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That God Emperor did n’t say anything, but looked down at every Monster Race powerhouse who boarded the ship with a predominant attitude. The surface of Qin Yichen was quiet, but there was a secret surprise in his heart.

“This god emperor, really strong insight!”

The son of Monster Sovereign led the team to arch the fist against the god emperor, and saluted Lei Wantao around him Tao: “Have seen His Highness Mantao.”

“This time exploring the crime domain, there is a team led by His Royal Highness, I will win the Golden Thunder World flag, and kill all directions!”

Lei Wan Tao nodded his head slightly, didn’t care too much about this compliment, and didn’t even mean much to the son of Monster Sovereign.

After a slight collision, the son of Monster Sovereign does n’t care, just slightly frowned: “Weather Senior, are you trying to spy on the Divine Art of my Monster Race parties?”

Originally The son of Monster Sovereign just thought that the emperor was escorting the ship powerhouse, the god ship was Heaven Realm, they boarded the ship, Heaven Realm looked at it and checked it, it was normal.

However, the weather under Divine Emperor is not only amazing, but also profound … It seems a little deep.

We do n’t care about the weather, and we do n’t converge the pupil light, it ’s just coldly said: “The means of your Monster Race, this hou is not good enough.”

Complexion sank, son of Monster Sovereign This is a scolding of their Monster Race, but in Heaven Realm, they have to bow their heads.

After a while, the weather said indifferently said: “Godship has your Monster Realm ’s place, do n’t run around.”

The son of Monster Sovereign also simply did not speak, carrying a group of Monsters Race powerhouse will enter the cabin, the cabin is vast, enough to come from all sides Monster Race has its own single room.

After Qin Yichen entered the single room, Monster Sovereign raised his head, and the cabin was where the god emperor stood, sound transmission said: “This god emperor has a keen eye for insight It ’s also careful enough. ”

Ziyun relaxed, who wants to speak, but also knows insurance:“ Who said it is not, or else Senior inheritance is due to our three polarized heavens, I ’m afraid it ’s true!

Not only is the nameless, but even Ziyun and Lu Xiaolu have been cultivated with a three-polarized heaven to hide their identities in the past few months.

Qin Yichen also frowned slightly: “It is indeed terrifying, and if it is not for Senior to teach Divine Art, I am afraid that even the boarding pass will not pass.”

Going out, Qin Yichen has already taken Human Race Dan and True Dragon Dan are hidden and dim, only running Hundred Yuan Dan, if there is no three-polarized heaven decision, I am afraid his identity will be seen!

At the same time, above the Divine Ship, that weather is carrying his hands, not opening, but just sound transmission said: “His Royal Highness, I have seen, in the Monster Race, not at all and afterglow are abandon

Lei Wantao slightly frowned: “Is n’t the murderer who killed Wan Ze not in Monster Race?”

Lei Wantao is not doubting the vision of the weather, after all, the latter is Divine Emperor powerhouse, and proficient in pupil technique!

Of course, the original escort of the Divine Ship was the Divine Emperor Powerhouse, just to investigate the fall of Lei Wanze and replace it with this powerful weather.

“The Devil Race has also seen it, I Divine Race It shouldn’t be … but in short, weather, you look at it secretly, low-level errors under the lights, we ca n’t make it.”


Finally, Lei Wantao thought of something again, sound transmission said: “Let ’s wait for the other four circles to come together, ask the team leader to ask, who is taking the initiative Here. ”

The eyes of the Gods of the Heavens are filled with sperm, which naturally knows the intention of His Highness. If the murderer of Lei Wanze is really related to the criminal invaders, then he may take the initiative to go to the criminal domain!

At the same time, in the cabin, Qin Yichen and the others just sat cross-legged, but when they saw Monster Sovereign, they suddenly opened their eyes: “No!”

This sound transmission Qin Yichen and the others were shocked, but they did n’t dare to speak up. They could only ask for sound transmission: “Senior, what ’s wrong?”

Monster Sovereign said solemnly: “I ’m at first, I just thought that The god emperor is a routine business. By the way, give me a race in Monster Race. It ’s more thorough and normal. “

” But looking back now, the son of this world Monster Sovereign just didn’t expect that the god emperor will check So careful, we do n’t know the depth of this world, but the son of Monster Sovereign should know … “

” Speaking that, obviously the inspection is more strict than before, and if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. , Yichen, you have to be more careful, do n’t take the lead recently, the son of Divine Emperor has just died shortly. “

Qin Yichen’s face is dignified, listening to Monster Sovereign’s intention, Heaven Realm is mostly investigating the culprit!

Ziyun wondered: “No, isn’t it that this world Divine Emperor has killed a lot of demons under the wrath? Isn’t this account counted in the demons?”

Monster Sovereign shook his head slightly: “The emperor ’s heart is unpredictable. In general, be more careful. Try not to contact Heaven Realm powerhouse.”

Qin Yichen nodded, even if you do n’t understand why After Divine Emperor kills the Devil, he still checks it, but there is always nothing wrong with being careful.

Besides, without Monster Sovereign speaking, Qin Yichen will not be idle to walk with Brother Lei Wanze who was killed by himself.

So, Qin Yichen was very quiet in the cabin. After a few days, Wandaojie came and the powerhouses of the five realms gathered.

In a distinguished cabin, Lei Wantao sits and sits in the weather: “Your Highness, I have asked, there are indeed several forces who came on their own initiative.”

Lei Wantao showed a bit of interest, but the weather shook his head slightly: “But it’s all in the Tao Realm. Those guys can’t survive in their own territory. They just want to go to the criminal domain to fight. As for the real reason, they board the ship. Yes, no … “

Lei Wantao frowned slightly:” Sure enough, this check is to find a needle in a haystack. “

” After all, this is just the suspicion of the Father and God Moreover, even if there is really a sense of grief, just after the turmoil, you may not dare to publicize it again. “

Lei Wantao shook his head to check if he had checked, and it was indeed painstaking, but it was too difficult and had no clue What can I do?

“Continue to stare, if there is any remaining evil on this ship, even if you can hide you, you can reach the crime domain. Once the relationship with the criminal is exposed, you do n’t need me. The remaining 99 powerhouses will Kill it … “

Lei Wantao closed his eyes and continued cultivation. The Shenchuan marched all the way, and after a few days, he was wrapped in Jin Lei, directly Tearing Space, a million li!

Qin Yichen did n’t know that Lei Wantao called the son of Monster Sovereign a moment ago to ask questions. Of course, the answer of the son of Monster Sovereign was honest and very simple. He came to the crime area actively? Are you not confused, Your Highness?

Even the son of Monster Sovereign, it may not be so willing to go to the ghost place where True Dragon is destroyed.

As for Qin Yichen? The son of Monster Sovereign doesn’t even remember. After all, among the thousands of Monster Race powerhouses in this trip, it is not only the former who were framed by Monster King.

However, Qin Yichen and the others were idle and panicking, and Bai Cang occasionally went out to search for news, but found that the parties on the god ship had almost no intention of drawing alliance with each other.

“It ’s weird? This is the competition of Baifang World. Jin Lei God World is almost at the bottom, are n’t you going to report to the group to warm?”

Monster Sovereign slowly shook his head: “Fiendgod It is not mutually exclusive. This World is the so-called Divine Race Ruler. Although the Demon Race is weaker, it is not necessary to bow down. ”

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