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I saw that in the stars, thehundreds of thousands of Fiendgod were fighting against each other, and the magical powers were all rushing to the Monster Race that has not yet assembled!

Qin Yichen is certain that this scene is the Fiendgod of Baifang World. Before entering the crime domain, it has been discussed well!

He can even see Jin Lei rolling, killing a Monster Race wherever he passed, Lei Wantao ’s silhouette stands in the Divine Race battle array, expression cold and severe.

“Hahaha, are n’t you getting good results ?! More than one hundred thousand Monster Race, more than one hundred thousand shrimp soldiers and crab generals, kill them, that ’s our bargaining chip in front of Divine Emperor!”

Heavenly divine ability slammed, just a moment, Monster Race was fatal and wounded. Many Monster Races were ugly and desperate to escape.

However, those Monster Races did not fly far, they were bombarded by Magical Powers, wisps of jade token flew to both sides of Fiendgod, and one of the demon looked at his demon divine runes skyrocketing jade token, Suddenly proud.

“Run! Run to your heart ’s content! Monster Race is selfish and has been carved into the bones since the endless years!” Hey, there are really sheep demon gods! Look at me to kill them! “

At this moment, thehundreds of thousands of Fiendgod powerhouse is unparalleled unity, Magical Powers hiding the sky and covering the earth, no matter what Monster Race, still of all races, is hard to escape!

Monster Sovereign peach eyes flicker, and in this fierce battle of thehundreds of thousands of Spiritual God, her power also seems insignificant. Besides, in Fiendgod, there must be hidden no less than her existence!

As you can see, Monster Sovereign is very angry, and I think that those Fiendgods were not ants!

And at this moment, I heard a loud bang, and the sky divine might burst into countless numbers!

“Man Fiendgod, do you really lie to Monster Race? There is no monster!?”

Along with that burst, it is a terrifying demon claw tearing the Void , The demon claws span the severe tens of thousands of li, and the copper scales above the demon claws shine brightly.

Qin Yichen looked at the eyes, the star eyes trembled slightly, only feeling that the demon claw did not lose to him, and one claw fell, filled with the power of Fiendgod to exterminate!

However, the demon claws shattered countless Magical Powers, but before they fell on the Demon ’s head, they were smashed by the Demon Clan, but at the moment, they saw more than 100,000 Monster Races. Hundreds of silhouettes flying out!

The silhouettes are all breath-taking, full of demon power, and even have manifested deities, demon gods stand, and brutal and brutal!

“I ’m not going to fight in Monster Race! Today, Fiendgod and others look at me as a mustard! Fellow families, follow me to kill!”

Those who stand out in Monster Race powerhouse , Qin Yichen can even feel the existence of not inferior to Monster Sovereign, and, this is still willing to come forward, his side, there must be hidden low-key Monster Race powerhouse!

Even Qin Yichen saw the son of Monster Sovereign of Jinlei World stand out. Although he was a little afraid, the fighting intent was still rising!

However, at this very moment, Qin Yichen listened to a coquettish drink from around him.

“That’s right!”

Suddenly turned his head, I saw Monster Sovereign hit the star yarn, and it floated up. At that moment, the sexy bearing and charming temperament were no longer there, only the emperor The cold and severe of the emperor’s coming!

“My Monster Race can stand a hundred worlds, but not by asking God to worship the demon, but by killing it!”

Monster Sovereign stands Heaven and Earth, jade finger flicks, Tao Dao starlight vertical tens of thousands of li, blasting to Fiendgod!

The Monster Race powerhouse stepped forward and immediately attracted Fiendgod ’s anger.

“Bold Monster Race! Also dare kill my Divine Race? Kill them!”

More son of Demon Emperor said with a malicious smile: “Good Banshee! Raw! It ’s pretty and pretty, and it ’s pretty hot in the bed. You follow me, my father God is the Bemon Demon Emperor! ” ! ?

At the same time, Qin Yichen’s Bai Cang and other demon gods are all killing intent skyrocketing, and come forward, there is their Your Majesty, not to mention, they are also Monster Race!

“Kill !!!”

More than ten thousand demon gods are angry, shouting to kill the sky, shattering the Divine might hiding the sky and covering the earth Devil might!

Qin Yichen is also a cold and severe star, although he is not Monster Race, but Fiendgod is his enemy!

He remembers those faces, those who proudly stepped on the keel on the god ship!

“Kill !!!”

Suddenly, Qin Yichen’s body flew up, even though it was a War God demon, but he was not stunned, all he used was Hundred Yuan Dan.

After all, if True Dragon Bloodline appears, it is estimated that it is 600,000 Spiritual God, it should be seen from him …

But even the Jiao scales are extremely sharp, even if Qin Yichen The strength of one person appears insignificant in the battle among the hundreds of thousands of Fiendgods.

But thousands of scaly scales are also sharp and unmatched, chopped one after another Magical Powers, and even a few scaly scales, already dashed over the Divine might hiding the sky and covering the earth, killing the Demon Race During the battle, he was strangled by a Divine King before he broke the scales.

There is Monster Race powerhouse high shouted: “All races, big and small! Do n’t fight at this time, stay longer! With my Monster Race, kill him Heaven and Earth turning upside down!”

For a time, the gods shouted, and after having the first person, Monster Race gradually united, even from the Wanzu powerhouse, gradually joined forces with Monster Race!

Fiendgod was furious: “A piece of sand is scattered, and you want to turn the sky!” At the moment, I saw Monster Sovereign coldly said: “This battle is useless, you must find a direction to charge ahead!” Fiendgod is also enough.

Fiendgod chambers resist the rituals, each lives in a starry sky, neither stand apart, but can also bombard them with horns.

There is Monster Race powerhouse demon pupil flashing: “Passing between Fiendgod, will inevitably suffer heavy losses!”

Suddenly, the Monster Race powerhouse demon claw photographed, actually Crushed the digital demons!

“What else do you want to kill the Demon Clan!”

As soon as this word comes out, Monster Race and Wanzu Powerhouse God eyes flash, fighting intent is high!

Fiendgod treats them as mustards, do n’t forget, Fiendgod is not mutually exclusive!

They kill the Demon Race, Divine Race is happy to be too late!

Besides, their Monster Race and Wanzu Powerhouse together, the number is better than the Devil!

“Just kill the demon!”

“Kill !!!”

Suddenly, 300,000 Spiritual God turned his gun head straight to the right of the starry sky Of the Demon Race went away!

With the 300,000 Spiritual God’s rush, how can the Demon Powerhouse not panic! ?

“Damn it! Monster Race, why do you want to fight against my Demon Race!”

Monster God sneered: “If you kill anyone, you can rest assured, Divine Race ’s Dogs ca n’t run too! “

Qin Yichen is fighting intent at this moment, and has a lot of interest in the proposal to kill Monster God.

“Kill your Demon Race, you can also deter Divine Race!”

The demon god bursts, and the thirty Spiritual Gods behind him have given them enough courage. Withdraw from the Demon Race, Divine Race is difficult to sing, and this difficulty will be overcome!

However, the Demon Race is by no means a generic generation. The battle of thehundreds of thousands Spiritual God is enough to make the world tremble and the stars disillusioned!

In the eyes of a variety of Divine Race powerhouse, expression is nothing but taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune. Pointing the gun head at the Demon Race depends entirely on the mood of Monster Race …

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