, how about you?”

Qin Yichen stepped forward: “Yichen only learned a little, and served as the head of Shengtian Mansion and Man Tianfu Mansion. It is the length of ten 500 million clansman. Every time he sees clansman, he feels that he has lost the responsibility of patriarch and is ashamed …”

“Fortunately, the brothers and sisters helped each other. Although the family is not rich and prosperous, ten 500 million clansman can still stand alive in the world!”

The World where Ren Tian Fu is located has about 1 billion siblings, but Sheng Tian Fu is much smaller, only less than 500 million.

This is Qin Yichen’s seniority, which seems to be less pitiful than Hao Zhouguang.

Awkward look on the old man ’s face, ten 500 million clansman, sounds like a lot, but do n’t forget, Master Zhou Guang governs the World of One Hundred Fangs!

They did n’t make Qin Yichen difficult. Instead, they wanted to change the name of Divine Court to Divine Court, but the rules of the ancestors were as heavy as the mountains!

However, Hao Zhouguang applauded: “Fiendgod’s dance dance era, but it can guarantee ten 500 million of the same family to live in peace, if it can protect one billion, it can protect ten billion, one hundred billion!”

“Anonymous, you came from Human Race, all the way ups and downs, it is the image of the wise man of Human Race, in the future, we will complement each other with Yi Chen, and shelter the Wu nationality!”

Walk forward without a name, and punch heavily: “No name, no shame!”

“Ziyun is both a keel and a member of True Dragon. From now on, I will take care of Yichen and be the most ferocious knife of countless robes!”

“Qin Ziyun, it will not be humiliating!”

“Xiaolu’er, you treat Yichen like a brother, and Yichen treats you like a sister. In the future, you will form like Jinlan with Yichen, so that the nine colors of your family will shine and illuminate the world!”

“Lu Xiaolu, you will never be ashamed!”

Hao Zhouguang looked to Yao Tian again: “Yao Tian little friend, although you and I are not of the same family, but want to come to Yichen all the way thanks to your care and help, Zhou Guang has a good face, please a little friend in the future, but also As ever, the two tribes are sincere, suffering and prospering together! “

Yao Tian got up and performed a long ceremony: “Sky Monarch’s order, Yao Tian was terrified, it is better to say that in the future, Yichen will help me and the little demon.”

paused, what Yao Tian thought of, guilty said: “Sky Monarch forgive sins, Yao Tian imposes imperiousness, once … had a human race.”

Hao Zhouguang is indifferently smiled about this: “What is the guilt of the unknown?”

Yao Tian said again: “Thanks to Sky Monarch for forgiveness, the clansman of Yichen in the future will be Yao Tianzhi’s family!”

Finally, Hao Zhouguang looked to Ge Qian hammer and the Emperor Dragon Emperor: “Let’s start the 2nd challenge.”

“Adult …”

Long Mi old man looked at the young dragon god, and then looked at Hao Zhouguang, and his face was embarrassed. Is this even a pass?

A lot of Dragon Emperors have to suspect that Master Zhouguang has released water, although they don’t mind.

However, Hao Zhouguang is slightly curved with dragon’s eyes. How can he see through everyone’s mind: “Why, think I am intentionally modest to let the dust off?”

“You are wrong, the top of the Dragon Martial Palace, even if I am just a hurried passer-by, the spirits of all Daojun are in it, how can the rules of the ancestors be broken?”

Hao Zhouguang looked at Qin Yichen again, said with a smile: “Yi Chen, take out your weapon from Qian Hao’s division, and they will know.”

As soon as this remark came out, all the Dragon Emperors couldn’t help but be stunned, and even became curious!


They haven’t seen Qin Yichen’s weapon yet!

Of course, Hao Zhouguang has n’t seen it yet. In the Qian Hao Pavilion, the Dragon Martial Palace has not yet awakened, even if he is still asleep.

Qin Yichen challenged the 99 palace all the way, but never took out the heavenly ascension tripod, however, with Hao Zhouguang ’s eyesight … just seven years of being frozen, it was enough for him to carefully detail heavenly ascension tripod !

As for this matter, Ge Qian hammer also stood up. As a master, he seemed extremely proud: “Yes! Yi Chen, take your masterpiece out and let them see it!”

Although Qin Yichen did n’t know what it meant, he still did it, taking out the heavenly ascension tripod.

This cauldron appears, the top of the dragon Martial Palace is slightly trembled.

And as soon as the dragon emperors looked at heavenly ascension, the twin dragon eyes were full of tremors!

“Good trip!”

“99 Emperor Magical Powers, both my family and brother sisters can meet Ding, wait, this is … nameless sword intent? And this ray of starlight …”

A lot of dragon emperors gathered carefully before the god tripod, but Ge Qian hammer was introduced for his discipline: “You guys who are senior brothers, should you know why tripod is?”

“This is the cauldron!”


Ge Qian hammer shot on the heavenly ascension tripod with one hand, and said loudly: “The tripod is the source, countless robes are the rivers and seas, this is the tripod! The venerable device of the Zhenzu Qiyun!”

“so that’s how it is ……”

Hao Yaowu turned his head around: “It turns out that Ding had this intention! Yi Chen, taught, seeing the tool you cultivated today, I will wait and see why Ding is regarded as a venerable weapon!”

Ge Qian hammer pointed at a number of disciplines and said indignantly: “Look at yourself, when you were a teacher, how many of them did you practice?”

The dragon emperors bowed their heads without saying a word. As the disciples who followed Ge Master, they were naturally very clear about their companions’ work when they left the teacher.

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